
The Peak of The Tower of Glory

10 years ago, 12 Messengers of The Creator came down to earth and brought a message to mankind where they will receive punishment from the Creator. The punishment is the unification of the land into one continent and the appearance of a giant tower. To be able to free them from that punishment, they must be able to reach the top and declare their wishes to the Creator. However, as a form of generosity from Him, humans are given various abilities that they can use to help them reach the top. They are referred to as Bellators. However, not all Bellators in this new continent were capable of possessing the strong ability to carry out tower conquests. He is Galam Isiros. He's a low-ranked Bellator because the ability he has is not a useful ability in combat, namely the Space Bag. Before he ended up being a Bellator, Galam became a Professional Gamer. However, his achievements disappeared immediately after 12 Messenger of The Creator came down to earth. Currently, he works as a Carrier tasked with carrying loot in conquest. Even though he had entered many subjugation floors that had even higher difficulty levels, the money he earned was still insufficient to live on. Until one day, a strange occurrence in the conquest kills all of the party members except for him. When he was on the verge of death, his strength grew and allowed him to survive until the end. It allows him to achieve achievement and unlock a new ability that takes him to the top of the tower!

Ge_Arttype · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Mysterious Discovery

"Looks like everyone's in safely," said one of the men wearing a black suit.

"You're right. Our job now is to just wait and hope they all get back safely." Another man also responded.

Those people were the so-called Gatekeepers. They were the people who worked under the association as tower gatekeepers and watched over the Bellators in and out.

Any person or party wishing to carry out a subjugation had to first register themselves with the association. After that, when they were about to enter the gate, the Gatekeepers would see the list of the day's conquests and the people involved. This was to prevent any intruders who could interfere with the conquest and lead to death.

"What are you doing? You look like you're thinking about something." One of the Gatekeepers caught his companion who was silent staring at the tower gate as if he was thinking about something.

"Ah, no. I only had time to think about how Galam would be after exiting that gate." The man simply answered without taking his eyes off the giant gate in front of him.

"The weakest Bellator at rank E is simply due to his misfortune getting an ability that isn't very useful in battle. Well, we can only hope that Galam and the others can return safely."

"You're right. I think I've been thinking too much today."

They both looked at each other and then laughed together. Finally, they returned to their respective positions and wished the conquest a success this time.


"So, like this inside the Tower's Elevator," said one of the Bellators when they had entered the interior of the Tower's Elevator.

"Are you new to subjugation this time?" Another Bellator responded to the person's words.

"Yeah, it's my first time. I feel nervous even just being here."

Everyone looked nervous and anxious. For those who first followed the conquest, this experience they used as a self-test. Are they worthy to be Bellator or not? Most of them chose to retreat after returning from their first conquest.

"Everyone, I know you're nervous. But right now, we don't have time for that. I hope you can show your best skills in this conquest and come home victorious!" Andras's voice was booming.

He tried to foster enthusiasm among the Bellators, especially the novice Bellator. Even so, those novice Bellators could be said to be stronger than Galam. It was just that their experience inside the tower couldn't compare to Galam's.

Andras then approached a giant crystal in the center of the room. He put his hand on the surface of the floating crystal that gave off the blue light. The giant crystal was named the Mana Crystal. The crystal has mana and magic which is useful to keep this tower standing strong. The Mana Crystals in the Tower's Elevator cannot be destroyed even with the strongest weapons.

When Andras removed his hand from the crystal, suddenly the floor of the room lit up revealing a giant magic circle with violet light.

"Don't worry. This magic circle will quickly take us to the 20th floor. This is the teleportation magic in the Tower's Elevator." Andras explained about the magic circle after seeing some of the party members who looked a little surprised and frightened.

After the teleportation magic was activated, they all finally arrived on the 20th floor. As it turned out, their arrival on the 20th floor seemed to have been noticed by the residents of that floor. This was evidenced by the appearance of several monsters surrounding them right after they reached the 20th floor.

"Looks like we got a rousing welcome," said Varos who was already in a fighting stance.

With the direction of Andras, they all began to fight the monsters in front of them. One by one the monsters on the floor began to be defeated by the Bellator. Of course, Galam also fought to protect himself so he wouldn't get hurt too much.

The fierce battle lasted for a long time, but the Bellators won and they managed to kill all the monsters that had surrounded them. Seeing Galam injured, Sana quickly ran towards him and activated her Healing ability to heal the wounds on Galam's body.

"Thank you," Galam said with a genuine smile.

Sana just put on an annoyed face seeing what Galam was doing.

"Varos, you're still not dead? I thought after this I would come out crying over the death of one of my comrades," said Andras seeing Varos who was pulling his sword from the belly of one of the monsters.

"Damn it! Didn't you see my amazing stunt? It's easier than I thought!"

The two of them then laughed together as if there was no weight in their laughter. Galam who was watching them could only be silent and amazed. The two of them managed to defeat so many monsters without getting any injuries on their bodies.

"Galam, don't you have any intention of quitting as a Bellator?" asked Sana as she continued to treat the wounds on Galam's body.

"I have no reason to have such an intention, Sana. Besides, isn't this fun?" Again Galam answered lightly and ended with a smile.

Sana was annoyed with Galam's answer this time. She was so very upset that she decided to stop her ability and hit Galam with her stick.

"Sana!! Aren't you going to hurt me more?!"

"Don't worry! It's faster to meet the Creator if you die than to climb a tower, right."

On the other hand, Andras found an object after the one that fell after the corpses of the monsters disappeared. Andras then took the object, Andras's happy face was clearly visible after he took the object.

"Hah, here it is! Here it is, the item you will get from dropping items on monster corpses, Magic Stone." Andras looked at the object carefully.

One medium-sized Magic Stone that fell from a monster corpse could be worth millions. Moreover, the Magic Stone is large, but it is quite rare. Magic Stones themselves are categorized into four levels, namely small magic stones, medium magic stones, large magic stones, and the rarest of them all, transcendent magic stones. It only appears on floors 25 and above and is very difficult to obtain.

The Magic Stone from this conquest will be divided according to the contribution level of each party member. For Galam himself, his contribution was considered the least due to his only role as a rank E Porter and Bellator. Usually, he would obtain at least 5 to 10 small Magic Stones. Even so, at least the object is still able to support Galam and his sister.

"Hey, look what I found here!" The voice of a party member interrupted everyone.