
Chapter 8

POV: Min Yongi; Gashadokuro clan

I walk up to Jungkook's office door and knock. I hear the shuffling of feet and giggling before he opens the door.

His hair is wild and his shirt is wrinkled. His jeans are unbuttoned and he wears a dirty grin.

"Sir." I say as I nod, hiding a smile. "May I come in? I ask.

"Gimme a second, will ya?" He closes the door and I can hear him rummaging around and -what I assume- putting everything back in place.

A moment passes and a woman opens the door and exits his office. *Why does he spend all his time consorting with his followers* I think.

"Please, come in." Jungkook gestures towards the office and I walk in. It's not a small office, idly big if I'm being honest. I sit in the chair in front of his desk and wait for him to sit as well.

"Sir, I have come here-"

"Pick your poison." Jungkook interrupts me as he pours scotch into a glass. Behind him is a bar, filled with his favorite types of alcohol.

"Um...no thank you. I have come here to inform you that we have intel on an attack on our base. The Phantom Foxes have returned, sir."

"WHAT!" He screams. "I GOT RID OF THOSE DOGS! THEY'RE DONE! GONE! HOW!?" His face has become red and it's as though you can see steam rolling off his person.

"I don't know, sir. But, they have returned and are planning an attack on you. From the help of Hosoku, he has found out that they plan on dethroning you." I say as I wait for him to go off again.

Jungkook grunts in anger and sits down. "What else you got?" He asks.

"As we speak, they are capturing a Yuki Onna named Shakira. They believe she is strong enough to kill you. She is the leader of the Frozen Army." Jungkook seems pleased with this information. He downs his scotch and looks at me.

"Find out more, give me more! Some little girl won't get in the way of my reign over Japan! GO!!! Gather more information and report back in the next 24 hours!" I practically jump from my seat and run out the door.

I let out a sigh of exhaustion and begin finding my way to Jin's room.
