
Chapter 1

POV: Shakīra; Yuki Onna clan

The moon shined bright in the sky, it was the only visible thing since the lights of Japan invaded. I was walking down the streets of Shanghai with my mask on. No one but my followers knew my true identity, and if anyone found out, I'd have them frozen and shattered like a glass doll being dropped by a clumsy child. The streets were busy as bypassers hurried to the comfort of their homes, to dine and sleep. It smelled like meat and rice, probably because I was in the part of town where small cooking businesses liked to gather.

I assumed that it was a chilly night, since everyone was wearing a hat and coat. I could never feel the cold though, never feel the heat either. Yuki Onna couldn't be affected by the temperature in general. I continued down the street as the night wore on. Just a couple more blocks and your home. I thought. Bright lights filled my eyes as I passed by many convenience stores.

A tempting sign on a store read "陳のコンビニエンスストア.グミベアとソーダ70%オフ" or, Chen's Convenience Store. Gummy Bears and soda 70% off. I hadn't eaten since the meeting this morning and I'm starving! I walk into the store and the clerk greets me with a half-smile and a Yōkoso(Welcome).

I walk around, looking at chips and off brand cereals. I find myself at the end of the store, near the soda. I open the freezer door and find a Mitsuya Cider. I walk over to the shelves and grab some gummy bears.

I set the items down on the counter and the clerk picks them up and he scans them.

"That will be 3.75 dollars for the soda and the gummy bears." He says in a deep monotone voice. He has a scar on his face, it extends from his right ear to his mouth. He hadn't seemed to notice that I was staring as he waited for me to give him the money.

I dig into my pocket for my wallet and pull out 5 dollars. I hand them over and he takes it, opens the register, and gives me my change and items in a bag. I walk out the store and continue on my way home.

I arrive to my apartment at around 10:15 P.M. I insert the key into the lock and unlock the door. I walk into the the cluttered apartment and let out a sigh. I walk over to the bathroom and take off my mask. The moment the masks leaves my face, I see the girl I used to be, not the one I am now.

One eye is an emerald green, as opposed to the other which is half sapphire blue and half golden brown. Heterochromia, as the humans would call it, is the condition where one eye is a totally different color than the other.

My eyes are what set me apart from the world, my eyes signify that I am different, that I am dangerous, that I'm a killer.
