
The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure,

The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure, trending novels, best graphic novels, best light novel, manga, anime,

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34 Chs

8 Level Two Monster

The moment the howls of the Moonlight Wolves drifted into James's ears, he had a stern expression on his face. Which caused him to summon the two merged damned souls of the - Superb rank, while he ran into the forest. With the distance between him and the wolves decreasing, James did not want the Level 1 monster to corner him at the edge of the cliff. Hence, he had to take the initiative even though the sudden turn of events displeased him.

As James ran within the thick forest, he changed into his Grim Reaper form as he shortened the distance between him and the Level 1 monsters. Unlike when he was back at the central region cemetery, James was much stronger than a regular Level 1 monster, equivalent to a Level 10 sorcerer based on the system's ranking system. With his current level at 19, the chances of the Moonlight Wolves ending up as objects for James to vent his frustrations, was high.

Meanwhile, a few meters away from the southern cliffs of the island, a pack of bloodthirsty creatures ran under the silver moonlight. Inspecting these creatures, which had an average height of 5ft. One would notice that they had similar appearances to typical wolves. But, the only difference was the strange manner the silver moonlight gathered on their fur which had a silver color, too. Apart from this unique feature, the fangs of these creatures also had a strange multicolored glow when the moonlight touched them. It was as if their fangs gathered a concentrated amount of a strange form of Mana. If their height of 5ft did not induce fear, then their width of close to two meters and a length of five meters will do the job. With their bloodthirsty scarlet red eyes shining underneath the moonlight, these creatures looked like genuine killing machines. On the Continent of Skyhaven, they called these creatures the Moonlight Wolves. They were also famous for being territorial monsters, who would to anything to eliminate perceived intruders into their territories. Apart from their territorial tendencies, they also acted prideful and would never shy away from anything that trespassed on its territory. They would rather die than yield! As they ran through the thick forest, the monsters howled in unison, which sound like ritual battle cries.

Just as James dashed towards their direction, these monsters also mimicked his actions. They went full throttle towards the incoming James with a savage look in their scarlet eyes while a thick and pungent saliva dropped from their opened mouths. Although they had not seen him yet, they could sense his presence.

Meanwhile, as James approached the monsters, the system reminded him of the shrinking distance. Meanwhile, the two merged damned souls he summoned earlier, moved ahead of James as they made their way towards the approaching Moonlight wolves. Just like the monsters, they too had a menacing look in their horrifying faces.

A few minutes later, a distance of 50m separated James and the moonlight wolves. Whereas, 15m separated the merged damned souls and the monsters.

'You know what to do! Go!' James said via his mind towards the merged souls.

Since the monsters were not outside the merged damned souls attack range, he planned to use their possession effect on the monsters. He wanted to sow the seed of betrayal amid the monsters while he beat them to death. Without wasting anytime, the damned souls dashed towards the incoming Moonlight wolves after receiving James's orders. Meanwhile, James continued approaching the monsters with a chilling look on his eerie skeletal face.

As James ran, the familiar flames of the Hell-Fire Manipulation covered his hands. While the purple purifying flame flickering in one of his empty eye sockets burned brighter. The same moment these flames appeared on his skeletal fist, eight massive creatures emerged from the thick bushes. While making a beeline movement for James's skeletal body.

With a nasty smile on his face, James also launched himself towards the incoming beasts. While his fist covered in flames wheezed through the air. At that same moment, the sound of the system's notification echoed in his mind.


Warning! Warning! Warning!

Target's fangs has a unique psychedelic effect.

If the user falls under the psychedelic effect, it will negate Title - Grim Reaper, for five minutes.

The moonlight is increasing the durability of the target's fur.

Limitation: Skill - Hell-Fire Manipulation, can bypass the durability of the Moonlight armor.

Odds of user eliminating the target: 90%


James did not even flinch or pause as he read through the system's notification. He maintained the same nasty grin on his face. Seconds later, his right fist coated in flames contacted the first moonlight wolf. At the moment of impact, a resounding booming sound echoed as the body of the wolf launched towards a nearby tree after its miserable shriek reverberated throughout the air.

The same moment his fist contacted the Moonlight wolf, a strange incident occurred with the other monsters. The two wolves at the rear end of the attacking formation, changed targets as they used their fangs to bite the closest wolf beside them. Their strange action surprised the other Moonlight Wolves.

Meanwhile, the miserable screams of the wolf sent flying earlier reverberated throughout the air. Because, not only did James's fist cause severe damage to its skull, the flames from the Hell-Fire Manipulation burned its soul, too. With one of the eight monsters out of commission, and four of them battling among themselves because of the confusion caused by the merged damned souls. James's Grim Reaper form continued to charge towards the remaining three monsters, who looked at him with deep enmity in their scarlet eyes. Because of how he sent one for them flying.

Without a care in the world for what was going on in the minds of the wolves, James launched another ruthless blow towards another incoming moonlight wolf. But unlike before, the monster evaded the attack, and it made a beeline movement for James's skull. Which made him laugh. Just like how the wolf evaded his attack, so did James evade its attack. Unfortunately for the monster, James caught its hind limbs with his flaming hands, which caused the monster to scream in pain and agony.

Instead of releasing the monster, James crushed the limb in his hands while hurling the miserable wolf through the air, towards the direction of the incoming monster duo. Within seconds, a muffled booming sound reverberated as the monster collided with one of the incoming moonlight wolves. The other wolf escaped by turning to the right, but at that same moment, James figure appeared before the moonlight wolf like a ghost. Which caused the scarlet eyes of the monster to shrink to that of a pinhole. Before it could even defend itself, James interlocked hands came down on its head like a sledgehammer which caused the massive head of the wolf to crack open, with its mournful cries reverberating throughout the air. It died after receiving James's point blank attack, its soul also suffered from the effect of the hellfire flames in the spirit realm. Blood and gray matter stained his skull as stared at the dead wolf.

While James beat the prideful members of the pack on his end, the moonlight wolves being possessed by the merged damned souls received the beating of their lives from the wolves they sneaked attacked earlier. With James limited level, the merged damned souls could not use the skills of the moonlight wolves to its fullest. They did not care though since the wolves were making it easier for James. The merged damned souls also waited for the two wolves attacking them to beat their vessels to a certain stage before they changed bodies and let the same process continue over and over until the moonlight wolves finished themselves off.

With the dazed moonlight wolf yet to recover, James pounced on it like a death god from the depths of hell, "Good doggie," he said as he inched closer to the beast.

While his voice echoed, his knee clad in the special armor of his Grim Reaper form collided against the mouth of the dazed moonlight wolf. Which caused its miserable shrieks to echo while its body left the ground. Instead of letting the beast fall, using his right hand, James grabbed the neck of the massive wolf while applying pressure. The miserable monster wriggled and gasped for air, but it could not free itself for James's grip. At that moment, James lowered the head of the monster to meet his gaze. So that, they could look into each other's eyes.

The moment their eyes met, the purple soul purifying flames jumped out James's empty eye socket. Which caused the body of the moonlight wolf to go up in flames. Like the first wolf, its miserable scream echoed in all direction. In barely three minutes of exchange, James had successful beaten four level 1 monsters. As for the four moonlight wolves in which James's merged damned souls played with, the four of them looked miserable. With their bodies covered in fatal injuries.

A few minutes later, only James stood amid the corpses. Meanwhile, the corpses continued to burn with the flames from hell. At that same moment, the sound of the system's notification echoed in his mind.



The user has eliminated 4 level 1 monsters!

The user has almost attained Half-completion of the Ranking Requirements {Kill 10 Level 1 monsters}.

The user has gained a cumulative Exp of 135,604 from the 4 Monsters killed.

The user's Exp: 1,015,504.98 (+135,604).

The user has attained Completion of the Ranking Requirement {Accumulate 1,000,000.00 Exp}.

The user's purification process is a failure!

Limitations: Target was too low to produce a Beast-Soul Incarnate.

The user has gained 8 corpses of the Creature - Moonlight Wolves.

Will the user like to save these Items to the Inventory?


James had an ugly expression on his face after seeing the system's notification especially when he saw that they system counted the number of kills as 4 instead of 8. A sudden realization dawned on him concerning his damned souls. From what had just happened, he knew that he could only get Exp from kills he made himself. Even though the damned souls were under his command, the system did not regard them. His disappointment was only fleeting since he had gained a valuable information from the fight with the moonlight wolves. Next time, he would use the same strategy. Instead of letting the targets kill each other, he would deliver the final blow himself.

Before James could even celebrate the success of completing one of the ranking requirements, the system's notification echoed in his mind.


Warning! Warning! Warning!

5 packs of Moonlight Wolves heading towards the user's location!

I have detected a Level 2 Moonlight Wolf.

Odds of user eliminating the target: 45%
