
The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure,

The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure, trending novels, best graphic novels, best light novel, manga, anime,

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34 Chs

4 Arilya

Although Gamgult and Rheh heard this voice, they could not identify the person who spoke, and it made them uneasy.

"Show yourself! Don't be a coward!" Rheh said while staring at Gamgult. Apparently, he wanted to lure the mysterious foe (s) into the vicinity of the mysterious attack. Noticing Rheh's ploy, Elhorn tried to warn the unknown party, but the words did not come out from his mouth. He prayed within his mind that, the assailant would not fall for the taunts of the despicable Ogres.

"Coward, show yourself!" Gamgult said. Since the mysterious party did not answer Rheh's initial shout, he felt anxious. In their current state, they stood no chance against a warrior Elf.

Just like before, silence greeted his taunts. Anxious, he raised his left leg to end Elhorn's life. The moment he raised his leg, a whooshing sound echoed, and a person clothed in warrior robes appeared. Looking at this beautiful female Elf, she wore a gray robe which had splits towards her thighs. She tied a red fabric around her waist, which also had two sheathed daggers. Her black thigh-high leather boots matched her robes, too. She also had a quiver filled with several odd-looking arrows strapped to her back, while she held a sturdy-looking bow. Unlike the bows of Elhorn and the fallen Elves, hers looked exquisite.

Like most Elves, she had a beautiful facial appearances. And, she tied her long blond hair into braids. Unlike the Forest Elves, she looked different. Because, she had a diamond-shaped mark on her forehead which glowed in a radiant blue color. Among the Elves, only the High-Elves had such a distinguishing feature.

As she stared at her surroundings, she had a stern expression on her face while rage covered her blue colored eyes. Meanwhile, Gamgult and Rheh had stunned expressions on their faces when they saw the new arrival. Because, they did not expect a High-Elf to wander to the outskirts of Mathras. But, it only surprised them for a moment. Within seconds, they had devious smiles on their faces. Because, they believed the mysterious Item would take effect on the Elf soon.

"Who knew High-Elves did something as shallow as sneak attacks? Disgrace!" Rheh said, which caused Gamgult to laugh like a hysterical madman, "Rheh, you can't blame the stupid bitch. Who wouldn't fear our mighty race?" Gamgult said while laughing.

They acted so confident because they believed the High-Elf had no way of resisting the mysterious Item. Known as a proud race, the duo saw it as the perfect opportunity to mock the most esteemed race among the Elves. While they laughed, Elhorn who was on the verge of death, tried to warn the beautiful Elf. Like before, his voice failed him.

"Abominations! For killing members of the Elf race and for invading our territory; I, Arilya, sentence you to Death!" Arilya said.

While her voice echoed, Gamgult and Rheh stared at each other with amused expressions on their face. Any other day, they would have taken the threats of a High-Elf serious. But, not today. Being a proud member of the High-Elves, Rheh and Gamgult's actions infuriated Arilya. Wasting no time, she nocked an arrow on her bowstring. Before she could release the arrow, she felt a mysterious pressure course through her body. Which made her alarmed. At that moment, she understood why the Ogres acted arrogantly.

"Gamgult, it's taking effect. Finish that bastard and let's have fun with this bitch. Who would have thought we'll get to play with a High-Elf?" Rheh said as he laughed. A lecherous gleam covered his bloodshot eyes as he stared at the Arilya, who dropped to her knees.

Like Rheh, Gamgult laughed while licking his lips as he stared at Arilya. Among the Elves, High-Elves had the best looks. Wasting no time, he used his uninjured hand to pick his mace. Before he could raise it for the second time, a sudden turn of events followed. Which caused both Ogres to have stunned expressions on their faces.

In a fifty meter radius, the vegetation and the earth trembled as if a gigantic beast approached, and a gray mist swirled in midair around the corpses of the Ogres and Elves. In fact, the corpses vomited this mist. Like the corpses, Elhorn vomited the mist, too. As these strange phenomena occurred, Arilya chanted a weird incantation while the diamond-shaped marking on her forehead glowed.

Panic-stricken, both Ogres attempted to flee. But, they realized to their horror, an invisible field restricted their movements. It also levitated the duo into midair. While they floated, Arilya stopped her chants.

"How dare you use soul-corroding powder against my people?! Where did beasts like you get such an Item? Tell me, now!" Arilya said.

She had a somewhat anxious expression on her face as she stared at the floating Ogres. Meanwhile, Gamgult and Rheh had looks that portrayed their confusion. They had never heard of soul-corroding power.

Meanwhile, Elhorn had an amazed expression on his face as he struggled to stand on his feet. Not that he knew what Arilya talked about, her strength surprised him. She dispelled the same thing that killed most of his brothers and sisters in seconds.

With silence greeting her questions, Arilya had a stern expression on her face as she stared at the floating duo, "Speak!" she said, while making a strange gesture with her right hand.

At that moment, a loud explosion reverberated into the air, and the miserable screams of both Ogres followed. Looking at their bodies, various lacerations covered it, and the duo lost both arms, too. But, blood did not flow from their injuries. But, they felt a great deal of pain.

"We don't know what you're talking about! The…" before Rheh could finish his statement, a gigantic black spear impaled him through the mouth. At that same moment, a second spear wheezed through the air. Heading towards the frightened and stunned Gamgult. But, before the spear contacted Gamgult, over fifteen arrows shifted its trajectory. But, it tore a section of Gamgult's left thigh.

"Who dares?!" Arilya said as she surveyed her surroundings. The first spear caught her by surprise. Although she wanted to kill the Ogres earlier, she reconsidered when she realized they had a soul-corroding powder. Instead of killing them, she had to interrogate them.

Meanwhile, although her voice echoed, no one replied. But, this did not deter Arilya.

"Watch over him! Don't let him die! Some of my subordinates will arrive soon, tell them what happened!" Arilya said while facing the recovering Elhorn.

Before he could reply, she disappeared. Meanwhile, Gamgult fell on the ground and blood flowed from his body like a tap. His miserable shrieks echoed into the distance. Although it infuriated Elhorn that Arilya asked him to watch over Gamgult, rather than ending his life, he had to obey orders. Because, Arilya as a High-Elf had more power than himself–a forest Elf.

"Kill me! Please, kill me! I said nothing… I swear! Don't let them capture me! Don't you want revenge for your brothers and sisters? Don't be a coward! C'mon!" Gamgult said as he groaned in pain.

He had a terrified expression on his face as his eyes gazed at different locations at random. Any other time, Elhorn would have accepted his request within the blink of an eye. But now, he did not dare to do as he pleased. Why Gamgult begged for death puzzled him.

As Gamgult begged for death, the sound of violent explosions drifted into Elhorn's ears. Which freighted him, and with each passing second, the explosions got louder and louder as if two behemoths clashed with each other. At that same moment, Gamgult's cries intensified. He even bit his tongue to end his life, but unfortunately for him, Elhorn healed his injuries.

"Let me die! Please, let me die!" Gamgult said, as blood poured out from his wounds.

"Shut up vermin! Do you think I want to protect someone like you?" Elhorn retorted.

"You don't understand. If they catch me alive, it will…" before Gamgult could finish his statement, another loud explosion reverberated into the air. At that same moment, everything around a thousand meter radius vibrated as if an earthquake would occur. Even Elhorn who stood, found it difficult to maintain his balance.

'Who is capable of pushing a High-Elf so much?'

While Elhorn mused, a loud but familiar voice drifted into his ears, "Brother Elhorn you're all right. Glory be to the spirit of the Parfs!"

Turning his head to gaze at the owner of the familiar voice, Elhorn had a mixed expression on his face. He was excited and dejected, too. Looking at the new arrivals, they comprised three female Elves and a male Elf. Divided into two female and one High-Elf and a single female forest Elf.

The two female High-Elves wore the same clothes as Arilya and looked just as beautiful. They also had the same diamond-shaped marking on their forehead. Also, they had a quiver filled with arrows strapped to their backs, while holding their bows. Meanwhile, the male High-Elf wore a long black robe which covered his body from head to toe, exposing only his face. Unlike the female duo, he did not hold a bow. He looked like an ordinary, defenseless High-Elf. Meanwhile, the female forest Elf dressed like the slain Melola, but without the armor. Just like the male High-Elf, she did held no weapons.

As they arrived, the four Elves had stunned expressions on their faces as they witnessed the horrifying scene. Especially, when they saw the corpses of the slain Elves. Unlike the forest Elf who broke down in tears, the sickening scene distorted the face of the three High-Elves. It filled them with rage.

"Sisters… Brothers…" the female forest Elf said, as she sobbed.

"Lilis, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I could not protect…" before Elhorn could finish his statement, the male High-Elf interjected, "Why is that abomination still alive? How can you heal such a vermin?" he said.

The moment he finished speaking, Elhorn felt a strange pressure course through his body, and it brought him to his knees.

"Please, don't misunderstand. My savior asked me to watch over him. She told me to ensure his safety until your arrival," Elhorn said. Cold sweat covered his body as he stared at the mean expression on the face of the Male High-Elf.

"Nonsense! Do not tell…" before male High-Elf could finish his statement, another thunderous explosion echoed, and it sent shock waves through the air. Using strange techniques, the three High-Elves remained standing, meanwhile, it flattened Elhorn and Lilis.

"What's that?!" the male High-Elf asked. Looking at his body, a radiant blue glow covered it.

"High-one, please listen to my explanation. The High-one, called Arilya, requested I explain the situation upon your arrival," Elhorn said as he coughed. While he spoke, Gamgult continued to beg for death. But, Elhorn restrained his voice using a strange technique.

"You have five minutes. If I'm not convinced, I'll end your life for healing a vermin!" the male High-Elf said.

After his declaration, Elhorn bowed his head in acknowledgement, "Thank you, High-one," Elhorn said.

Wasting no time, he recounted the events that took place from when the forest Elves first engaged the Ogres. As he spoke, the faces of the three High-Elves became sterner and sterner. Right until he finished his explanation.

"they call you Elhorn, right?" the male High-Elf asked.

"Yes, High-one. That is my name," Elhorn said.

"I'm sorry for my earlier comment. You may call me, Deython. And, these two are, Oravera and Valolora. Thank you for the explanation. Here have this," Deython said as he threw a gray color porcelain bottle to the stunned Elhorn, "The potion will heal your injuries. I will have to trouble you to watch over that vermin for a few more minutes. We need to aid our captain," Deython added.

"Thank you, High-Deython. I will do as you have asked," Elhorn said.

Adding the prefix–High, to a High-Elf's name was customary among the other Elves.

Without saying a word to Elhorn's words of thanks, the three High-Elves magically disappeared. Seconds later, the sound of explosions amplified, and shock waves followed each explosion. Unlike before, several uprooted trees accompanied by large boulders and sands flew in every direction. Elhorn and Lilis could not imagine the battle occurring in the distance. The strength of the unknown foe (s) also surprised them, because they could fight against four High-Elves. While the duo had different thoughts drifting through their minds, Gamgult's incoherent voice drifted into their ears, "If you give me a quick death, I'll tell you everything I know about those bastards from The Order. I will also tell you why they asked us to attack your village. Please, I only want death in return!"