


POV: Jungkook; Okami clang

It was strange. I felt an urge. A strong urge. That urge to hurt someone, to bully someone, to kill someone. I noticed a lady leaning against the wall as she smoked on a cigarette. I assumed it was a woman because of her outfit. Red heels, black petticoat, a white shirt that was as short as a bra, and black booty shorts that could've been mistaken for underwear if you ask me. But I hate women like her. Women like her is what's wrong It's their very existence that drives me over the edge. I have something that could help me tonight, something that will leave no trail. I always thought I'd never need it, but I was wrong. I need it so bad right now. I need it so she can die. I needed it real bad. I can't neglect it anymore. I have to let it out, I feel like a broken dam, water pouring through the cracks, ready to break through. I turned around and started to walk toward the women. She was drunk, good on my part.

" You finally noticed me Mr.~ " she said a bit slurred as she dropped the cigarette and stomped on it.

" How couldn't I have, baby" I said almost choking on my words. The night smelled of ash and burnt rubber, of lust and romance, of anger and sadness. I pushed her against the wall and brought my lips to her neck. She shivered as my lips left a trail down to her collar bone.

I placed her thigh around my leg, rubbing the underside of it. I felt disgusted but, it's  what I have to do to make the world better. People like her goes prove how corrupted our world is. I began to take her shirt off, of course, she had no bra. She was a slut.

She began to unbutton my jeans as she  moaned in pleasure. Then, I let go. I bit her. I grabbed her by the hair, forced her head  to the side, and bit her neck. Sweet blood rushed into my mouth. I ripped a piece of her off and swallowed. She screamed in pain and tried, but failed, to force me back. I threw her to the ground and she whimpered. I shifted form, I went from human to my true form, a black wolf with gold markings. The night fell away as my eyes adjusted to the night vision.

The force of the push had her on the floor, unconscious. My senses were now heightened, I could hear her heart gradually slowing down, I could hear the blood flowing through her veins. I looked up to the sky and met the eyes of the moon.

"You've done well, my dear. Now, eat." She said. I leaped onto the unconscious woman and began eating her, piece by piece.

Author's note: Hey! Thanks for reading, so this story is based off Japanese Mythology so we will be Japanese-afying everyone's names.