
Chapter 23

POV: Burandon; Onryō

Glass crunches under Sara's feet as she walks on the ground. I float above her, my new found powers have given me certain pros and cons. Flying is one of the pros.

We've been searching the city for about 10 minutes, only covering a couple of blocks. Shakira is smart, she knows we'll be searching for her...so she's hidden. My hands twitch at my side, they haven't been still these past few hours.

These hands have been the death to many, the cause of blood splatter, and I love it. My head is finally clear, as apposed to the years I've lived in guilt. I feel free, I feel happy...complete, for the first time.

"Why is this taking so long!" Sara screams. I've gathered that she's really not a patient woman.

"We shall find her, she is smart, but not smart enough to hide from me forever." I say, calming her down.

I reach out to the city, listening, searching. I can sense her heart beating, I can feel the blood flowing through her veins. She's in the city park, hiding in the trees.

"I've found her, follow me." I burst through the air like a bullet, weaving through the few buildings left standing. I see a blur pass me on the ground, I focus my eyes and find Sara in her fox form dashing on the ground, dodging debris.

We reach the park, and I listen for her heartbeat, she's in the largest tree, at the far left of the park. I laugh at her ignorance. She really believed she could hide from me!

"We know where you are, Shakira!" I say was we near the tree, everything is quiet except for the birds chirping in the sky, other than that, it's completely quite.

The wind blows and the trees rustle, leaves floating to the ground. We reach the base of the tree, and one of my tentacles reaches into the tree, and grasps Shakira into their steel grip.

She gasps as it squeezes her. Shakira tries to free herself but fails, as predicted. She then tries to freeze the limb but the natural heat emitting from them melt the ice almost instantly. Sara shifts back into human form, rising from the ground.

Without saying a word, I command the tentacle to whip around the trees, letting the branches scratch at her flesh, making her bleed, but then it abruptly stops, she has frozen her hands to a thick branch, preventing me from moving anymore.

I tug harder, but her ice holds. The branch groans in protest and it breaks, Shakira takes in a sharp intake of breath as the ice breaks and she's tugged backward.

"Come on, Burandon, if we're gonna kill her, at least give her a chance to fight back." Sara says from beside me. I scoff and fling the tentacle backward, releasing her in the process.

We here a giant crash and we walk towards the crash sight, rubble slips off her body as she gets up.

"You want a fight, I'll give a fight!" She screams. And then a dome of thick ice appears over the park, caging us in, she's created a battlefield, fun.

"This'll be fun." I say to Sara, and she smirks at me, and a ball of light appears in her hand. She chucks at Shakira and the world explodes with light.