
The Phantom

The Phantom depicts the journey of a lonely boy from having nothing to finding out his true identity and owning the whole world. It is the story about Power, Revenge, Honor, Friendship, Betrayal, Romance, War and much more. It will take you to a Fantasy World never seen before.

Real_Lee_Sai · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 11 - Door

"Okay. So, you had appeared here..." Baba pointed at a spot in front of gate of opportunity, s soon as they entered the room "…It seemed like you came from the direction of the Door of Opportunity. Maybe the spatial gate still exists here, and you can pass through the gate again." Baba and Sai stood in the center of the hall.

"Hmm." Sai pondered "…if I run from here at full speed and try to jump through space…" Sai walked till the other end of the room "…I might be able to pass through that door and get out of here." Sai suggested.

"Sometimes it feels like you are not that stupid." Baba chirped.

Sai chuckled. He looked proud of himself.

"Okay. On count of three?" Baba looked at him inquisitively.

Sai nodded his head in agreement and got ready to run. They both looked serious and determined. Baba was praying, for it to work, in his heart.

"One." Baba said loudly. Sai used to play this game with his mother when he was very young, and his mother was not that sick. He felt a bit nostalgic.

"Two." Baba's heart raced. Sai was gazing at his target.

"Three." Baba said loudly. His eyes on Sai.

Sai ran at full speed and in no time, he reached in the center of hall. He passed by Baba, crossed the spot of appearance, and banged into the Door of Opportunity at full speed and with all his might.

"Ugh" A cry escaped his throat as he fell on his back.

"Ohhhhh." Baba who was holding his breath exhaled loudly with disappointment.

Baba quickly ran to check on Sai's condition. He was miraculously fine. His nose had turned red from the impact, but he was not bleeding at all. Sai lied on the floor for a few seconds and then got up.

He looked very disappointed. He wanted to get the sun as soon as possible.

Baba was surprised at Sai not being hurt at all. But he did not say anything. He was not in the mood for his stupid oral retaliation.

"Don't be sad…" Baba could not see him down "…This is not the end of the world…" He patted his back "…We will try again tomorrow, day after tomorrow and day after that. We will keep on trying until we find a way to get you out." Baba encouraged him.

Sai nodded with a gentle smile. He seemed very depressed.

Baba did not say anything further.

After some awkward moments of silence Baba asked him to rest until he finds another way to get him out.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Few Days Later

Tring. Tring. Tring.

The doorbell rang. Baba quickly entered the Utilities room. Sai has been living in this room. He looked puzzled by the sound.

"What- What is happening?" He got up in surprise when he saw Baba come in hurriedly. He looked much healthier; he had been eating and sleeping for the past few days.

Baba went on the other end of the hall.; Sai followed.

"Open." Baba put his hand on the wall and commanded. A door appeared. Sai was amazed at the door appearing out of nowhere.

Baba opened the door. Two men stood there.

"Hello sir! Mr. Heavenly?" Man inquired.

"That would be me." Baba answered politely. Sai had come closer and was looking at them now. These were the first human beings that he saw after his mother.; Baba was not a human but an angel.

"Door...?" He wondered "…Baba said that there were no doors." He never entirely believed Baba.

"Sir, we are from Imperial interiors…" The man in front said with professional spirit "…We received an order to redecorate your Utilities room." Man explained.

"Oh…" Baba impersonated a forgetful old man "…Hello. Please come in." Baba shook their hands.

Sai was flabbergasted when he saw them step in.

"This old man was lying to me after all..." He thought to himself "…This cheap lying old man…" Anger followed surprise.

"You can call me Brag…" The man introduced himself as they walked into the room and then pointed at his companion "…and he is Samuel."

"This is the chance…" An idea struck him like a bolt of lightning "…Old man is busy. Before he could know better and do anything to stop me from leaving, I'd already be out of here…" He patted his imaginary shoulder for such a great idea and looked at Baba, who was busy with his guests "…I should leave before the door closes." Sai thought to himself and ran towards the door.

He banged into the open door, at full pace, with all his might, and fell back on his ass. A loud noise of him banding into wall echoed in the room.

"Ugh…" He cried in surprise as he fell. He had been banging into the door of opportunity for past few days, but he still could not get used to it.

All three of them turned around. They all looked surprised. It took only a glance for them to realize what had happened.

Sai just lied there. He was too embarrassed to get up.

"Hahaha…" Baba laughed out loud "…He is just having fun…" Baba tried to cover his stupidity "…Don't bother. Please proceed." Baba said to the man who was going to check on Sai.

"Hey! Are you alright?" That man still called Sai to confirm.

"Yes. I am good." Sai replied without getting up. His face was all red from the embarrassment.

Both smiled in amusement.