
The Peak of The Tower of Glory

10 years ago, 12 Messengers of The Creator came down to earth and brought a message to mankind where they will receive punishment from the Creator. The punishment is the unification of the land into one continent and the appearance of a giant tower. To be able to free them from that punishment, they must be able to reach the top and declare their wishes to the Creator. However, as a form of generosity from Him, humans are given various abilities that they can use to help them reach the top. They are referred to as Bellators. However, not all Bellators in this new continent were capable of possessing the strong ability to carry out tower conquests. He is Galam Isiros. He's a low-ranked Bellator because the ability he has is not a useful ability in combat, namely the Space Bag. Before he ended up being a Bellator, Galam became a Professional Gamer. However, his achievements disappeared immediately after 12 Messenger of The Creator came down to earth. Currently, he works as a Carrier tasked with carrying loot in conquest. Even though he had entered many subjugation floors that had even higher difficulty levels, the money he earned was still insufficient to live on. Until one day, a strange occurrence in the conquest kills all of the party members except for him. When he was on the verge of death, his strength grew and allowed him to survive until the end. It allows him to achieve achievement and unlock a new ability that takes him to the top of the tower!

Ge_Arttype · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The Weakest

In an area of ​​District 12, there lived a 25-year-old man who dedicated his life as a Bellator. His name is Galam Isiros. Even so, there was nothing special about his abilities as a Bellator that he obtained the status of a rank E Bellator.

The talent he has is quite unique, namely the Space Carrier, but that uniqueness does not follow the abilities he receives. In fact, the abilities he had did not help him in the subjugation mission. Space Bag, simply put, Galam has an ability that makes him work as a freight forwarder or porter. Everyone has their own talent. There are many talents given by the messengers. Talent will develop with the Bellator so that the more Bellator develops, the more talent they have and the more abilities they will master.

Even though he had strength, Galam felt it was a bit embarrassing for his weak self to become a Bellator. Therefore, he prefers a job that suits his abilities, namely Porter. A job that involves risking one's life to bring some loot from the tower.

As usual, this morning he got a job call as a porter. He would be with a party trying to conquer the 20th floor. The center of the tower itself was in District 3, quite a distance from Galam's residence which was in District 12.

Even though he has to travel quite a distance, Galam will never complain about it. He really needs this job even though he has to trade it for life though. In a world where all humans possess abilities, people like Galam who only have below-average abilities will find it difficult to find work. He was almost struggling to support his life with his sister, there was no reason for him to turn down his job as a Porter because that was all he could do.

The people who will carry out the subjugation are usually members of a party. A party would usually be led by a party leader, they would gather in front of the Tower's Elevator gate an hour before the conquest to make preparations. In addition to their preparations, the Bellators who arrived earlier would usually exchange greetings and share their respective experiences.

"Hey, Andras! How are you?" A man who had just arrived called out to the man who was sitting and wiped his sword.

That person was Andras Makrozoia, the one who would lead the subjugation party this time, he just so happened to be the one who summoned Galam to help him. One more thing, the man who had called Andras earlier, he was Maza Pervaros, one of the party members led by Andras.

"Who-, Varos?! What are you doing here?" asked Andras who seemed surprised by Varos coming into the preparation area.

Varos smiled showing a row of neat teeth and replied, "Well, maybe you could say I'll help my friend!"

Andras again watched Varos carefully. It was seen that he was wearing full armor with his prided weapon, the Object-Destroying Sword, a sword so sharp it could even cut through anything.

Seeing Varos's well-prepared appearance, Andras again asked Varos. "Are you sure? Didn't you say before that you were going somewhere with your lover?"

"It's true. But it's a shame my boyfriend suddenly got a job call from his office." Varos's disappointed face looks very clear.

"It's a pity, but you don't need to be sad like that. Let's enjoy today by conquering the floor of this tower. You know that today we will conquer the 20th floor," Andras said excitedly.

"Of course! I'm ready for today's subjugation. Shouldn't you also start making preparations? Look at that Two-Edges Sharp Sword of yours, if you ignore it and don't take care of it properly, it will cry and won't let out its power."

They both laughed together with the expression of the story. It seemed that happiness enveloped the intimacy between them.

"I just hope that in this conquest I won't be a burden to you, Andras. I haven't trained myself for a long time, it's possible that my abilities will also decrease because of that," said Varos who was a little pessimistic about his abilities.

In the midst of their conversation, Andras saw Galam's arrival in the preparation area. His arrival was greeted warmly by the other party members.

"Galam! You're coming!"

"Galam, my friend! Thank you for coming to our aid."

"Welcome, Galam. Prepare yourself for the day!"

Galam received the welcome with a friendly smile. Even though he felt useless in this raid, the other party members still greeted him happily. Galam is a little grateful that he is not discriminated against.

"Ah. Oi, Galam! Did you eat breakfast this morning?" Andras who saw Galam greeted him.

"Oh, Mr. Andras. What a coincidence before I left here," said Galam.

Galam then looked for a place to do his preparations. Even if he wasn't going to fight, he still needed to make preparations. Just in case he has to protect himself later.

"Is that Galam strong? Doesn't seem like it. But all the party members welcome him." Varos doubted the strength of Galam and asked Andras about it.

"You're not wrong. That person is not strong but also not weak. At least he is capable enough to protect himself from one or two enemies. Unfortunately, the abilities he received only made him a porter," answered Andras.

"What is his talent anyway?" Varos again asked Andras.

"Space Carrier and her ability are Space Bag."

Varos was slightly surprised to hear the statement from Andras. Unique talents but not matched by special abilities, that's what Varos thought. It's a shame, but according to Varos, the choice that Galam made as a porter was indeed the right one.

Galam began to be busy preparing whatever he needed to conquer the 20th floor. Considering that he was the weakest among all the party members, he had to prepare everything so as not to bother the others too much. While he was preparing for his departure, Galam was visited by a beautiful girl with an angry expression on her face.

"Galam! Why did you come again in conquest?!" The girl shouted yelling at Galam who was preparing his needs.

"S-Sana?! Y-you're also participating in this subjugation?!" Galam was surprised by the presence of the girl who was currently in front of him.

She is Sana Fairy, one of the female Bellators who achieved rank B with her talent, Reliable Helper. Simply put, he serves as a supporter who will provide buffs and healing to his colleagues, as well as debuffs to his enemies. Apparently, Sana was the only B-rank Bellator participating in the subjugation this time.

"Of course! Then, what are you doing here? Don't tell me you..." Sana looked at Galam with a suspicious face.

"Ahahaha. It's probably what you think. I'm also in this party," Galam replied with a smile on his face.

"You, didn't I tell you if you push yourself you can get hurt!"

"Ahahaha, I know that. But I can't refuse because I also need money. You know that, don't you?"

There was just silence. She knew why Galam kept pushing himself and sacrificing his life.

Sana finally sat next to Galam. They continued their conversation.

"How is your sister? Is it getting better?" asked Sana. He showed a sad expression as if he was worried about the condition of Galam's sister.

"Sure. I'm grateful that my sister's condition isn't getting any worse. But I can't say it's getting any better either." Galam answered him with a calm expression, he didn't want Sana to see his sadness.

"Why don't you take her to the hospital?"

"I did. But when I found out the cost, I couldn't afford it. So I decided to take care of her myself at home and give her medicine according to the doctor's prescription."

Amazingly, Galam still didn't show his sad expression. Even so, Sana still feels what Galam feels. She also felt sad when she realized that she couldn't be of much help to Galam either.

"I'm sorry. I can't help you and your sister. If only I had the ability and rank higher, I'd be happy to help you, Galam."

Tears forced out of Sana's eyes. She was really sad that he couldn't help other people. Sana thinks that she is the one who is actually useless.

"Never mind, it's fine. I'm glad to hear you wanted to help me, but the way you comforted me was enough to help me. Thank you."

Galam smiled towards Sana. This time there were no longer able to hold back the tears. This left Galam confused and feeling guilty.

"Ah, I'm sorry. Did I say the wrong thing I didn't-"

"Shut up! You're such an idiot, you didn't do anything wrong so there's no need to apologize. I'm just happy that I can still help you." Sana wiped the tears that fell down her cheeks.

Galam smiled warmly seeing the girl in front of him feel happy just because of such a small thing. "You are great, Sana. Compared to me, you have an even higher rank than me. You don't need to feel small anymore, you are strong, Sana."

Galam's words managed to bring peace and joy to Sana's heart. She replied to Galam's words with a sweet smile on his beautiful face.

"Alright, everyone. Let's get together!" Andras's voice was heard ordering everyone to gather and come closer to him.

Galam and Sana who heard it also approached the others. Andras seemed to be making his final preparations before starting the conquest.

"Alright, on this subjugation mission this time, I will be the leader of this party. After this, we will begin our journey of conquering the 20th floor. I hope that all of you are able to give your best and can return safely with our achievements!"


Andras' words filled everyone with enthusiasm. They then walked towards the gates of the Tower's Elevator. When the gate opened, the party members started to enter it.

"Alright, Galam. Try your best for today!" he said to himself. Galam then followed the others.

All party members have already entered the Tower's Elevator. The gate slowly begins to close and will open again when the previous party finishes a subjugation or another party wants to do a subjugation.