
The Phantom

The Phantom depicts the journey of a lonely boy from having nothing to finding out his true identity and owning the whole world. It is the story about Power, Revenge, Honor, Friendship, Betrayal, Romance, War and much more. It will take you to a Fantasy World never seen before.

Real_Lee_Sai · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 10 - Baba (Part 3)

Baba pondered for a while and then broke the silence.

"Okay. But before I answer your question let me be very clear of one rule. There is only one rule: DO NOT interrupt me. Ask your questions later." Baba warned.

Sai nodded.

"Good. To learn about me, first, you must learn about this place." Baba paused.

"Yeah? What is this place?" Sai looked around.

Baba stared at him like he would shoot lasers out of his eyes and burn him in an instant. Sai started looking in his lap nervously.

"This place, where we are right now…" Baba sighed "is interior of a celestial body called "Floating Moon" or simply "Moon". This is the only moon in this universe. One of the purposes of this moon is to open the Door of Opportunity for selected people across the universe." Baba paused a little and looked at Sai to check if he got this much or not.

Sai sat expressionlessly; Baba exhaled with disappointment and continued.

"This is the only celestial body that moves. It floats around the universe. Sighting of this moon is considered as the sign of good luck, prosperity, wealth, fame, power, authority, happiness and…." Baba paused "…basically everything you could wish for in this universe." Sai changed his position in his chair; He obviously had questions.

"I was created even before the creation of mankind and all the other species and races, alongside this universe and other guardian angels by "The One". I have witnessed all the things that happened in the past and that led the Universe to where it is." Baba gloated "I know all the mighty and powerful that once existed and all the commons that lived and died." Baba glanced at Sai for some applause, but he just sat unphased. Baba got a little irritated.

"I am guardian angel of Floating Moon, more precisely a Server. I also act as a guide for new warriors through the Door of the Opportunity. No one can pass through Door of Opportunity without me." Baba's chest broadened with self-pride.

Sai was just staring at him nonchalantly.

"Any questions?" Baba asked cynically.

"A lot." Sai sat up.

"Go ahead." Baba said casually.

"If you know everything about this world then…" Sai gulped down "…you must know where Sun is?" Sai looked at him with eyes full of hope "Right?" He tried to confirm.

"Yet another simple yet unlikely question?" Baba wondered at his question; he was rather shocked and puzzled. A question that even a 1 year old could answer.

"Sun? you do not know about sun?" Baba looked at him with disbelief. Sai shook his head in a no.

"The place where you lived…" Baba looked into his eyes to discern lies, deceit and pretense "…had no sun?" Baba inquired.

"No." Sai shook his head. He got a little sad. He was scratching loose skin off his thumb; tactic to hide his true vulnerable emotional state.

"Tell me if you know..." Sai looked up "…I am going to take it to my mother. It was her last wish." In an instant, he switched from being a cheerful Sai to Pitiful Sai.

Baba knew every nook cranny of this world but after listening to his story, even he could not pinpoint the location of the place where he lived. A place with no sun did not exist in this world.

"I know where sun is, but it is not something to tell. It is something you should see for yourself." Baba gave an ambiguous answer. It seemed important to Sai and he did not just want to break his heart.

"Okay. Where…?" Excited Sai was back, in an instant, just like it went away "…No. How can I see it?" Sai had a big smile on his face.

"Is he a chameleon or what?" Baba was confused about how should he deal with this unwanted guest.

"For that you need to go out." Baba exhaled.

"Whatever…" He jerked his confusing thoughts away "Let's see how this turns out eventually. It��s not like he could hurt me…" He stared at Sai as he thought "No. In fact, he does not have it in him to hurt anybody. My precious little Chicken." Baba smiled while staring at Sai.

Sai was creeped out.

"What?" Sai sat up and adjusted his appearance.

"What?" Baba came out of his Wonderland.

"Oh. Sorry!" He apologized at his uncivil behavior "I just lost track. Sorry. Please continue." He gave him a gesture signifying that he was now attentive.

"Okay!" Sai ignored his strange behavior. He had more important issue at hand "…I was saying that…" Sai stood up "…then let's go, watch this sun." He was excited. His eyes burned with commitment and determination.

"Did you not hear me earlier…" Baba said loudly "…No one can come in or go out from here. NO ONE." Baba screamed. He got angry.

"Have you ever tried?" Sai stood unphased.

"He is angry all the time. Who cares?" He just decided to ignore his anger.

Baba looked blankly at him and then his facial expressions changed from 'I will kill you' annoyed to 'you are incredible' happy.

"No. I have not. Follow me." He sprung up and briskly moved towards the door to Communication hall. Sai followed.