
Chapter 24

POV: Shakira; Yuki Onna

The sun gleams off the dome of ice, marking the battlefield I have created. Sara grins a wicked smile at Burandon.

"This'll be fun." He says. Sara nods in agreement, a strange ball forms in the palm of her hand, she turns towards me and throws it at me. I jump out of the way as the sphere of energy comes intact with the ground. It explodes and a boom tears across the air, hurting my ears. The bright light disorientates me for a moment, and that's when they strike.

All the light inside of the dome just disappears, by the snap of Sara's fingers, any type of light has been removed. It's so dark I can't even see my own hands.

I hear a laugh behind me and then I'm thrown across the air. I scream in pain as I hit the ground, hard.

"Now that's not fair, Sara, she can't see anything!" I hear Burandon say. I can sense his demon-like smile. I hear a scoff a few feet away and the light returns.

Burandon is floating in the air and Sara is a couple yards away. I pick myself up from the ground and hurl sharp icicles at Sara. A shield of darkness engulfs her and the icicles shatter against it. I scream in frustration.

Ice begins to freeze over my skin as my rage becomes greater. Red liquid, blood, rushes towards me and I freeze them, sending them back to Burandon. He flies out of harms way and sends his tentacles for me.

I begin running, then it turns to me sliding on ice as a pathway of frost appears in front of me as I make my escape. I don't think can defeat them, they're too strong. I can't do it! The tentacle reaches me and grabs me, holding tight, it squeezes and stars burst in my vision.

More blood shoots towards me and takes hold of my arms and legs, chaining me to the ground . The tentacles let go of me and the chains hold me in mid air. Two chains of blood are attached to my wrist that are latched onto the ice from the dome and the two more chains on my legs attached to the ground.

"You know what makes me laugh?-how determined you are to live, when deep down you know that you won't survive." Burandon says.

"GO TO DAMN HELL!" I scream. Frost begins spreading throughout the chains, I can hear the crinkle of the ice growing onto the blood chains. I tug, hard, and the chains on my wrist break. Gravity pulls me down and i fall towards the snow-covered grass.

I hit the ground and pain shoots up my legs, spreading into my muscles and down to the bone. I ignore it and start running for the trees.

I hear Burandon laughing behind me as I run into the forest. I hear a bark coming from my west. Damn it! I forgot about Sara.

A blur appears in my peripheral vision. All I see are tails and fur, then I find Sara in front of me, in her Fox form.

She phases back to a human. Sara picks her self up and stands in front of me, before I can make a break for it, the same light prison she trapped me in a coupe days prior encases me.

"Not so fast. I'm not done with you!" Her face becomes red with rage. I don't understand. Why is she doing this to me? What have I done to deserve this?

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR ME!" I call out. I bang my fist on the shield of light, determined to try to break free even though deep down I know I can't.

"I want you to pay for what your father did! THAT'S ALL I WANT! I want revenge! I WANT YOU TO PAY FOR YOUR FATHER'S SINS!" Sara screams.

What the hell is she talking about? What did my father do? Sara must be lying, trying to get under my skin. She's clouded over with anger.

"You're lying. My father was a good man, he never did anything that wasn't necessary." I say.

"You delusional bitch. Your father wasn't a good man! He was a horrible person! He killed for fun! He tortured to relinquish his urge for bloodshed. Your father murdered my parents! Tortured them in their own home! Cut their fingers off one by one, then proceeding to cut their hands off! My parents died slowly and painfully, all because of your father!"

"YOU LIE! YOU LIE! YOU LIE!!" I scream in frustration.

"Since your father unfortunately can't bear the death he laid out for my parents, you shall suffer his punishment!" She walks towards my prison, a smile spreading across her face. The walls of light expand, giving me more space.

Sara enters and stand in front of me. She snaps her fingers and a chair appears. Sara pushes me into the chair and straps me in.

A knife gleams in her hand, she must've had in her pocket. I strain against the straps. "Please, don't do this." I plead.

Sara just laughs in my face. She bends down, placing the knife on my ring finger. She pushes it down and the skin tears, blood breaks through. I scream as the knife hits bone. Excruciating, red hot, pain spreads throughout my body. "PLEASE STOP!!!!!" Sara ignores me.

The knife finally saws through the bone and my finger hits the ground. Sara looks up at me and licks the blood off the knife. She moans in delight and continues on to the next finger.


All my fingers are gone, absolutely all of them. Yet, I can't feel the pain, my body is protecting me. The snow has been painted red with my blood, my fingers decorate the floor. Tears streak down my face.

"And now it's time for the finale.....your death!" Sara laughs and claps her hands together. "Now, I obviously can't use this knife, your neck is too thick." All of a sudden a machete appears in her hand.

"Please, no! I'm sorry for what my father did, but I'm innocent! PLEASE! SPARE ME!!!!"

Sara lines the machete with my neck, pulls back and swings the machete. The pain is excruciating, but quick. The last thing I see is the smile on Sara's angel-like face...then everything goes black and my soul leaves my body.

A/N: Sorry for not posting, it's been a rough couple of weeks.