
The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure,

The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure, trending novels, best graphic novels, best light novel, manga, anime,

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34 Chs

5 Taskmasters

Just like before, Elhorn ignored Gamgult. He had no say in the matter. Meanwhile, Lilis stared at Gamgult with bloodshot eyes. After listening to Elhorn's explanation earlier, she knew how her brothers and sisters died. And, it infuriated her. Only thoughts of Killing Gamgult in the most violent way possible occupied her mind. On reflex, she inched closer and closer to Gamgult.

Meanwhile, Gamgult had a somewhat relieved expression on his face as he saw Lilis. The looks on her face showed that, she was on the verge of violating the orders given by the High-Elves.

"You two are cowards! I killed your brothers and defiled your sisters, yet you tend to my wounds. The spirits of your brothers and sisters will screaming in pain from your shameless actions. You are not even worthy of being called…" before Gamgult could finish his statement, Lilis interjected, "Shut up!" she said.

At that same moment, she dashed towards Gamgult's defenseless body. His taunting words from earlier had the desired effects. It made him glad. Because, all he wanted was death! With a gleam of expectation in his eyes, Gamgult stared at the approaching Lilis. With a small distance separating the duo, five arrows embedded themselves into the ground, "Lilis, stop!" Elhorn said.

He had another arrow notched on his bow, if Lilis dare to disobey the orders, he would have to injure her for her own good. Because, he could not imagine the punishment that would befall her when the High-Elves returned.

Meanwhile, Gamgult had a dejected expression on his face. He also cursed Elhorn multiple times in his mind. He prayed Lillis would remain stubborn; he did not want to miss a great opportunity. Just as this faint thought of hope entered his mind, Lilis words shattered it, "Elhorn, thank you," Lilis said.

The moment she finished speaking, she walked back to the same spot Elhorn stood. Meanwhile, Elhorn said no words of consolation. He would be a massive hypocrite if he said he did not want to kill Gamgult, too. The punishment accompanied with defiling the orders of a High-Elf prevented him from fulfilling his heart desires.

"Cowards! Come back if you…" before Gamgult could finish his statement, a pebble smashed his mangled nose, and it drew blood.

While he writhed in pain, Elhorn's voice drifted into his ears, "This is your final warning!" he said. Elhorn's current demeanor would send chills down the spines of most people. He looked as if he could not control his raging bloodlust. Only the looks in his eyes made Gamgult petrified with fear. In his life, he had not seen an Elf enraged so much. Like a meek little lamb, Gamgult shut his mouth. Who knew what Elhorn would do to him if he pushed his luck? The High-Elf only instructed that he should remain alive, she did not say he has to be in one piece.

"Abomination, you know that I can torture you, right?" Elhorn said.

His words caused Gamgult's body to tremble. He felt as if Elhorn just read his mind. Saying nothing in response, Gamgult nodded his head.

"Good! You have two choices. First option, tell me who sent you to attack our village, the reason for the attack, and the person you don't want to meet. Second option, I will beat you until you give me the answers to the first option! You have five seconds to decide!" Elhorn said, as he inched closer and closer to Gamgult's body.

Meanwhile, Gamgult's heart thumped as if it wanted to escape his body. Elhorn's words instilled fear into the depths of his soul.

"Wait, a minute… Please, wait…" Gamgult said, but Elhorn continued to approaching him with two daggers in his hands.

"I choose the first option! I'll talk… I'll talk," Gamgult said.

With his declaration, Elhorn halted his movement while waiting for Gamgult's explanation.

"An organization from the Black Lands, called The Order tasked my tribe to attack your village. I don't know the reason they gave this command… but, they prioritized the capture of the youths. As for your last question, they call them Taskmasters. Anytime a unit under The Order fails a mission, it is the duty of a Taskmaster to eliminate all witnesses. Please, I've told you all that I know. Please, kill me! If they find out I talked, they will torture my soul forever," Gamgult said.

Meanwhile, Elhorn and Lilis had stern expressions on their face. Only Elhorn knew the gravity of The Order's involvement. But, what he did not understand was why they asked the Ogres to prioritize the kidnap of the younger Elves. Also, from Gamgult's explanation, he knew the identity of the person battling with the four High-Elves.

"What do they want with the younger Elves? What so special about the youths from our village?" Lilis said. She voiced the same thoughts Elhorn had in his mind.

"Special? Your village? Don't think too much of yourselves…" before Gamgult could finish his statement, another pebble landed on the same spot from earlier. Elhorn's accuracy transcended the best of the best among human archers.

"Did you forget your current situation? Answer her questions!" Elhorn said. He had another pebble on his palm, in case, Gamgult wanted to behave stubborn.

Wriggling in pain, Gamgult stared at Elhorn and Lilis with his bloodshot eyes. He wished he had the power to kill the duo, and he also cursed his luck for running into High-Elves.

"They did not instruct us to target only your village. According to the rumors I heard, they attacked thousands of locations across the Great Kingdoms, Allied Kingdoms, and small Kingdoms. With the same aim in mind," Gamgult said.

His shocking declaration left Elhorn and Lilis stunned and confused. A few seconds later, fear gripped their hearts. Because, the sound of clapping drifted into their ears. Gamgult's face distorted in terror, while fear covered his eyes. Turning their heads, Elhorn and Lilis stared at the approaching figure - A human woman clad in a unique black-and-white robe. Because of the robes, they could only see her face.

Looking at her facial features, she had a beautiful black hair on her head, which she tied into a long braid. Just like her hair, her pupil had a black color. Which highlighted her milky-white skin complexion. With her pointed nose and her succulent-looking lips covered in black lipstick, she personified the term - a sultry woman.

"You know the consequences for blabbing, yet opened that gutter mouth of yours. Well, I'll deal with you once I'm through with these cuties," the lady said with a seductive smile on her face.

"Apprentice Taskmaster… Please…" before Gamgult could finish his statement, a shocking scene followed. Out of nowhere, several vines tangled against his body. Seconds later, they dragged him underground. The sound of breaking bones echoed into the air, which muffled the sounds of his screams.

'Apprentice Taskmaster? We can't handle someone like this. Did she escape from the High-ones? No, that's not possible. They must have been two from the start.'

As Elhorn mused, he stepped in front of Lilis while they retreated step by step. Like Elhorn, Lilis also knew they stood no chance against the human woman.

"Cuties, what did that ugly say to you? Can you please tell me?" the Apprentice Taskmaster said while puckering her lips, which revealed her dimples.

Elhorn and Lilis said nothing in response, although the human in front of them acted like a little girl, the looks in her eyes made them terrified.

"Cat got your tongue? If you tell me, I'll let you guys go. That's a good deal right?" the Apprentice Taskmaster said.

Just like before, Elhorn and Lilis remained silent. At any moment, they would flee for their lives. One of them had to live because they had to inform the High-Elves of what Gamgult said. While this thought floated through their mind, another loud explosion echoed. Accompanied by a more terrifying shock wave. Surprised by the sudden explosion, both Elves dropped to their knees. At that same moment, the Apprentice Taskmaster disappeared. Before the Elves could say a word, she appeared right in front of their eyes sporting a wonderful smile, and it sent chills down the spine of the duo.

"Cuties, I'm running out of time. The bald oldie fighting over there can't hold on much longer. So, what did that ugly tell you?" she said.

The moment she finished her statement, a loud shout reverberated, "The second one is missing! Deython, help the forest Elves!"

At that moment, the Apprentice Taskmaster shook her head. While dread gripped the hearts of Elhorn and Lilis. From their perspective, Arilya's shout echoed at the wrong time.

"Too bad, cuties. They have noticed I'm missing. Since we don't have enough time, I'll take the two of you with me," the Apprentice Taskmaster said.

Before Elhorn and Lilis could voice their objection, several vines wrapped their bodies like Gamgult's.

"Don't worry, cuties. You won't feel any pain like the ugly. I can't harm something so cute. I'll be a good Mama to you, too," the Apprentice Taskmaster said.

At that moment, Lilis could not stop herself from crying. While Elhorn tried his best to free himself from the thick green vines. As the earth swallowed the duo, the Apprentice Taskmaster searched Rheh's corpse. A few seconds later, she retrieved a silver-colored pendant from his armor. Like a little girl, she skipped to the sinking sight of the two Elves.

As she approached the duo, the smile on her face disappeared. At that same moment, she jumped into the air. The moment she jumped, three Demiri arrows pierced the ground. Meanwhile, as she floated in midair, five loud sonic booms echoed. Followed by the words, "Human, how dare you kill my brothers and sisters."

The eyes of the Apprentice Taskmaster shrunk as she saw the approaching arrows. Compared to the arrows fired by High-Elves she fought earlier, it was faster.

'Huh? Who is this? Those Cuties fighting the bald oldie can't reach here this fast,' the Apprentice Taskmaster mused.

Seconds later, like a helpless lamb, the five Demiri arrows pierced her body and nailed it to a nearby tree. The sudden turn of events surprised the sinking Elhorn and Lilis. They also felt the restraint of the vines weakening.

A few seconds later, Elhorn freed himself. Just as he wanted to assist Lilis, three arrows appeared in front of his eyes, and it rooted him to the spot. The arrows came out of nowhere, and he believed his time had come. Before the three arrows pierced his skull, they changed direction in midair. Attacking, the resuscitated Apprentice Taskmaster behind Elhorn.

"Meanie! Leave me and my cuties alone! Can't you see he wants to stay with me?!" the Apprentice Taskmaster said.

Unlike before, she dodged the arrows and dove into the sinking earth with Lilis. Seconds later, the ground returned to its natural condition. But, Lilis and the Apprentice Taskmaster had disappeared.

"Lilis! No…!"

As he screamed, Elhorn dropped to his knees with a dejected expression on his face. Tears streaked down his cheeks, too. At that same moment, the sound of the fierce battle between the unknown individual and the four High-Elves disappeared.

While Elhorn wallowed in despair, a voice drifted into his ears, "Brother Elhorn, I'm sorry for coming late. Please forgive me. It's been twenty years, but your brother, Hariel has returned."