
Chapter 3

POV: Jungkook; Okami clan

10:15 P.M.

"Please don't do this!" He said. Fear took over his body as I drew closer. Tehyon snickered behind me as he transformed from a beautiful man, to a gigantic spider.

The man screamed as he saw what was accumulating behind me. I transformed and I was in spirit form.

"Can I please kill him, sir?" Tehyon asks. I consider this for a moment, I feel lenient today, so why not?

"Yes, go ahead and rip his head off!!" I screamed. Tehyon's pincers clicked as he crawled towards the man.

He was backed up against the wall as he saw his demise draw closer and closer. Teh pounced on the man and put his pincers on the man's head.

Teh slowly pulled upward. The man's flesh ripped open and blood gushed out.

Teh was insanely strong and within seconds, he not only ripped his head off, but the man's spine followed afterwards.

He moaned in pleasure as he devoured his flesh. (It was pathetic really, to play with your food)

I thought.

When he finished, he looked up at me, blood dripping from his mouth. He smiled up at me, a piece of muscle was stuck in between his teeth.

"Did I do well, sir?" He asks. The fact that he has to ask is infuriating.

"Yes, you did well." I said. Something clanged on the floor and I looked back. We were in an alley, dumpsters cluttered the the small space.

I sniffed the air, the smell of cheap cologne.

"Someone's here. We gotta move, now!" Teh nodded and jumped and his legs took him to the top of the building.

As of I, I don't have powerful legs so I turn back into a human and walk out the alley, and I disappear into the night.