
The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure,

The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure, trending novels, best graphic novels, best light novel, manga, anime,

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34 Chs

10 The World Underneath

James felt a chill go down his spine when he heard the cheerful words. Wasting no time, he transformed into his Grim Reaper form. He also released his two merged damned souls for the specific goal of surveillance. At that same moment, the earth beneath his feet rumbled as hundreds of corpses struggled to break free from the ground. After the Army of the Fallen emerged, the air around James's standing position distorted in a rapid and eerie manner, which was causing the familiar black smog to make another appearance. While all these happened, James waited for the system's notification. But, a deafening silence greeted his expectations. With all these changes happening together, James had not even turned his head to locate the origin of the voice.

"Oh? You want to fight me? You? Boy, don't put me in the same category as those cute monsters. Sit down!" the mysterious person said while laughing.

While his voice echoed, James felt a strange pressure overpower him. Which buried all the corpses into the ground, almost as if a massive hammer knocked them back into the earth. Meanwhile, the merged damned souls screamed in agony and looked as if they were suffering from gruesome torture. Their reaction made James to return them to his Inventory. Because, he could not afford to lose the damned souls. The moment the merged damned souls disappeared, a turbulent wind dispersed the black smog. In less than five seconds, the mysterious individual bested James.

James who was still in his Grim Reaper form could not move an inch because the pressure he felt overwhelmed him.

It was like a small lamb standing in the presences of a Lion, there was no way the lamb could control itself in such a scenario.

'System! What is the meaning of this?! Didn't you say there was no one within 1km radius?! Where is this bastard hiding?! Scan his stats now!' James said via his mind.

In response to James's furious bellows, the familiar sound of the system's notification echoed in his mind.



Scanning Completed!

There is no living being within a 1km radius of the user's current location.

Error! I cannot detect any target! I have denied the user's request!


When James saw the system's response he was beyond livid. But at that same moment, he noticed the system warned him with the phrase - There is no living being within a 1km radius. Being a Necromancer, a sudden realization dawned on him.

'System, scan for any sign of the undead,' James said within his mind.



Scanning completed!

There is no living and undead beings within a 1km radius of the user.


The moment James read the system's display, it was as if his brain short circuited for a moment. Because, the current situation confused him.

"Oh? You are still conscious. Your Grim Reaper form is unique. If not that those bastards have their eyes on you, I would have stripped you clean by now. Tsk, tsk. How unfortunate for me," the mysterious person said.

Although it sounded like complimentary words, James felt as if the mysterious person mocked him, and it made him furious.

"who are you? Show yourself. Don't be a coward who hides in..." Before James could finish his statement, the same aged voice interrupted him, "Coward? Yeah, you're right. I'm a coward, but I need not hide from a mere Apprentice ranked sorcerer. Even if you were five ranks higher, I'd still mop the floor with those bones of yours," he said.

While his words echoed, the air in front of James distorted. Almost as if someone or something tore through space. Although a beautiful sight, James felt chills as he watched. About five seconds later, a skinny old man in a black mage's robes appeared from the rift. He had a radiant smile on his wrinkled face as he stared at James.

Because of the hood he had over his head and the poor lighting conditions of the forest, James could not see his face. From his lying position, he could only see the scanty teeth in the mouth of the old man. Even though the man stood right in front of him, the system still did not recognize his presences. Which made James baffled. In a tight spot, James commanded the flames burning in his empty eye sockets to attack the old man.

Meanwhile, the old man laughed in response to James's sneak attack. A few seconds later, James's mouth opened in disbelief. Because, the two flames from his skull fell on the ground, without even touching the body of the old man. Although everything happened so fast, James saw as the flames passed through the illusionary body of the man.

After James's failed attack, the old man stretched his hand towards James's skull. Which caused him to feel a life threatening fear for the first time since he came to the Continent of Skyhaven. Instead of cowering in fear, James had a devilish grin on his face as he laughed. From his point of view, he preferred to die than beg for his life.

Contrary to his expectations, a shocking scene occurred when the old man's wrinkled hands touched his skull. At that moment, something suppressed his Grim Reaper form. Forcing him to return to his human form. The sudden turn of events left James with a dazed expression on his face, and after the old man touched him, he felt as if something restricted him from using Mana.

"Kid, no need to put up such an expression on your face. We have both had our fun. So, it's time to get to business. Don't worry about your Mana, it is just temporary," the old man said. Meanwhile, James remained silent. He tried his best to communicate with the system, but he received no response.

"I can't believe you came! They told me you would come, but I did not believe them... So that means Dame... Damien Dumas is dead, right? Why do I feel you can't remember who I am?" The old man said.

Meanwhile, his words stunned James. Which made him more cautious of the mysterious man. At that same moment a sudden realization dawned on him.

'Wait… wait, this should be him! He is the one who placed the curse! Who told him I would come here!' James mused. The reason he came to this conclusion, was because the old man called Damien's name. Although he mispronounced Dumin as Dumas. James was certain he talked about Damien Dumin earlier.

"Who the hell are you? What do you mean that, 'they' told you I'll be coming here? Who is 'they'?" James said.

"Tsk, tsk. You can't even remember the person who placed such an easy curse on your body? You should not be talking in that tone of voice, I'm still the person who saved your life. Nobody is here with us. So, there is no need to play the fool. I'm sure you know who I'm talking about," The old man said with a knowing grin of his face.

Just like he suspected earlier, the old man made it easy for him to break the curs. James did not know how the old man predicted the future. In fact, fear engulfed his body has he listened to the old man. Because, he knew he could not mess with the old man. Meanwhile, James did not know what the old man meant by he saved his life. Unknown to James, it was the old man who tipped off the Dumin military of his whereabouts. His last statement puzzled James, too.

"you don't know? They haven't contacted you? Kid, I can only wish you good luck. You will really need it. Since you know nothing, I think it's better I let you find out yourself. Put out these flames. They can't hurt me, since I'm talking through a projection," the old man said.

'Oh! That's why the system could not detect his presence. So, it has been a projection all along,' James mused. While these thoughts drifted through his mind, he had a hesitant expression on his. Because, he did not know if the old man told the truth.

"Don't worry, I have no plans to kill or steal anything from you. If I had such intentions, I would have killed you a long time ago. If you don't want to put out the flames that's fine by me, too. In the long run, you are the one jeopardizing your chances of survival when it's discovered by the people on this island," the old man said.

Even though James would like nothing more than to smash his face, he had to admit his words made sense to a certain extent. With his Mana restricted, there was nothing he could do to stop the old man from attacking him, too.

"I can't do anything with my Mana restricted, let me go and I'll extinguish the flames," James said.

James's words caused the old man to laugh like a hysterical madman.

"I lied earlier, you can still use Mana. I only sealed a part of your brain, which made you think you can't use manner anymore. Try it for yourself and see," The old man said.

Being taunted like a fool, James's wished he had the strength to bury the old man. Instead of giving the old man the satisfaction of his seeing his anger, James maintained the same facial expression as before. While following the old man's words. To be honest, the old man's strange techniques awed him. But, he would never admit it. At least, not to the old bastard.

The moment he tried to extinguish both flames, he felt a splitting headache in his head, which almost caused blood to drop from his nose. Instead of stopping, James continued. Meanwhile, James's miserable demeanor excited the old man.

When he told James the way to use his Mana, he was not telling the complete truth. Because, he wanted James to suffer the pain of trying to break free from the barrier he kept in his head.

A few seconds later, blood dripped from James's nose, but at that same time the hellfire and purple soul purifying flames disappeared.

"Old man, you better die before I become as strong as you. Also, pray I meet no one related to you. I'm not one to hold grudges, but I believe in returning favors. Surely, I will repay this favor," James said. After his declaration, both of them looked at each other with beautiful smiles on their faces. A facade for the nasty words they said within minds.

The moment the flames disappeared, James felt a sturdy hand grab him from behind, and it lifted him into midair.

"Who knows who will die first between the two of us. Since we have finished discussing with each other, I'll take you to the World Underneath. Kid, just a heads up. If you don't prove yourself to be useful in that place, you won't last a day. A vile bastard like yourself, will fit in over there," the old man said.

Before James could retort, the arm of the old man dragged him into a tear in space. Meanwhile, the old man's projection disappeared.

Thousands of miles away from the spot where James disappeared, a massive mountain covered in different vegetation towered into the skies. On this desolate mountain, the howls and groans of several beasts echoed in all directions. Which showed that the mountain served as a home for several monsters on the island. The most fascinating feature of this mountain, was the massive gorge on its surface. Observing the gorge, it resembled a bottomless pit - leading to the pits of hell. Just like James's black smog, the moonlight could not illuminate the gorge. Unlike other parts of the mountain, the silence reigned supreme at the top. Only the wheezing sound of strong winds echoed.

A few minutes later, a tear in space appeared at the top of the mountain. Seconds later, James's figure which hanged upside down emerged from the rift. A sturdy arm held his ankles.

With the strong winds assaulting his face, a strange ringing sound echoed in his ears. Observing his surroundings, his facial expression distorted in terror. Before he could utter a word, the voice of the old man drifted into his ears, "Scared, right? Don't worry, you won't die. You'll only break one or two bones, or lose an arm or two, but it's no biggie. Once I toss you in there, my Mana will shield you from dying. Whenever, or if you get out of there is up to you... Maybe you will be dead before morning, remember to make yourself useful. Goodbye," the old man said.

"Wait… wait, you can't be…" before James could finish his statement, the old man tossed his body towards the gorge.

"I will kill you!" James said as the wind assaulted his face. Which caused his hair and clothes to flutter, and his body wheezed through the air. Meanwhile, the old man laughed at James's declarations.

"You'll kill me, right? I can't wait!" The old man said as the darkness of the gorge consumed James's silhouette.

At that same moment, the real body of the old man appeared from another portal. The moment he emerged, and from his feet upwards - his body turned to dust. Before he disintegrated, he laughed like a hysterical madman.

"I'm free! That bastard will look for me all over the continent but he will not know I have died!" the old man said.

After his declaration, he turned into dust, and the unforgiving wind spread his remains in all directions.