
The Phantom

The Phantom depicts the journey of a lonely boy from having nothing to finding out his true identity and owning the whole world. It is the story about Power, Revenge, Honor, Friendship, Betrayal, Romance, War and much more. It will take you to a Fantasy World never seen before.

Real_Lee_Sai · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 12 - Communication Hall

They were trying hard to hide their amusement, but the situation was too funny and abrupt to make anyone burst into laughter. They still managed to control themselves and went on to look around the hall.

Baba stared at him angrily.

Sai was still lying there; his embarrassment faded away and confusion, surprise and disbelief took over.

"So…" He exhaled as his thoughts wandered round "… there really is no door."

He lifted his head up and had a close look at the door. The door was 'really' open as he could see green things outside that he hadn't seen before.

When he noticed they were busy, he got up and checked the door.

Baba noticed that Sai had got up; he turned around to see if he was not doing anything stupid again.

Sai cautiously touched the open space with his hands; he did not want to make a fool of himself again. It felt like a solid see-through wall.

"What the…" He was surprised.

"So that's what Baba meant…" He knocked on the open wall just to make sure "…No one can go out this place…" He stood there staring outside "…But how did they enter?" Sai was now trying to peek outside to see if there were any more people or things that he could see. Sai was wearing same shirt from first day.

From a strangers' perspective, it looked like he had more than a few screws loose.

"Thank you for coming." Baba's voice knocked him out of his wonderland.

"No problem. It's our job, after all…" The man said with professional courtesy "…We will finish the job within one week." He assured.

"Hey…" The other man who was a bit fat and short called Sai. They had already reached the door. Sai looked at him surprised "…This is how…" He looked at him and stepped out of the door. "…you go out the door." He said with a big mischievous smile on his face and winked at him.

His companion laughed out loud.

As soon as they left, Baba closed the door and the door disappeared.

"WHAT THE HELL were you doing?" Baba was trying to contain his anger and embarrassment.

"I-I…" Sai stuttered.

"I told you No One…" Baba was angry "…NO ONE…" He emphasized "…can come in or go out of here." Sai was avoiding eye contact.

They were still standing in front of now 'Closed Wall'.

"You just had to go out and make fool of yourself…" Baba turned around and walked towards the Communication hall "…Do you know how mortifying it was for me?" Baba pointed at himself.

"Mort…" Sai looked at him inquisitively.

"SHUT UP!" Baba burned to the crisp with his anger.

He was staring at him as if he would tear him a new one if he said one more word.

Sai was looking other way.

"Ugh…" Baba sighed loudly and helplessly as he looked into the sky; seems like he was complaining to "The One" for this misfortune.

He glanced at Sai and resumed his stride.

"Wait…" He remembered something "…Don't tell me that you don't believe in me?" Baba looked at him shocked.

"N- No." Sai was stumped at the question "…It's not like that…" he knew better to lie in the face of threat to his life "...It was worth a shot." He shrugged. He was trying to act cool and careless.

Baba was still staring at him in disbelief.

"Come." Baba sighed loudly and walked towards the door "Follow me."

Sai followed. He could feel Baba's anger subside.

He was almost back to his normal self; He could now feel presence of the people just like he could feel his mother and read their emotions like he could read his mother's. However, he was still unable to feel the things and read the terrain.

"Its partly my fault…" Baba rubbed his face and combed his long beard with his fingers "…Now that you are…" he rolled his eyes and exhaled "…HERE, I should show you around."

They grabbed the doorknob and opened the door.

"This hall, where you appeared, is the main Communications room for The Floating Moon. This is where I perform all my duties as a server." Baba explained as they entered the hall.

Sai looked around as if he were visiting this room for the first time; he was just trying to please angry Baba and it indeed was working as he could feel his anger dissipate.

"What do these dragons do?" Sai asked.

"You don't need to know. And don't ask questions while I am still explaining. I will wring your neck like a pile of laundry someday. I tell you." Baba lost it gain. He never liked being interrupted.

"S- Sorry." Sai gulped.

"Now, where was I?" Baba tried to remember. He had lost his train of thought.

Sai stood silent.