
Chapter 2

POV: Burandon; Onryō clan

Chaos followed me. Lighting struck, rain pelted the streets, the wind picked up, forming a tornado in my wake.

The sea behind me was going wild. Waves as tall as 100 floor buildings were crashing into the city, drowning those who couldn't escape in time. My blood sang as my rage left my body through the rain, the wind, the electricity.

"Why must humanity be this way!? If you weren't so self conceited and evil, maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't be doing this!" I screamed as my lightning struck the civilians around me.

I looked at my feet, floating above the water as humans tried to stay above the water, swimming towards their loved ones as the water took hold of them. I laughed at them as they tried to save themselves. Building crumbled and fell to the earth. I lifted my hands up to the air, guiding the water, and thrust the water upward. The water rose into the air at my command, I let my breathing slow, inhale….exhale, and I let the water fall and engulf the city in my wrath.

* * *

I woke up wet. The sheets were plastered to my body as if they were a second skin. Sunlight filtered through the window and which revealed how dirty my room was. Dust covered each and every surface of my room.

"WAKE UP!!!" Jimin comes into my room as he bangs a pot and pan together. "IT'S TIME FOR BREAKFAST!" He yells. I cover my head with my blanket and ignore him, even though it's impossible to ignore Jimin.

"Leave me alone! I wanna sleep!" I grab a pillow and throw it at him. I find out I missed by a longshot when I hear glass shattering onto the floor. "Shit!" I mutter under my breath. I groan in annoyance and get up.

Jimin's in the doorway, a smile coming across his as face as I notice what I broke. I broke the lamp. "UGH!!!". I walk over to the broken lamp and pick up the pieces. It feels as though my head's a bowling ball and my body can't support the wait.

"How art thou this morning?" Jimin asks as I shove all the glass into the trash can.

"Why are you screaming?" I stand up way too fast and I fall to the ground. Jimin gasps and runs to my side. He lifts me off the ground and leads me to the bed.

"Have you've been drinking again? C'mon Burandon, you promised me you wouldn't!" Jimin's face is filled with concern.

"It was just one drink. Then one turned to two, then three, then I found myself twerking on the pool table as I sung "Hit Me Baby" by Britney Spears." I began laughing as I recalled the memory.

Jimin sighs in disappointment. "Go, take a shower and I'll make you some coffee." He says. I follows his orders and enter the bathroom. I flinch when I turn on the lights, God, why are the lights so bright! I think. I take off my clothes and drop them in the hamper, Namujun insists we must be organized, bleh!

I pull the curtain open and begin to step inside when I slip and fall onto the floor. It hurts like hell, but instead of crying, I laugh like a mad man. Images of my past life flash before my eyes, the fires, the storms, the burning hot rage in the pit of my stomach.

I attempt getting in the shower, and once I'm in the clear, I turn the water on. Hot water hits my face as I scrub my hair. Steam bellows from the water and begins to fog up the restroom.

When I finish, I reach for my towel and wrap it around my waist. When I open the door, I find Namujun staring at me with a glare.

"You...went...DRINKING!" He screamed. Namujun's face has become tomato red and worry lines have appeared on his forehead.

"Okay, look. I understand that it's not safe for me, but, you know it helps me cope." I'm trying to keep my cool, 'cause if I don't, Namujun and I know he'll end up hurt, or worse, dead.

"I know that, but it's not healthy to use alcohol as a coping mechanism. You've been through a lot, more than people can handle, but you can't just drink your problems away." He says with concern.

"Look, I'm dripping water onto the floor, I'm half naked, and I'm hungover. Let's talk about this another time, shall we?" I grab him by the shoulders, turn him around, and force him out the door.

"Today's gonna be a long day." I sigh.
