
The Phantom

The Phantom depicts the journey of a lonely boy from having nothing to finding out his true identity and owning the whole world. It is the story about Power, Revenge, Honor, Friendship, Betrayal, Romance, War and much more. It will take you to a Fantasy World never seen before.

Real_Lee_Sai · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 15 - Dead Weapons

6 months Later

Sound of Alarm echoed in the room. Sai barely located the alarm without coming out of his blanket and pressed a button to stop it. It was 4 am in the morning. Sai lazily got out of the bed and turned on the lights.

He yawned and went in the attached bathroom on right side of his bed. The utilities room had been redecorated as his bedroom. There was a kitchen, a Gym and a bathroom attached. A study table was placed beside his bed and a few books were scattered on it.

Sai has been living on the Moon for around 6 months now. It took him only a few months to understand and learn the basic etiquettes and ways of the society. Now, he was able to live and survive without help, in the real world. Baba really helped him learn everything.

Now that he had learnt the basics, he was planning to learn how to read and write. Once done with that, he could try and learn other crafts and skills; the skill that really attracted him was "Roohal Healing", mostly because, his mother died of an illness.

Sai came out of the bathroom, went in his walk-in-closet, and came back holding a shoulder bag. He had also changed into black trousers with a black t-shirt. It looked like he was planning on going somewhere. He then walked out the room and closed the door. He was cautious so as not to make any noise.

It was pitch dark in the communication Hall; Darkness had never been a real problem for Sai. He could feel Baba sleeping in his bed. Sai briskly walked to the Spirit Room, opened the door, and went in. He made sure to remain as soundless as possible.

He closed the door behind him and for a few moments he just stood there enjoying the magnificent view. He closed his eyes facing towards the sky, spread his arms and took a deep breath as if he were trying to breath in the whole view. There was a smile on his face. He then advanced towards the weapon and tools closets besides the door.

"Where was I? He murmured as he walked to the left.

"Oh." He hit his forehead like he remembered something important and stopped "I was finished checking all the weapons on this side." He turned back.

"Ugh..." Sai looked annoyed as he noticed the first tool on the other side of the wall "It is still here. I thought…" He exhaled "Let's leave it." He shook his head with rejection and walked to the next closet.

'…Now this looks fun.' He thought as he looked at a huge scythe in the compartment. He was looking at it with awe; it looked incredible. He reached in and grabbed the Scythe.

"Wake up..." Sai commanded in loud voice. He pondered for a moment about how he should address it. "…You Big Scythe!" He decided and yelled.

A few months back, he saw a weapon illuminate and disappear from its compartment.

"Wh- Where did it go?" He looked at Baba in amazement.

"It's Cooling Off period must have concluded." Baba casually informed.

"So… Where did it go?" He was still staring at the empty compartment.

"Not confirmed…" Baba started combing his beard "…Normally, they appear at the same place they disappeared from."

"What Next? Sai asked curiously.

"Learn to Damn… read." Baba was annoyed by his constant questioning "…Idiot!" He murmured.

Sai who was looking at him curiously, turned his head around in disappointment; he looked a bit heartbroken.

"Woah." He exclaimed, as he saw a new weapon appear in the compartment. He wanted to ask about it from Baba but restrained himself; he did not want to be insulted again.

"The last weapon or tool in the row, takes the emptied compartment." Baba who was feeling bad for being rude to Sai, explained.

Sai pretended like he did not hear Baba. He just stood silent staring at the new tool that just appeared; he was upset with him.

"Do you know…" He was looking at Sai from corners of his eyes. "…all the weapons that complete their Cooling Off period do not disappear like that." Sai who was listening attentively while pretending to be callous looked at him startled. Baba smiled at his simplicity.

"Some weapons…" Baba paused "…require to be summoned, some need to be awakened and some wait for the suitable time or Warrior to appear; in conclusion, to activate and wield all the blood-sealed or Celestial weapons, one must fulfil certain conditions."

"Read about the Celestial Weapons later." Baba smiled at Sai who was trying to keep himself from asking questions.

Sai started looking at the weapons again pretending not to care about what Baba was doing. Baba followed.

"Anyone can awaken a dead weapon." Baba casually mentioned.

"Even I…" Sai, who instinctively spoke with excitement, realized that he was upset with Baba and bit his tongue lightly. Now, he was angry at himself.

"Yes. Even you." Baba confirmed.

Sai looked at him curiously but did not say anything.

"Come on…" Baba laughed "You don't need to be that upset." Their eyes met; Baba was looking at him with amusement.

"I am not upset. Why would I be?" Sai turned his gaze away.

"Really? We are good then?"

Sai just nodded.

"Well…" Baba did not probe further "…A weapon, whose owner died is a dead weapon itself. For some weapons… you just need to call their names to wake them up from their death."

"H- How do I call them?" Sai hesitated.

"Wake Up! You big Needle..." Baba demonstrated; they were standing in front of a big needle "…You say like this and wait. If it illuminates like that vanished weapon that means it has been awakened."

"Cool…" Sai exclaimed "…Can I summon…"

"No." Baba interrupted.