
The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure,

The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure, trending novels, best graphic novels, best light novel, manga, anime,

animent29 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

9 Second Completion

The moment James read the system's notification, he cursed his luck in his mind. But, the news excited him, too. Because, he would test himself against a stronger foe. With five packs coming his way, it meant at least 40 Moonlight Wolves headed his way. Led by a Level 2 Moonlight Wolf. Although such a large force headed towards his direction, James was neither scared nor did he have the intention to flee. Needing six more Level 1 monsters to complete the second of the three ranking requirements, he would never such a free meal walk away. The only thing that would give him a slight headache was the level 2 Moonlight Wolf. But, with the merged damned souls in his possession, he knew that all he had to do was to possess the Level 2 monster. Then, slaughter the rest. After which he would return for the head of the monster.

The moment this train of thought drifted into James's mind, the surrounding air distorted which caused an eerie black smog to appear at his standing position. As soon as the black smog appeared, James saved seven of the eight corpses into his Inventor. He left the last one out in the open, and its fresh blood pervading the air.

About two minutes later, a pitch black smog covered the area James and the moonlight wolves fought earlier. And, it further extended to 300m in all directions. Except the direction the copse of the dead moonlight wolf laid; because James had other ideas in mind. Because of the darkness, it was not possible to see anything even though the radiant moonlight shined on the forest. It was as if the darkness swallowed the silver rays of the moonlight.

Meanwhile, several Moonlight Wolves 500m away from James's location, ran like deranged beasts. Leading these monsters, was a monstrosity like no other. Its mere appearance would send chills down the spines of those who saw it.

It had a height of more than 7ft, a width of 3 meters, and a length of 7 meters. The silver colored fur of this monster was dazzling, too. Unlike the beasts behind it, its eyes had a mixture of scarlet-red and green. Just like the moonlight wolves behind it, Saliva fell from its mouth as it ran. With a small portion of its razor sharp multicolored fangs exposed. This monster was much more intimidating than any regular Moonlight Wolf, the reason for this was because it was a Level 2 monster - a King Moonlight Wolf. Just from the aggressive manner in which it ran, one could tell that it was going on a bloody mission. As they ran, the howls and growls of these monsters reverberated into the air, and their beautiful fur became radiant under the silver moonlight.

About five minutes later, the Level two monster leading the pack of Moonlight Wolves came to a sudden stop. Which also caused the others behind it to stop. Because, it had gotten to the spot where the miserable looking corpse of the moonlight wolf laid. In front of it was a pitch black darkness that would make the skins of most people to crawl. Although they saw the darkness, they did not fear it because of their affinity to the path of Darkness. With the artificial fog created from Death Energy, these monsters had no reason to be afraid of it.

The moment the King Moonlight Wolf saw the miserable corpse of one of its subject, it had a bloodthirsty look in its scarlet red and green eyes. While its fur made a slight rustling sounds as the limbs of the monster swelled, which caused the Level 1 moonlight wolves behind it to become frightened. Most of them lowered their heads in response while they made piteous cries for the fallen, and to show their status as followers to their king.

As their cries reverberated, the black smog in front of their eyes churned, and it caught the pack of Moonlight Wolves by surprise. At that same moment, a corpse-like figure dashed out from the darkness towards the King of the moonlight wolves. Two moonlight wolves launched themselves towards the approaching figure like a heat-seeking torpedo, with their eerie mouths wide open. Wasting no time, they shredded the figure into two with their razor-sharp teeth. Leaving the figure defenseless to their onslaught. With the sudden emergence of the figure from the darkness, all the other Moonlight Wolves were in an alerted state as they growled towards the darkness with a bloodthirsty look in their eyes.

At that same moment, the sound of light clapping of hands drifted into the ears of these monsters. Followed by a ghoulish voice, "Well done, let's see if you can handle 500 of them? Arise Army of the Fallen!"

A loud sickening cry accompanied James's voice, and it originated from the darkness. The battle readied Moonlight Wolves responded with savage howls, too. While the monsters howled in retaliation, about 300m away from where they stood, the pitch black smog had already covered the route they used in coming to their current location. While also enclosing the monsters on all sides.

A minute after the howls of the moonlight wolves reverberated, they heard multiple unorganized footsteps coming from the darkness, coupled with the sound of metal being dragged on the ground. The hair on the furs of the Moonlight Wolves stood straight while they maintained attacking positions. Expecting the imminent arrival of their enemy. The moment the first corpse from the Army of the Fallen emerged from the darkness, the king of the Moonlight Wolves made a thunderous roar, before jumping towards the incoming corpses. With their king springing into action, all the Level 1 monsters dashed towards the direction of corpses. At that same moment, the black smog approaching from the rear sped up. Covering everything within a distance of 300m in all directions.

The moment the King made its move, ten corpses pounced on it. While the others went after the rampaging Level 1 moonlight wolves. Within seconds, they turned that section of the forest into a chaotic battle zone. Also, the constant growls and shrieks of the Moonlight Wolves reverberated into the air.

Although they had the overwhelming advantage over the corpses in terms of physical strength, the sheer number of regenerative corpses was just too much for them to handle. Which caused them to suffer severe injuries from the attacks of the corpses. But, none of the Moonlight Wolves died. Meanwhile, the King Moonlight Wolf, was like a beast of carnage. It killed corpse after corpse in the most brutal way possible. Littering the ground with several limbs and body parts. It dismembered the corpses that tried to sneak attack it when their attacks did not penetrate its thick fur.

The reason the Moonlight Wolves fought in such a brutal manner, was because their saliva which had a psychedelic property had no effect on James's Army of the Fallen. Because, they had no functioning organs. Since, their skills became useless. The monsters resulted to their primordial ways.

Meanwhile, James had not made his presence known in the chaotic battle. Even his damned souls, had yet to make an appearance. It was as if he was using the Army of the Fallen to play with the Moonlight Wolves by wearing them down in a slow and brutal manner before dealing the final blow.

A few minutes later, the amount of wolves injured by the Army of the Fallen had risen to over forty. Although the Army of the Fallen suffered at the hands of the King Moonlight Wolf, they continued to attack. Unlike its subjects, it had no injure on its beautiful silver fur. Although it had been fighting for over ten minutes, the intensity at which he fought decreased neither. In fact, it became madder the more it fought.

Unlike before, James's figure and his hovering merged damned soul appeared. They focused their attention on the rampaging Level 2 monster.

"End it, I'm bored with watching," James said via his mind to the two merged damned souls, which caused the duo to head into the chaotic battlefield comprising monsters and the undead. One of the two merged damned souls made its way towards the king Moonlight Wolf while the second damned soul made its way towards a Level 1 Moonlight Wolf who had an advantage in their battles. They had a simple mission - subjugation.

That James used his Items, showed that he did not want to stress himself, when he could let an undying army do the work for him. The moment the merged damned soul entered the body of the Level 2 monster, it shook violently before its eyes had a lifeless light in it. At that same moment, its violent attacks seized on the battlefield. In its defenseless state, over 50 corpses to assault its body.

Seeing their proud king being overpowered, the other Level 1 monsters flew into a fit of rage as they dashed towards their king. While the Army of the Fallen pursued them. As they fought to shield their king, different Level 1 moonlight wolves attacked members of their own pack. A move that surprised the victims.

When their king attacked its subjects, instead of the corpses. It further compounded their confusion. Watching the comical scene, James's laughter reverberated into the ai. But, the constant growls and shrieks coming from the Moonlight Wolves, who fought against each other and the Army of the fallen, muffled his sickening laughter.

About ten later, all forty nine Level 1 monsters had serious injuries on their bodies. But, they were still standing. Meanwhile, the King of the Moonlight Wolves had no injuries on its body. But, the blood of its subject dyed its fur - red.

Getting bored with the show, James dashed into the battlefield while instructing the merged damned souls controlling the Level 1 moonlight wolves to bring them towards his direction. Being in a one vs one situation with James's Grim Reaper form, he slaughtered the pitiful Moonlight Wolves within the darkness. Which caused the familiar sound of the system's notification to ring out within his mind, but James did not pay attention to it.

Based on the system's ranking, Level 2 monsters were equivalent to sorcerers in Level 20-29. Which means they were much stronger than James even if he was in his Grim Reaper form. But, with the merged damned soul capable of possessing Level 2 monsters, James knew he would win if he possessed the monster. Unlike the members of the Army of the Fallen, whose attacks had no effect on the Level 2 monster. James's fist covered in hellfire flames caused its screams of agony to reverberate throughout the air. As the hellfire flames burned on its head, its soul screamed in agony within the spirit realm. The only reason James did not use the purple soul purifying flame was because the system told him his level was not high enough to complete the task. Although disappointed, it did not bother him. Because, it was not as if the King Moonlight Wolf would be the last Level 2 monster he would ever see.

With all fifty members of the pack meeting their end at James's hand, the system's notification sounded in his mind until the last one died, which was the Level 2 King Moonlight Wolf. Standing in the darkness with an eerie smile, James read through the system's notification.



The user has killed 49 Level 1 Monsters!

The user has attained Completion of the second system ranking requirement {Kill 10 Level 1 monsters}.

The user has gained 1,661,149 Exp from the 49 Monsters killed.

The user's Exp has increased: 2,276,653.98 (+ 1,661,149).

The user has killed 1 Level 2 Monster!

The user has gained 169,505 from the Monster killed.

The user's Exp has increased: 2,446,158.98 (+169,505).

Level 2 Monster Core not produced!

The user has gained 50 corpses of the Creature - Moonlight Wolves.

Will the user like to save these Items to the Inventory?


'System, save the corpses into my inventory. Maybe I can turn these monsters into members of the Army of the Fallen.' James said as he turned to his human form.

The moment James finished his statement, the corpses of the moonlight Wolves disappeared into his Inventory.

'System, is there any threat nearby?' James asked. He did not want anymore surprises.

<Ding >


Scanning Completed!

No sign of Life detected within a 1km radius.

The user's Level is too low to search above 1km.


Even though the system kept on reminding James of his low level, he had a relieved expression on his face. With two of the three system ranking requirements completed, he was happy he fled the Tiodon kingdom. Because, he knew the possibility of finding Monsters there was on the low side, but in a place like the Black Lands where monsters wrestled for supremacy with the other races, their kind was everywhere.

With James back to his human form, the black smog caused from Death Energy disappeared. Although he did not know where he the MilkyWay stone sent him to, James was not too worried since there was no immediate danger within a 1km radius. He believed that, by the time he explored further into the island, he would find an escape route.

Still standing on the same spot, James summoned over 200 hundred damned souls, "Explore this place, relay everything you find out. Go!" James said. With their orders given, the damned souls spread themselves out, as they went towards different directions. With that settled, James had a relaxed smile on his face as he sighed in relief. With the damned souls doing the work, he would not have to bother himself too much.

With nothing else to do, James headed back to the cliff of the southern section of the island. He wanted to see if he could retrieve a portion of the black water for potential experiments, but the moment he took his first step, the sound of laughter followed by an aged but cheerful voice drifted into his ears, "I now understand why they took an interest in you. A human capable of donning the form of a Grim Reaper… This is too spectacular!"