
Chapter 19

POV: Jungkook; Okami clan

"It's done. He's started the prophecy, soon enough, him and I will rule over the earth. Gods in a world of putrid mortals!" I laugh with glee and Teh laughs along. Finally, it's happening, the beginning of my rule.

"What do you plan on doing when the prophecy is complete?" Teh asks. I've always liked him. So intent in what I do and say. Unlike the others, he doesn't kiss up, and that's what I value most in him.

"Well, I don't know yet but it'll come to me, for the time being, we must focus on this Yuki Onna girl and Sara, bleh, just thinking of her makes me sick." I make a vomiting gesture and Teh laughs.

"If you don't mind me asking, why do despise Sara? She taught you and brought you up since birth." Teh was always a curious one, always looking at things differently than others and daring to question.

"Yes, she took care of me when my parents abandoned me on her doorstep. She helped me control my impulses and urges. She was calm and content, she loved me and I her. Then I became stronger than her, Sara loved being powerful, but when my extra ability came along, I was stronger, faster. She could not bear that so, she abandoned me like my parents. Since then I've hated her." I say, wiping a tear from my cheek before he sees.

"I'm sorry to hear that, sir. In the end, I hope you're able to get the revenge you've been waiting for." He bows his head. God, he's so formal, that's the one thing i don't like him, Teh needs to learn how to loosen up. I grab him by the shoulders and straighten him up.

"Thank you, I appreciate everything you've done for me and the Spirit Wolves." I pull him against my chest and hug him.

I've been told that I have no heart, no soul. That I'm empty, full of evil and darkness. But they're wrong. I have a heart, I have a soul, and they both lay with Teh. I don't know what I'd be like without him. He's my better half, the half of me that I can't exactly express. I love him like a brother, more than a brother. I can express my feelings without looking weak when I'm with him, I can be who I was, innocent and happy, not a murderer and depressed.

"I love you, Teh." I say abruptly.

"I love you too." He says. I hug him tighter, taking in his scent. He smells like fresh roses and morning dew.

"Everything will be alright, I promise." He whispers in my ear. I nod and he pulls away, wiping my tears.