
Chapter 16

POV: Burandon; Onryō clan

"Ugh!" I groan, waking up from a terrible night of sleep. I reach over to my nightstand and reach for the glass of water. My sleep was filled with dreams of monsters and I destroying all of Japan.

"Why do I keep having the same dream over and over again?" I ask myself aloud. Yet, this time it was different. This time there was a black wolf with steely gray eyes standing next to me, watching as my abilities destroy my home. I feel different this morning, more aware of my surroundings, more powerful then the day before.

I jump out of bed and stretch, my bones cracking and popping. The carpet feels soft under my feet, like walking on clouds. These past few days, I've been waking up feeling so much more powerful. I wake up and I feel as though I can command more than what by abilities limit me to. It's weird, lately my dreams gave been the about me destroying Japan, each dream I destroy with a different element, but nowadays, I use blood. Blood covers the walls and the streets, I command the blood to flow through the city, engulfing citizens and choking them. A couple of days ago, I dreamt I was wielding a sword made from blood, as I walked down the streets of Shanghai, plunging it into the hearts of mortals.

I walk downstairs, smelling the fresh coffee and eggs. Jimin sits at the table, a book in hand. Namujun is making eggs and French toast. I don't know what I'd do fi Namujun wasn't such a great chef.

"Ya know, I'm pretty-"

"Sure that I was a chef in my past life. Yeah, we know Namujun." Jimin says from the table, not looking up from his book. I chuckle. It's in Jimin's nature to be polite and content, but when he's sassy, it's hilarious.

"IS THAT ATTITUDE I'M DETECTING!" Namujun grabs the spatula and comes at Jimin with it raised high in the air. Vines with flowers shoot out of Jimin's hands and envelop Namujun's, trapping him. The vines travel down his arms and in seconds, his whole entire body is covered, well, except for his face.

"LEMME GO THIS INST-" The vines cover his mouth, shutting him up. We laugh so hard tears stream down our face. The upper half of Namujun's face is red with anger and frustration. The vines strip away and Namujun exhales. He then turns around and goes back to cooking. Moments later he sets the plates in front of us, places the coffee on the coasters, and sits down.

"Anything interesting?" He asks, eyes plastered to his food.

"Um...well, today I dreamt that I was the death of Japan, again, but this time it was different." I say.

"How so?" Jimin asks, his book closed and on the table.

"This time, I was standing next to a black wolf, gold engravings on his coat, as we watched the destruction of Shanghai. Buildings were covered in blood, then I started controlling the blood, commanding it to engulf the city. A couple of days ago, I created a sword made of blood and shoved it into people's hearts." I eat some eggs and take a bite of my toast.

Jimin and Namujun look at each other worriedly.

"What? It's just a dream, nothing to worry about." I say, a smile coming across my face.

"Have you ever seen this wolf before?" Namujun asks.

"Uh...I don't think so, what's the big deal guys?" Worry replaces my happiness, crashing onto me like a wave.

"The wolf you've described, is the wolf that Jungkook takes form when he transforms." Jimin says. My fork falls out of my hand, clattering on the floor. I pick it up and set it back onto my plate.

"That can't be true." I say in total denial. It just can't be. I've never even seen Jungkook before, I just know him from the stories Jimin and Namujun tell me. It's as if the world has stopped cold in it's tracks.

"Well, somehow, he's in your dreams, some Okami have been strong enough to develop abilities beyond there wolf form. And, I would guess, that Jungkook is one of them." Namujun says.

"Come on! That's a little farfetched, don't you think?" Jimin says, totally dismissing him.

"It could be possible! I know someone who gained an ability. He's able to see into the future, predict what'll come for someone. I think it might be a good idea to visit him and let him work on Burandon." Namujun says.

"HELL NO! I am not letting some creep tell me some crap about my future." I say heatedly.

"We're going and that's final. I'm worried about you. I haven't told you this, but you've been on edge lately. I've noticed that when you use your powers, they seem enhanced, more dangerous. I'm worried your following the path of the prophecy." He says, his hand caressing mine.

I snatch it away. "PROPHECY!?" I scream. I don't know why I'm so mad.

"A couple of years ago, way before you knew me, this friend of mine told me that I would meet you, that I had to find you and prevent you from following this prophecy. It said that Shanghai and the rest of the world will fall down to a boy from the Onryō clan. He said that this boy will possess the abilities of the elements, and on the last year of the world, they would obtain a fifth ability, the ability to control blood. It doesn't seem like much but compared to all the other elements, it's the most powerful one, and the hardest to wield. He told me that the blood wielding will make you go mad, insane, and in the end...you will be the destruction of the earth."