
Chapter 20

POV: Sara; Kitsune clan

BOOM! The warehouse shakes from an explosion. BOOM! The drywall cracks and pieces crumble to the ground. We're in the cafeteria, eating dinner, when the world starts falling apart. I can hear the screams coming from outside. Another explosion goes off and the plates and utensils clatter to the floor. Worried looks are plastered to the faces of my followers.

"What the hell's going!?" Arekkusu asks. Shakira and Merissa sit at the far left table, looking at each other with concern. I run to a window and look outside. The sky is black with angry-looking clouds, lighting strikes and in a few seconds the thunder hits. Buildings have toppled over, falling onto others, triggering a domino effect. Everyone's screaming and running, all except one, a young boy walks calmly down the streets, a ruby red sword in his hand. He seems be unaffected by what's happening around him. I recognize him, he's the boy from the prophecy, Burandon, I think hi name was.

As he walks, he plunges the sword into the hearts of anyone near him, and if they're far away, tentacles made from blood protrude from his lower back reach out and grab them, bringing them closer. The ocean rises at his will, crashing onto the city. A tornado forms and begins not only picking up citizens, but entire buildings too.

I step away from the window. "Alright! Sooner than we expected, the day of the battle has come. Jungkook has begun to unleash his wrath on the city using Burandon, the Onryō with the ability to control the fifth element, blood. Shakira has only trained for the better part of a day, but I believe that with her past training, she will be able to defeat Jungkook, and give me a better chance to kill Burandon. We're smart and strong, we can end this!" Cheers ring out from the crowd, bouncing off the walls and echoing.

Okay, Shakira will fight Jungkook, loose, and I'll have my revenge. Then, I'll kill Jungkook and join forces with Burandon. It's a good plan. Shakira will die for the sins her father committed, Jungkook will die by my hand, and in the end, I'll rule over the earth and eventually overthrow Burandon. I've been waiting for this moment ever since Shakira's father brutally murdered my parents, I'm ready to face this head on win, failure is unacceptable.

"PUT ON YOUR MASKS AND LET'S FIGHT!" I raise my hand in the air and my followers disperse to the back where we keep our masks. We slip them on and run out the entrance, prepared for war.