
The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure,

The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure, trending novels, best graphic novels, best light novel, manga, anime,

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34 Chs

3 Corpse Army

Like enraged beasts, the horde of Ogres rushed into the grove holding their maces. Meanwhile, Elhorn and the other Elves who held their daggers, jumped from one vine to the other as they approached the rampaging horde. The Elves hidden at various spots on the trees, rained down arrows on the incoming Ogre horde. Unlike the previous case, most of the arrows ricochet off the armors of the Ogres. They could not target the openings in the helmets of the Ogres, too. Because, they ran with their heads facing the ground. Rather than relying on their sense of sight, they used their superior sense of smell to determine the position of the Elves.

Seconds later, both factions engaged in a brutal life and death struggle. In terms of physical strength, the Ogres had the advantage. Although not the most intelligent race on Skyhaven, they knew how to use their inhumane strength to their advantage. With Rheh leading the charge, the Ogres attacked the Elves with their massive maces. It sent the Elves unfortunate to meet its spike surface head-on, into midair. While fresh blood sprayed into the air. Some unfortunate Elves, had their bodies assaulted several times while midair. Unlike the armor of the Ogres, theirs cracked from the might of the Ogres.

Just like the Elves, the Ogres suffered losses, too. With Elhorn leading the charge, the Elves used their superior agility and intellect to dodge the berserker-like attacks from the Ogres. Unlike the Ogres who fought in individual units, the Elves fought as a unit. Comprising four members in a unit. Twisting in midair like agile monkeys, they bounced off the bodies of the Ogres while targeting the weak spots in their armor–the small gap in each joint. Also, the more skilled Elves killed the Ogres by plunging their daggers into the eye openings of their helmet. As Elhorn and the other Elves faced off with the Ogres, the hidden archery unit also assaulted the rampaging Ogres. Bombarding them with a continuous rain of arrows. Working in sync with the archery unit, the attacking unit ensured the Ogres raised their ends, which ensured the archery unit got a clear shot.

With both factions locked in heated combat, the enraged war cries of both parties echoed. Drowning the miserable shrieks of the slain and twangs of several bows. Blood stained the grass-covered earth, dying it with a mixture of red and gray. While several corpses and arrows littered the stained earth.

A few minutes later, from the over seventy Ogres, only twenty remained. Meanwhile, only twenty had fallen from the side of the Elves. They had used their superior agility and intellect to their advantage. Observing the corpses of the slain Ogres, several of them had one or more arrows embedded in their skulls. While their gray blood dyed the green grass. Also, a thick smell of fresh blood pervaded the air.

"You bastards! You will pay for this!" Gamgult said.

His howl reverberating in all directions, only a few minutes had passed since the battle started, yet more than half of his brothers laid on the ground. Never to wake up again. It filled him with rage as he stared at Elhorn and the others. Even though they had superior armors, weapons, and strength, he could not believe the outcome of the battle.

Meanwhile, Elhorn had the others had no change in their expressions upon hearing Gamgult's shout. Unlike before, the hidden archery unit merged with the attacking unit. They all had a fierce expression on their faces. Because, several of their friends corpses laid on the grounds. The same people they prayed with a few moments ago, would never see their families again. It filled them with rage. They had to avenge their slain brothers and sisters.

"Gamgult, there is no point wasting words with these bastards. We must avenge our brothers! Let's use the Item, the Order gave us," Rheh said.

Like most of the Ogres, he took deeps breaths at odd intervals. While he used his mace to support his body. Looking at his left arm, an arrow pierced the elbow opening in his armor.

While his voice echoed, the Elhorn had an alerted expression on his face. Although he did not know what the Ogres talked about, he recognized an organization from Rheh's declaration–The Order. Leaving at the edge of the Great Kingdom of Mathras, he had encountered the occasional traveler or two from the Black Lands - Who spoke about a mysterious organization made up of powerful individuals belonging to the path of Darkness. According to what he remembered, this organization controlled a certain portion of the Black Lands, and its members comprised several races. Also, they had a hand in most of the gruesome mass murders carried out in the Black Lands.

"Parfs! We cannot let them do as they please! Eliminate them all as an offering for our slain brothers and sisters!" Elhorn said. The anxiousness in his voice alarmed the other Elves.

Before they could move, a silver urn appeared on Gamgult and Rheh's hands. While their sickening laughter echoed, "You bastards, you brought this on yourselves! This is your reward for killing our brothers," Gamgult said.

At that moment, in unison, both Ogres crushed the silver urn. Seconds later, a shocking turn of events followed. A black mist appeared out of nowhere, making its way into the slain corpses. Seconds later, a tarrying scene occurred. The dead Ogres and Elves, rose their feet while screaming.

The sudden change sent chills down the spines of the Elves. They had never seen such a bizarre and sickening sight! Even the other Ogres took a step back after the corpses stood again. From their reaction, they did not know Gamgult and Rheh had such an Item.

"Kill them all!" Gamgult said.

His mad howl would send chills down the spines of those who heard it.

Screaming in unison, the corpses dashed towards the stunned Elves with a savage expression on their faces.

"Prepare for battle! Kill these abominations! These animals will pay for disrespecting the corpses of our brothers and sisters!" Elhorn said.

His roar brought the frightened Elves back to reality. As the corpses approached the Elves, the Ogres retreated to the spot they left their mounts. They showed no signs of joining the impending battle. Unlike before, Rheh and Gamgult revealed their faces. Which shocked their counterparts, before they could say anything, Rheh's voice drifted into their ears, "Don't worry, we have won this battle. These bastards can't handle what's coming next."

Meanwhile, Elhorn and the rest of the attacking unit greeted the corpses in combat. The archery unit, fled to the top the surrounding trees, and they rained arrows on the corpse army. Contrary to their expectations, the corpse army was weaker than they imagined. Within seconds, both units massacred the corpses. Leaving them with awkward expressions on their faces.

'So weak! How can this be a trump card?'

The Elves had the same thought in their minds as they stared at each other. Meanwhile, Ogres had panic-stricken expressions on their faces, except Gamgult and Rheh. In fact, they both had sickening smiles on their horrifying face.

"Gamgult, is that all? I thought…" before an Ogre could finish his statement, Rheh interjected, "Just watch! It's about to begin."

While his voice echoed, something strange occurred on the side of the Elves. The Elves who belonged to the archery unit, fell from their hiding places while gasping for air. Thick veins appeared all over their faces as if something choked them. The same scene played out with Elhorn and the other Elves comprising the attacking unit. They had looks of this belief as their visions became hazy while they plummeted to their knees. Their faces also had a pale color while the veins grew more prominent with each passing second.

"Rheh, Gamgult, what's happening? Is this poison?" an Ogre asked. Just like the Elves, the sudden turn of events surprised him.

"Don't be silly. Poisons won't work on these bastards. I don't know what is happening to them, in fact, I don't care. The higher ups said it will have a devastating effect on them, looks like they were not joking," Gamgult said as he laughed at the Elves.

"Gamgult, no need berating him. Newbies always have a lot of questions," Rheh said. Just like Gamgult, he enjoyed the miserable sight of the Elves.

"It's time to end these bastards, I don't have the patience to wait for them to die a natural death," Gamgult said as he picked up his mace.

His words also caused the other Ogres to pick up their weapons as they approached the helpless Elves. Asphyxiating while alive, the Elves felt tremendous pain coursing through their bodies. Just like the previous Ogre speculated, they wondered how poison could affect their bodies–when they had the natural gift of healing. In fact, they did not know who or what caused their current situation. Dread gripped their hearts as they stared at the approaching Ogres. They did not fear death, but they feared what the Ogres would do their kin.

With no sign of mercy in their red eyes, the Ogres approached the suffocating Elves with hurried steps. They wanted to end the battle quickly. Seconds later, Rheh towered over the body of female Ogre who stared at him with terror written on her face. With a sickening smirk, he raised his mace and dropped it on the skull of the Elf. Like a ripened watermelon, her skull cracked into a thousand pieces while fresh blood flowed live a river. The body of the female Elf went limp at that moment. Just like her, other Elves met their gruesome ends at the maces of the laughing Ogres.

A few minutes later, over fifty Elves had their heads bashed by the Ogres. Elhorn and Melola counted among the few Elves left alive. Their faces distorted in despair as they watched their brothers and sisters die with each passing second. While they watched, Rheh and Gamgult's huge physique towered over their bodies.

"Bitch, you were the one who shot this arrow. I'll return it back to you," Rheh said, as he removed the arrow stuck in his elbow. Using the arrow like a spear, the plunged the arrowhead into Melola's thigh. Which caused fresh blood to spray into the air while she shrieked in pain, and it delighted Rheh. Meanwhile, Elhorn also shrieked in pain. Because, Gamgult broke his right knee with his mace. The reason Gamgult tortured Elhorn, was because several of his brothers met their end at Elhorn's dagger.

"Beg for mercy and I'll let you go," Gamgult said, while he broke Elhorn's right arm. Just like him, Rheh also tortured Melola. He had already broken her four limbs already. Seconds later, while Elhorn watched, Rheh dropped his maces on Melola's skull. Like the others before her, she died a gruesome death.

Meanwhile, as Rheh and Gamgult tortured the duo, the other Ogres had slain the remaining Elves. Only Elhorn remained.

"Bastard, won't you beg for your life? Don't worry, nobody will witness your show of shame. Just throw away that pride of yours and beg," Gamgult said as he laughed.

"Gamgult, there is no point wasting time on him. Let's complete the mission. We have gotten revenge for our brothers, it's time to reap the rewards our harvest," Rheh said with a grin.

"Okay, Okay. I have had my fun anyway," Gamgult retorted. Just like him, the other Ogres had sly grins on their faces as they stared at the settlement in the distance. With the warriors killed, only women and children remained. In plain words, no form of opposition stood in their way to completing their mission.

Maintaining the sly grin he had on his face, Gamgult hoisted his mace above his head. Unlike the others, he wanted Elhorn die a painful death. So, he targeted his stomach instead of his head.

Just as Gamgult lifted his arm, several twangs reverberated in the air while sonic booms echoed. Within seconds, of the twenty Ogres, eighteen dropped to the blood-soaked earth. With three arrows embedded into their heads. Only Gamgult and Rheh remained standing, but Gamgult's raised arm had three arrows embedded in it while Rheh had one arrow embedded in his left knee, and two in his stomach. The mace on Gamgult's arm also dropped to the ground, falling backwards. The duo had looks of stupefaction on their faces; they did not know what happened.

Confused and frightened, a melodious voice drifted into their ears, "Those who invade the Great Kingdom of Mathras will die!"