
Chapter 4

POV: Shakira;Yuki Onna clan

"A mass of citizens have been proclaimed either missing or dead in the past 3 days." The TV's on in the living room as I cook breakfast.

The volume suddenly turned up, "TURN THAT DOWN, MERISSA!" I scream. God, that woman is deaf.

"WHAT?!?!?" She screams back. I scoff and walk to the living room. Merissa is sat down on the couch, looking intently at the screen.

Her hair is pulled back into a pony tail. She's wearing black jeans, a white shirt from Hot Topic, and red vans. Her scales are blue and purple.

I grab the remote and turn the volume down. It was at 100!

"HEY! I might not look old, but my hearing is horrible." She complains. Merissa is a Ningyo, a fish spirit, koi fish spirit to be specific. She's lived for like 300 years, but you can't tell, it's creepy.

"Why do you even watch the news, you can see the freaking future, there's no need." I sit down on the couch beside her and begin flipping through the channels.

"It makes me feel normal, ya know? I mean people already stare at me with these scales, watching the news makes me feel like i fit in." It seems as though she's about to tear up, but then wipes them away before I can notice.

"Good point, but why the news? There's so many shows and movies to watch." I point out.

"'Cause the news reporter is HOT!" She screams and I burst out laughing. All of a sudden, the fire alarm goes off.

I jump from the couch and bolt to the kitchen. Smoke and fire billows from the pan I left on the stove. Before any damage can be afflicted, I thrust my hands out and freeze the pan. The fire goes out.

"What happened!?" Merissa says as she enters the kitchen. She keeps her hand over her nose to keep from smelling the burnt eggs.

"Those," I point to the frozen pan, "Are the eggs I made for breakfast." I say disappointedly.

"Let's go out for breakfast than, I'm craving pancakes right now." Merissa says as she stares off into space, probably thinking about pancakes.

"Why don't I make pancakes?" I suggest.

"NO!!! Last time you made pancakes, they were as hard as a *rock*." She says as she grabs her keys from the dining table.

She smiles up at me and I scoff. "Whatever." I mutter. I quickly run to my room and put on my shoes and mask. I put it over my face, and leave.

We walk out the apartment and I lock the door.