
Chapter 21

POV: Shakira; Yuki Onna clan

We burst through the double doors of the warehouse. It's utter chaos. Blood runs down the streets and everything it touches turns crimson. Fire engulfs most of the city, lighting it up in a flame of glory. But the worst thing is that there are bodies everywhere. On top of cars, in the middle of the streets, some of them are even impaled by metal rods. The smell is horrible, flies landing and consuming what is left of the carnage.

Sara commands us to disperse and so we do, looking for survivors or threats of any kind. I walk around, searching. I spot a man impaled on the cell tower of a building. Dismembered limbs decorate the streets, must be the aftermath from all the explosions and the buildings toppling over. My shoes gleam from the blood that I step in.

"HELP! SOMEBODY! PLEASE HELP!" A woman cries. It seems to have come from behind a black car a couple yards away. I run towards it and look behind the flipped over vehicle. There lies a young mother, cradling her dying daughter. Both their clothes are stained with blood from the open wound on the little girl's chest. I crouch down beside her, analyzing, seeing if I can help her in any way possible.

"What happened?" I ask as I check for any other wounds. I've dealt with things worse than this, after all, my father was a known target and always had some type of bounty on his head.

"I was walking with my daughter when everyone starts screaming and running. They seemed to be running from a young boy, but most of all, the fire that fallowed him. He held a red sword in his hand and had weird tentacle things coming out of his back. Everywhere he went, a fire started, not only that but a dangerous storm was threatening the city, but it wasn't an ordinary storm. This storm was more powerful than any other we'd seen. This one was truly evil. I started running when the tentacles grabbed my daughter and snatched her away. They took her to the boy and he shoved the sword into her chest and threw her like a ragdoll. I hid, waiting for him to leave, when he did, I found her behind this car." She breaks down crying and moaning.

I pat her head. "I'm so sorry, ma'am, but your daughter can't be helped, even if I tried, there'd be no one to properly treat her. I'm sorry." I say. The woman cries even more and hugs her dying child. Her tears splash onto the little girl's cheek. I'm comforting her when a hand takes hold of my hair and yanks me backward.

"AAHH!" I yell. I'm thrown against a wall, the brick knocking into my head and causing the world to spin. Warm and sticky blood starts flowing from a cut on my head and it fills my ears. I open my eyes and see a handsome guy standing in front of me.

"Well, well, well. Aren't you that Shakira girl who'll supposedly kill me?" He says, a grin playing at his lips.

*Jungkook.*, I think. They're here, him and his army of savages are here.

"Yeah, I am. I'm gonna kill you for what you've done to this city!" I say. All he does is chuckle and smile. He's beautiful, yet evil and disgusting.

"You mean this? Burandon did this on his own accord. I didn't tell him to do this." Jungkook says. I can hear fighting going on. Grunts and groans, the war has started. I notice something out of the corner of my eye. It's a giant skeleton, towering over everything. *A Gashadokuro.* I think.

"It doesn't matter! I'm gonna kill you anyways. You've done so much wrong in this city, it's time to end that, once and for all!" I thrust my hand and ice travels down my arm and shoots out of my palm. The jagged ice is an inch away from him when he disappears and reappears a couple feet away. So that's his extra ability, teleportation.

I get off from the wall and run towards him, freezing everything as I go. He shifts into his wolf form snarling and daring me to come closer. H jumps into the air, claws and teeth bared for my head. I aim and shoot, but he teleports again. UGH! Damn, he's really making me work this hard.

He teleports from place to place, leaving me no chance to aim. The area is completely frozen now, giving off a blue hew. Jungkook appears right in front of me and catches me by surprise. He lands a hit, his claws rake against my cheek and he bites my arm. I scream in pain, blood staining the florescent snow. He teleports away onto a car and shifts forms.

He laughs at me, wiping the blood from his mouth. "Give up already! You're not strong enough!" He jumps down from on top of the car. The moment his feet touches the ground, he's off, running with agility and speed. As a Okami, his strength and speed are amplified, making almost faster than the speed of light.

He's running around when I have an idea. The floor is made of ice now, my father used to take me skating to teach me how to glide on ice if I'm ever in a situation where I need to run away. I loved it so much I decided to go past just skating, I entered figure skating classes and entered competitions. One of the things they taught me was how spin on the ice and glide. If I spin and eject shards of ice from my palms, I may be able to get him.

I exhale, ignoring the searing pain coming from my arm and face. I glide around on the iced over floor, remembering what they taught me, then, I begin spinning. As I spin frost shards shoot from my body and scream across the air. Jungkook is still running when he yelps. I stop spinning and glide to where he fell.

Jungkook lies on his side, an awesomely huge shard of ice jutting from his chest. He sees me and starts getting up, but I kick him in the stomach and he doubles over. His body starts fizzing in and out of existence. *He's trying to teleport.* I think.

I begin freezing his legs into the floor, no matter how strong he is, he won't be able to break through my ice. Jungkook pants and takes the shard out, blood gushing out. He screams in pain. "I...win!" I say.

He laughs, wincing from the pain, his excess use of his ability has weakened him and his healing property isn't working so well. "You have not won, my dear. You have only killed me, not Burandon. Trust me, you fight him and within seconds you'll be dead." He says, looking up at me.

I shove another shard of ice into his chest, keeping the wound from healing. He grunts in pain.

"Oh, I assure you that I'll find a way." Then a beam of ice grows from my palm, the point as sharp as a sword, and I shove it into Jungkook's head.