
Chapter 9

POV: Burandon; Oryon clan

Light filled my view as we passed by. Screams of terror rung out all of a sudden. The light disappeared as quickly as it had come, leaving destruction in its wake.

Namujun stopped the car and we all ran out to see what happened. We enter the restaurant, and it's totally wrecked.

Tables are flipped, glass and bodies decorate the floor. A child is crying, screaming for their mother. It's as if a tornado just suddenly appeared in the middle of the restaurant.

I run to a woman who's bleeding from her head. "Are you okay!?" I ask frantically. She nods and touches her injury, she winces. I rip a piece of fabric from a table cloth and tell her to apply it to the injury and add pressure.

We go about helping people and those in need, Jimin does the most work though. He uses his Jubokko abilities and heals the ones who are hurt. We help clean up and by the 3rd hour, the restaurant is as normal as it can be. That's when the questions come rolling in like the sea at high tide.

"What did you see!?" A TV reporter asks Jimin.

"We were driving to the shopping center when all of a sudden, a HUGE light starts filtering through the restaurant on the next street over. We started hearing screaming and crying so we got out the car and we entered the restaurant. That's when we started cleaning up and helping the injured." Jimin says to the reporter.

It was about 2 P.M. when the police start showing up. They haven't been able to identify what 'caused it though. Jimin and others claimed to have seen people in black cloaks and a fox mask entering the restaurant and then a surge of light appearing out of nowhere.

After a few more questions, we're cleared to back home. We arrive and we all but collapse onto the sofa and start watching movies and cartoons. No one speaks about what happened earlier, not a word.

"Are we just not gonna speak about what happened today or..." I say, finally breaking the tension.

"What I want to know is what the actual hell that was and what caused it." Jimin asks. Now look, Jimin never cusses, not even saying things like stupid or hell, but when he does, you know he's mad about something.

"I saw them walk in, and the whole entire restaurant go KABOOM with light, I mean, what the fuck!" Namujun and I wince, we're not used to hearing Jimin sound like this.

Namujun turns off the TV and places the remote in its designated location, the tiny wicker basket on the coffee table.

"Jimin, you should get some rest, okay. You've had a long day, especially with using your abilities that much. Go upstairs and take a nap, okay?" Namujun gives Jimin this if-you-don't-do-what-I-say-imma-whoop-u look. Jimin begrudgingly goes upstairs and into his room.

The moment we hear Jimin close his door, Namujun turns to me.

"I know who the people in cloaks are."
