
Chapter 18

POV: Burandon; Onryō clan

"NO! I refuse to believe that I will be the cause of the world ending!" I scream, I get up from the chair and run upstairs. It can't be true, I tell myself. I'm not a monster, I'm not a monster, I'M NOT A MONSTER! I enter my room, slam the door and lock it. I scream in rage. No! It's not true! I don't want to hurt anyone else, I've caused so much pain, I don't want to do that again.

"Burandon! Open the door! Open the damn door!" Jimin pushes up against the door, fiddling with the knob. His fists pound on the wood, the door groaning in protest.

*HELP AKIO, YOU FREAK!* My parents scream.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" Namujun screams from behind the door. I can hear his anger, his concern.

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!" Anger courses through my veins. My head starts hurting, it feels as if a million bombs are going off in my head. I can smell ash and fire, the heat from the flames of that night. I can hear my brother and my parents screaming as I burn them to ash.

*BURANDON! HELP AKIO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? HELP YOUR BROTHER!* I can hear my father, urging me to save his one and only son. He loved him so much, and I took him away. I took what he cherished the most.

I scream louder as Jimin and Namujun try to break through. IT WAS YOUR FAULT! YOU DESEREVE TO DIE! YOU DESERVE PAIN AND HEART ACHE!

"MAKE IT STOP!" I cry. Tears stream down my face, my body feels likes it's on fire but frozen in an icy lake at the same time. "WHAT"S HAPPENING TO ME!" A storm starts to form, dark clouds form in my room. Thunder booms and lighting strikes. The air is filled with static. It's as though the electricity is coming from my body. Rain pelts my head, then it turns to hail, then it's everything. It's water, sleet, and hail. The wind is ferocious, throwing things across my room. It picks up a lamp and throws it, the glass shatters and pieces of it make incisions on my arms. Thick red liquid pours from the wounds.

It looks beautiful. It gleams as it drips down my arm, staining the carpet. Something changes within me, a whole new part of me opens, opening to the pain, to the destruction. I laugh. I don't know why but I just do. Then...the blood stops dripping, it stops running down my arms like rivers. It floats in front of my face, millions and millions of droplets. The blood starts forming into different shapes. It goes from something beautiful, to something wicked. A butterfly to a wolf, a flower to a corpse, an autumn leaf to a sword. It stays that way and floats into my hands.

That's when everything stops, the wind, the rain, the lighting. Everything goes back to normal. I open the door, blade in hand, and I plunge it into Namujun's chest. Jimin screams and he kicks me in the stomach. I fly backwards and hit the wall in my room. I can hear Namujun's heart slowing down.

"Going...going...gone." I say, smile spreading on my face.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!" Jimin steps away from Namujun's corpse and running into the room. Anywhere he steps, flowers sprout. Jimin screams and the ground beneath him is engulfed in greenery.

"Nice party trick, so scary!" I say sarcastically. I laugh and Jimin's face contorts in anger.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Roses rise from the ground, thorns protruding from their stems. They rush towards me, and I begin commanding Namujun's blood. It forms a wall of protection and the roses smack against them.

At my will, the blood thrusts forward and envelopes Jimin. He screams and bubble rise from the surface. His hands break through the surface, but the blood consumes him once again. It's amusing, watching Jimin try to escape my wrath. A moment passes and the blood falls away and enters my body, making me feel indestructible.

Jimin's lifeless body falls the ground, blood running down his body. "I'd love to stay and play, but I gave a planet to destroy, maybe next time, okay?" I walk out the room, leaving behind my one true friend dead by my hand. I walk over Namujun, I couldn't care less about him. I reach the stairs and walk down them, I finally get to the front door and walk out. Unscathed like I was on the night of the fire.