
Chapter 10

POV: Shakira; Yuki Onna clan

The world is made of ice. Fragile and beautiful, dangerous and sharp. It can look appealing from far away, but when you get closer and closer, you see it for its true evil.

I stand in the middle of a frozen pond, the ice slowly cracking. The wind picks up and snowflakes dance across the cloudless sky. I try to move, but I can't. It's as if my feet are glued to the ground.

The cracks are spreading, getting closer to where I stand. I begin panicking, trying to move, but yet again, I fail. Then, I notice a pale woman standing on the other side of the pond, watching as I frantically try to get away.

"Please, HELP ME!" I scream. She just stares at me, a smile coming across her translucent face.

Pieces of the ice begin breaking away. I scream in frustration. It's only a matter of time when I fall through the ice. I plunge into the freezing cold water, I start swimming upwards, towards the opening, but the moment I get there, I see the woman, freezing the opening and trapping me.

I swim towards another opening, but she closes it, we continue this for another moment, and I find another opening. I swim faster than I ever have, the water rushing against my body. I get to the opening. The woman isn't there, I swim through the hole and I reach the surface.

Something takes grasp of my ankle. I try to free myself from their grasp, but it's too strong. I look down, and there's the woman, but now I can see her more clearly.

That woman.....is me.

I wake up with a jolt. I'm cuffed into a chair, in a dimly lit room. I notice some movement in the left corner. I begin trying to break free, but the straps hold.

"There's no use in trying to escape, it's impossible." A figure in the corner walks out of the shadows and reveals themselves.

She's beautiful. Long, voluminous, golden hair, aquamarine blue eyes, smooth face. She has red markings in her face, and fox ears, but what really amazes me is that she has nine tails protruding from her lower back.

Each tail is gold and has a cherry red tip. They're long and large. Delicate and light.

She laughs. Even her laugh is beautiful. "Why must everyone stare when I reveal my identity?" She asks herself. She strides towards me and begins to untie me.

"What are you doing?" I ask as she unties the cuffs on my legs.

"Releasing you, cuffing you was just a precaution, in case anyone tries anything." She responds as the cuffs fall free.

The moment I'm free I jump up and throw a blast of ice at her head. Inches away from her face, a shield of light appears in front of her. The ice hits the shield and shatters.

Ice forma on my hand and I prepare to throw it when a force field forms around me.

"Who the hell are you!?" I scream. She laughs and her ears twitch a little.

"I am Sara, the strongest Kitsune of Asia. I am a Tengoku and Kukan, that's what makes me stronger than the other four." Sara says.

"What's a Tengoku and a Kukan?" I ask.

"A Tengoku is Kitsune with celestial abilities and a Kuka is a Kitsune with void abilities. My dad was a celestial Kitsune and my mom a void one." Sara walks around the room, disappearing, literally, into the shadows and reappearing randomly.

"What do you want from me." I look around my light prison, looking for Sara.

"We have been observing you since you were born, watching you grow into your abilities. Are you aware of all the murders going on?" I can only hear her, she's still hiding in the shadows.

"Um...yeah, it's been all over the news. It's been reported that men and woman are being killed or raped, both in some cases. There was this poor man who looked like he had been mauled by a bear, his head missing." I shudder at the memory of watching that come on the news.

"All these crimes were committed by Jungkook and his gang, the Spirit of Amatsumikaboshi, the Japanese god of chaos. Jungkook is the type to believe that with chaos comes order. He's been murdering those he deems poisonous to the earth." She says, walking out of the shadows and sitting down in the chair I was cuffed to.

"What does this have to do with me?" I ask, confusion and concern entering my voice.

"We have decided that you are the only one who can defeat him." I start laughing. I'm laughing so hard tears start streaming down my face.

"I'm sorry, it's just, you're the strongest Kitsune of Asia and you're asking *me* of all people to defeat Jungkook. Why can't you fight him?" I ask, wiping the tears off my face.

"I've tried, but his Okami abilities are too strong for my Celestial and Void powers. I don't know I can't kill him. We've gathered that only you can defeat him. Your Yuki Onna abilities are stronger than any Yuki Onna I've met and/or fought. We believe you're the one to save Japan." The prison falls away, and yet, I still feel trapped.

"What if I can't defeat him." I ask.

"Then I'm afraid that our time on this earth will be cut short."
