
Chapter 12

POV:Min Yongi; Gashadokuro clan

I knock on Jin's door. He opens the door and lets me in. His room is always clean, I've never seen his room messy. It's always perfect. His bed is made, his desk clean and not cluttered.

"What do you want?" Jin asks. He's wearing a black shirt and some sweatpants. His wings protruding from his back.

"Jungkook wants more information. I would ask Hosoku, but I don't wanna bother him. Please?"

Jin groans and lets me in. His room smells of fresh roses. Jin sits on his bed as I sit on his couch.

"What kind of information does he want?" He asks as he throws a ball into the air, catching it in his hands and throwing it up again.

"He didn't specify, he just said he wants information. I'm thinking he'll appreciate it if we find out where she's being held. Or maybe if we found out her identity." I say, thinking of the possible ways I could be rewarded.

"Why can't you do that yourself? I just wanna rest! You and Teh are always bothering me!! Like, excuse you sir, I am tired as HELL and you come in to bother me! Like I ain't your momma so...move along child." Jin and I laugh, he sounds like a windshield wiper when he laughs.

"But seriously, I'm so mother freaking tired. So...sorry, I'm not gonna get the info you're asking for. Sorry, love you though!" He smiles up at me from the bed.

*Stupid bitch.* I think. I groan in annoyance and walk out his room.

*Guess I gotta go ask Hosoku now.*
