
Chapter 22

POV: Sara; Kitsune clan

Roars of victory erupt when we win the attack on a group of followers from the Spirit Wolves. I'm celebrating with them by high-fiving and hugging my followers when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Madam, it seems that Jungkook is dead, and Shakira is still alive." Nomi, my servant, is the only one who knows my true plan, my true path.

"DAMN! I believe I have overestimated her power. Now I have to deal with her and Burandon." I scoff. I really believed Jungkook was strong enough to kill that psycho bitch.

"Thank you, Nomi. Your information has been greatly appreciated." I smile at him and he leaves to find more groups to kill.

I can find Burandon and convince him to help me kill her, he's powerful, more powerful than me. But what about his rage. He's gone on a rampage, maybe I can calm him down enough to rationalize with him.

Screams echo throughout the city. Here's my chance. I must follow the screams, wherever he goes, destruction follows. I ran down the street, towards the screams.

I see him, hanging mortals from a noose made of blood. There faces turn purple and blue, they choke as they try to untie the knot, but it's impossible. Burandon laughs at their death.

"BURANDON!" I scream, walk from behind the building. "I HAVE A REQUEST!" I say.

He turns around, his face covered in blood, his eyes completely white. He looks terrifying, absolutely sinister. No soul lives in that body, just darkness and pain.

He smiles at me, his teeth stained red. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!" He screams. Burandon's feet begin to lift off from the ground beneath him.

I gulp, intimidated by his darkness. "Jungkook is dead, killed by the Yuki Onna, Shakira. You see, I wanted her dead, I thought Jungkook was strong enough to kill her, yet that fool has disappointed me yet again. She is strong, I fear she may be able to overpower me if i battle her on my own, so I've come to you, for help." I say, trying to project my voice so it doesn't seem as of I'm scared.

"AND WHY SHOULD I HELP YOU! A MERE KITSUNE!" He answers. He looks somehow looks beautiful. Chaos reigns behind him, yet he is chaos.

"Because I will help you rule the earth, hive you information, advice, anything you want! But I just want Shakira dead. Her father killed my parents in cold blood! HIS SINS WERE NOT FULLY PAID WHEN HE WAS MURDERED, SO SHE MUST DIE!"

I remember waking up that night, running to my parents room after a horrible nightmare, and opening the door to see my parents dead. Knives made of ice embedded in there heads.


I snicker as his feet touch the ground, and we begin stalking through the city, looking for our prey.