
Chapter 11

POV:Burandon; Onryo clan

"What do you mean you know who they are?" I ask. The sun is setting, making room for the moon.

"That group of people are The Phantom Foxes. They're leader is a nine-tailed fox. She's the strongest Kitsune of Asia." He replies. Worry takes over his face, his head creasing a bit.

"And how do you know this?" I say.

"'Cause I used to be part of her gang." Namujun says. I gasp. Namujun never talks about his past, not even his childhood.

I gulp, my throat feels like it's closing up. "Why'd you leave?" My hands are shaking and Namujun puts his hands around mine.

"Sara, the leader, was cruel. She's been made out to be a heroine, someone with a soul and a heart. But, in reality, she's a monster that has taken the gracious abilities she's been given for granted. Yes, Jungkook is to blame for all these murders, but Sara was the one who taught him to be like that. I found out her true identity and she said she'd have my head if I didn't leave." He says. His face contorts into sadness as he relives what he's gone through.

"I'm so sorry." That's all I can say, for now at least. I hug and he begins to cry into my neck.

"Your gonna be okay, I will make sure of that." I say as I pat his head. He sniffles and pulls away.

"Are you okay?" I say. Namujun wipes his tears away.

"Yeah, but now we have to tell Jimin, ugh." We stand up from the couch and walk upstairs, the floorboards groaning under our weight.
