
The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure,

The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure, trending novels, best graphic novels, best light novel, manga, anime,

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34 Chs

6 Racism

Stunned, Elhorn turned his head. At that moment, the familiar face of a handsome Elf greeted his eyes. Unlike most Elves, he had blue hair which he tied into a ponytail. While a blue scarf covered his forehead. His clothes also differed from the forest Elves and High-Elves. He wore the clothes of an adult human male. A plain gray tunic matched with black breeches, and silver-colored boots. Also, he had a quiver filled with Demiri arrows strapped to his back, while he held an odd looking bow with his right hand. Unlike the bows used by the forest Elves, his looked as if someone made it from metal. Under the noon sun, it glistered like a gemstone. Apart from his blue hair, he looked identical to Elhorn in all aspects. Another distinguishing feature, was the star-shaped scar he had underneath his left eye.

"Hariel…? Is that really you?" Elhorn said.

"Brother Elhorn, it is me. Please, pull yourself together. We can still save our sister, I don't think the human woman has gone far," Hariel said while using his hands to pull Elhorn to his feet.

Seconds after his declaration, a thunderous explosion reverberated into the air. Compared to the previous explosions, it was a hundred times stronger. The shock waves produced from the explosion uprooted several trees and launched the fallen trees and other debris in various directions. The speed at which the debris moved caused a greater destruction than the main explosion. The bodies of the slain Elves and Ogres also exploded into a bloody mess of flesh and blood.

Wasting to time, Hariel grabbed Elhorn and ran at the fastest speed he could muster. Looking at the blue scarf covering his forehead, it had a faint red glow as he ran. His eyes, too, had this red glow. Hariel's speed had surpassed that of a typical elf. Instead of running towards another region of Mathras, he ran to the grove which had his village. Although he ran at a speed that reached superhuman levels, the destruction caused by the sound wave reduced the distance each second. With less than fifty meters left until they reach their settlement, a shocking scene followed.

The statue which had been dormant for countless number of years, released gong sound which reverberated into the air. It surprised Lumvug and the other Elders who prayed for Elhorn and the slain Elves. Since they were born, they had never seen the Statue react. No matter how much they prayed.

"The Ancestor has heard our prayers! We will triumph over the invaders!" Lumvug said.

After his declaration, all the Elders prostrated towards the statue.

Like the Elders, Elhorn had the same reaction. If Hariel was not carrying him, he would have prostrated himself in worship of the statue.

"Our Ancestor has answered our call! Those vile creatures will never no peace… Our Ancestor will get revenge for us!" Elhorn said.

Having watched so many of his brothers and sisters die, he was on the verge of losing his sanity.

Meanwhile, Hariel had no reaction to Elhorn's words or the strange sound from the statue. Instead, he continued to run closer to their settlement. With the distance reduced to thirty meters, Hariel stopped in his tracks while staring at the approaching destructive wave.

Seconds later, another loud explosion echoed. This time it resulted from the approaching wave striking an illusionary golden wall, which protected the Elf settlement. Observing the massive statue, it emitted a faint golden radiance.

Although the explosion from the impact destroyed everything with a hundred meter radius around the settlement, it did not affect even the tiniest leaf within the barrier. A few minutes later, the illusionary wall disappeared. It coincided with the moment the red glow from Hariel's scarf vanished.

"Brother, are you all right? Do you need my help to heal your injuries?" Hariel said as he stared at the kneeling Elhorn. Meanwhile, silence greeted his words. Because, Elhorn immersed himself in praying towards the statue. Which caused Hariel to have a somewhat dejected expression on his face, "Brother. Please, don't follow the teachings of the High-Elves. A god did not create that statue…" before Hariel could finish his statement, someone interjected, "Silence! You dare speak blasphemy against our Ancestor?!"

While the shout reverberated, Hariel raised his head to stare at the new arrivals–Lumvug and the other Elders. From the expressions on their faces and their deep breaths, Hariel's words displeased them.

Angered, the seven Elders stared at Hariel and the kneeling Elhorn. The seven of them had a confused expression on their faces as they observed Hariel's facial features. Seconds later, Lumvug had a stunned expression on his face. Because, a sudden realization dawned on him.

"Oh! No wonder! It's you! How dare you return to the tribe?! Hariel, do you think twenty years will erase what you did?" Lumvug said.

Rage distorted his wrinkled face while he pointed at Hariel. Upon hearing the Hariel's name, all the Elders became stunned.

"Hariel! How dare you show yourself here! Because of your brother, we showed mercy. But, you return to mock our decision and insult the ancestor!" an enraged Elder said. Just like him, the other Elders hurled various insults at Hariel. However, Hariel refused to speak or pay attention to the Elders. Instead, he stared at Elhorn who looked as if he had gone insane.

"Parfs! Eliminate this traitor!" Lumvug said.

Contrary to his expectations, No cheers of acknowledgement or rain of arrows fell on Hariel. Instead, silence greeted his words.

"Elhorn! What are you doing?! Eliminate the traitor!" Lumvug said.

Angered to the extreme, his body trembled as he shouted. Still, Elhorn remained in his kneeling position, praying.

"Elhorn! Do…" before Lumvug could finish his statement, Hariel interjected, "Shut up! Don't disturb my brother! What? Do you want to declare him a traitor, too? Open your eyes, you frauds! Your Parfs? They all died and don't even have a body to bury! While my brothers and sisters fought for their lives, you stood before a useless statue praying!"

"Lies! There…" before Lumvug could finish his statement, Hariel nocked four arrows on his bow as he stared at the Elders with a stern expression on his face. Lumvug knew if he spoke further, Hariel would not hesitate to end his life.

Insulted by Hariel's actions, the bodies of the elders trembled. But, they couldn't do anything.

"Brother Elhorn, listen to my voice… That woman placed a curse on your mind, and it is corroding it," Hariel said.

The moment he finished speaking, a green hazy light appeared on the tip of his arrows. Which pointed towards the Elders.Because, Hariel whispered, they did not hear what he said. They assumed the brothers colluded with each other. While this thought entered their minds, Hariel released three of the arrows. A second later, another four joined the previous three arrows in midair. The seven arrows made a beeline movement towards the frightened Elders. The sudden turn of events rooted them to the spot.

"Hariel! You want to kill the Elders of…" while Lumvug's voice echoed, one arrow flew past him and the other Elders, too.

'He wasn't aiming at us? Then, what did he aim at?'

The Elders had the same thought in their heavy hearts as the arrow flew past them. Stunned, before they could turn their heads, a loud shout drifted into their ears, "Insolence!"

At that moment, a whirlwind gust blew the seven Demiri arrows away. Also, four figures emerged out of nowhere. The same familiar faces who instructed Elhorn to guard Gamgult.

"High-Ones?! Pay respects to the High-Ones!" Lumvug said. Which caused the other six Elders to bow in response. Meanwhile, Hariel had four Demiri arrows nocked on his bow. His facial expression did not change upon sighting Deython and the others. Just like him, Oravera and Valolora had three arrows nocked on their bows, too. Meanwhile, Deython and Arilya had stern expressions on their face as they stared at Hariel and Elhorn. Because, they could not find any sign of Gamgult. Also, Hariel's sudden arrival puzzled them.

"How dare you remain standing in the presence of a High-one?!" Lumvug said.

'Insolent beast! This will teach you a lesson you'll never forget,' Lumvug mused as he awaited the response of the High-Elves.

Hariel's actions made him bitter, and he wanted to use the High-Elves to deal with him. Knowing the person Lumvug was, the other Elders knew his intentions from the look on his face. They too, could not wait to knock Hariel of his high horse.

Meanwhile, although Arilya and the others heard Lumvug's words, they remained silent. They only continued to stare at Hariel.

"Who are you? And, what have you done to Elhorn?" Arilya asked a few minutes later. Like before, Hariel remained silent. Which caused the faces of the High-Elves to distort, and it delighted the watching Elders.

"I'll ask one more time, who are you? And, what have you done to Elhorn?" Arilya said. Her hand rested on her daggers this time. Like before, Hariel remained silent.

'Is this brat insane? Has he forgotten about the High-Elves?' Lumvug mused as he watched the scene. He could not believe Hariel ignored a High-Elf.

"Bastard! A mere low-born dares ignore…" before Oravera could finish her statement, Deython pushed her to the side. A microsecond later, an arrow breezed past the spot she stood earlier.

"Call me a low-born one more time and see if I don't end you!" Hariel said. Observing his bow, only three arrows remained. Meanwhile, Oravera's body shuddered when she heard Hariel's declaration. It also stunned Valolora, Lumvug and the other Elders. Meanwhile, Deython and Arilya had a calm expression on their faces. But, the diamond-shaped marks on their forehead glowed red. Their eyes also changed in color, too.

"What? You can threaten me, but I can't do the same?" Hariel said while laughing. The reaction of the Elders and the High-Elves excited him.

"You know the punishment for your insolence, right? You better realize the situation you're in, before you dig yourself into an unescapable pit. Kneel!" Deython said, as he walked towards Hariel and Elhorn.

"Don't make me laugh. Do you guys think you're special because you're the direct descendants of the ancestor? You think all 'low-born' will remain ignorant like these old buffoons? Worshipping a defective barrier generator as a deity," Hariel said while holding back the urge to laugh.

"High-Ones! Please forgive us. Our tribe produced this beast who dares to blaspheme the statue of our ancestor! But, we exiled him twenty years ago for the crimes he committed…" before Lumvug could finish his statement, Deython ordered him to shut up by raising his hand. Since Hariel's words infuriate Lumvug and the other Elders, they did not notice the High-Elves reactions when Hariel spoke about the statue.

"Before, I wanted to punish you for your insolence, but now, you will follow us to the capital. Surrender yourself for spreading falsehood, attempting to murder a High-Elf, and invading the great Kingdom of Mathras," Deython said. He continued to approach Hariel in casual steps. Also, Arilya, Oravera and Valolora made their moves. Deython approached from the front, Arilya approached from the rear. While Oravera and Valolora approached from the left and right side.

"Retrieve and heal the one called Elhorn. Make sure nothing happens to him," Deython said while staring at the Elders.

"Yes, High-Deython!" Lumvug said on behalf of the Elders.

After his declaration, Lumvug clapped his hands twice. While the sound echoed, Elhorn walked like a mindless zombie towards him. Hariel did not restrain him, too.

"Brother Elhorn, I'm sorry. Next time, I'll take you with me," Hariel whispered as he stared at the dazed Elhorn. Tears gathered at the corner of his eyes, too.

"For a low-born, you're not so stupid… I thought you would have tried to escape with Elhorn," Valolora said. The mark on her forehead glowed, too, like the other High-Elves. She did not care that Hariel hated being called a low-born. From her point of view, his feelings or beliefs did not matter. Also, he held dangerous beliefs which could topple the hierarchy of the High-Elves. She would never allow a–nobody like Hariel, to challenge the position of her tribe in the Elf race.

Meanwhile, Hariel laughed in response to Valolora's words.

"You think your tribe will remain number one forever? Idiots! A new era is upon us! From small kingdoms to Great Kingdoms and the Black Lands, a new wave is coming! You better get ready for it! For the safety of my brother, I'll retreat. But, next time? Let's see who is the low-born, then!" Hariel said.

After his declaration, the four High-Elves dashed towards him in unison. Ten meters away from where he stood, Hariel levitated into the air. At that same moment, a pitch-black rift space opened in midair. Seconds later, He vanished into the rift. The four High-Elves watched with stern expressions on their faces as his blue scarf fluttered while falling to the ground.

'Are my eyes deceiving me? Did I see that on his forehead?' Arilya mused as she stared at the blue skies.

While she questioned what she saw, Deython's voice drifted into her ears, "Captain, what do we do. We have to report this incident to the Capital."

"Yes. Let's not waste time here. Bring Elhorn, too. Also bring the leader of this tribe. We need to investigate the identity of that fellow," Arilya said. Without waiting for Deython's response, she disappeared towards an unknown region of the surrounding forest.