
Chapter 17

POV: Shakira; Yuki Onna clan

"AH!" I scream in frustration. "STOP THAT!" I scream. Arekkusu laughs. The routine is to run around, targeting each other, and once we lock on, we throw a spear of ice, I've only hit him about 3 times, he's hit me 15! Luckily, the suits protect us, but damn it hurts like hell.

"You might be strong, but your slow. You have to focus, you can't just throw at random. You have to be able to multitask, run and target me. I've hit you, what?- 30 times now?" He says, a grin settling on his face.

"Half of that actually. It's hard! Running and jumping, sliding and leaping. How I'm I supposed to aim and hit when I'm doing all of that!?" I slump to the floor, exhausted and sweating. Arekkusu sits beside me, handing me a bottle of water. I drink most of it before he snatches it away from me.

"Save some for me, sweetie." He chugs the rest of the water and I smack him upside the head. "HEY! WHAT"D YOU DO THAT FOR!?"

"I am not "sweetie", I'm Shakira, nothing else, *honey*." I scoff and get up. "Let's go again. " Arekkusu groans and stands up. " Three...two...ONE!" I scramble behind the boulder of ice. The training ground is covered in ice and snow, mountains of ice jutting out from the ground and piercing the sky. I run from behind the boulder and see Arekkusu, I focus, target, and let go. Ice shoots from my hands and hit him in the head.

"OW!" I laugh and continue on my way. "Imma get you back for that!" He screams, threatening me. The snow crunches under his boots, getting closer and closer to my position. I lay close to the ground, snow covering me. I sense him a yard a way, and I jump up and shoot. He responds quick and throws a shard of ice that meets mine and shatters. "Free fire?" He says. "Sure, why not?" I say.

Arekkusu shoots first and sheets of ice begin falling on me. A shield of ice engulfs me and the shards shatter against it. The shield falls away and I create a snow storm, the wind picks up, the fallen snow returning into the air. Since I'm the creator of this storm, I can see perfectly, but Arekkusu can't.

I run towards him and begin freezing him from his feet up. He sees me and tries reaching out for me, but it's too late, he's completely frozen, his arm stretched out in front of him. The storm falls away and Arekkusu begins screaming in rage. I laugh and point him. A few moments pass and I defrost him.

The moment he's free, he lunges towards me. His body smacks into mine and we fall to the ground. Arekkusu lays on top me, I can feel his heart rate grow faster. Our lips are close, almost touching. His eyes are beautiful, hazel with a green rim. Arekkusu blushes and jumps up.

"Uh...sorry, didn't mean to do that." He says, his hand brushing away his hair.

"It's fine, uh...I think it's time for dinner, we've ben training all day, imma get going." I get up and say goodbye, the blood rushing to my cheeks as I walk out, sensing his gaze on me.