
The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure,

The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure, trending novels, best graphic novels, best light novel, manga, anime,

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34 Chs

2 Mathras

With thousands of kingdoms found on the Continent of Skyhaven, the Great Kingdom of Mathras occupied the northern regions. Bordering the Black Lands and several allied kingdoms and small kingdoms. Unlike other Great Kingdoms, Mathras comprised a gigantic forest. Home to thousands of magical creatures and the Elf race. Even the radiant sunlight could not illuminate all parts of this forest. Because, most of the trees towered over fifty feet above the ground, and the length of their leaves differed from normal plants found in other regions of Skyhaven. Within the Mathras Forest, otherwise known as the Great Kingdom of Mathras; the occasional howls of beasts reverberated into the air, accompanied by the faint sound of the whistling wind–carrying a cold air. The vegetation in the forest also varied, and different natural barriers dominated the forest–such as; lakes, mountains, valleys, and swamps, etc. The divergent weather of the Forest, was its unique feature. Divided in two halves, one sections looked like a tropical paradise while the other looked like an icy resort. Also, on either sections, a unique vegetation grew. The Mathras Forest embodied the uniqueness of Nature.

One of the most prestigious races on the Continent of Skyhaven lived at the center of the forest–The Elves. A race known for their keen connection to nature and lovers of peace. The Lifespan of an Elf differed from most races in Skyhaven. While others lived for a hundred to three hundred years, most elves lived for over six hundred years. Also, they had a similar appearance to Humans. But, their pointed ears and extreme beauty differentiated them from Humans. Also, in terms of speed, agility, archery, intelligence, and Sorcery related to Healing, no race on Skyhaven stood ahead of the Elves. On Skyhaven, they considered the Elves the most gifted races. Several subdivisions of the Elves existed, such as; the Dark Elves, Ice Elves, Forest Elves, and the high Elves. Their skin color and the place they lived differentiated the Elves.

At the periphery of the forest, in one grove comprising tall trees, several beautiful constructions lined the top of the trees. They carved these trees in such a way that, several constructs which looked like houses lined the trees from the top to the midway point. Also, they used the branches, leaves, and vines of the trees to construct a multicolored walkway. At the center of the settlement, stood a majestic statue carved from glistering wood; in the image of a beautiful Female Elf. The statue had the same height as the tallest tree in the grove. Although a statue, it exuded a heroic and tranquil aura. Also, several birds swirled around the statue while their loud chirping echoed in all directions.

Looking at the settlement, several beautiful female and handsome male Elves bowed to the statue at odd intervals. Led by an older Elf who dressed like a local witch-doctor. Within their blue eyes, a look of reverence gleamed. Based on the clothing of the Elves - made from leaves and hemps, once could infer that, the Forest Elves inhabited the settlement. Although clothed, the Elves wore no protective coverings on their feet.

"Bow in acknowledgement of the savior of our race!" the old Elf said. For an old man, his voice had a powerful aura. Under his instructions, the over three hundred Elves bowed to the gigantic statue. Only raising their heads when the old Elf order them. Observing the old Elf, he wore a brown robe made from hemp. His disheveled golden hair fluffed in wind while he had a stern expression on his wrinkled face. Maybe because of his age, he could not stand straight; instead, he hunched as he stood. Using a long cane for support.

While they bowed in adoration, the sound of neighing and the hooves of several horses drifted into their eyes. At that moment, most of them had surprised expressions on their faces, while a few had looks of disbelief.

"Take the children inside, now! Anyone below the rank of an Elder, should not make a sound. Elders, follow me. All Parf, prepare for battle. We don't know what intentions these foreigners have," The old Elf said.

Saying nothing in response, some men and women carried the curious children into the hollow trees. While several men and women, hurried to grab their bows to prepare for battle. Meanwhile, the old Elf remained in the same position, with his eyes fixated on the incoming party.

Looking at the approaching party, they wore an all-black robe which covered their facial features and body. Compared to the Elves, they looked at least five times larger. Even their mouths had a strange black armor strapped to their bodies. Also, they had weird shaped maces strapped to the sides of the mounts, which looked like a mutated horse. Because, its hind and forelimbs had protruding bone spikes on its surface.

"Lumvug, what do we do? Judging by their appearance, they might be from the Black Lands," a tall Elf said. Lumvug was the name of the elderly elf.

"If it's the Ogres, we cannot allow them advance further! Send Lilis to the Capital, she must report the advancement of the Ogres," Lumvug said.

The faces of the elders changed the moment they heard his words, since their settlement stood at the periphery of the Black Lands, being attacked by foreign races occurred frequently.

"Lumvug, the Parf is ready," an Elder said.

"Good. Prepare for battle. Maybe the spirit of our ancestor watch over us. Elders, follow me. Let us pray for the victory of the Parf," Lumvug said.

Saying nothing in response, six of the Elders including Lumvug walked towards the direction of the altar. The same place they worshiped earlier, meanwhile, the last of the Elders walked towards an unknown location in the grove.

A few meters from where Lumvug and the others prayed, over hundred Elves gazed at the approaching foe. They all had their groin, chest, and arms covered by a glistering silver armor. While they held a four feet tall longbow, and its quiver strapped to their backs. Also, a sheathed dagger hanged from the sides of their waist. From plain observation of the armor, longbow, and the arrows; one could see the quality materials used in its construction.

While they stared at the approaching foes, their ears twitched; as if something fiddled with it.

"Brothers, Sisters, the Elders have given the order. We must protect our families! We are the proud descendants of the Parf, we'll not fall here!" A handsome Elf said.

While is voice echoed, all the Elves had stern expressions on their faces as they roared in acknowledgement. Saying nothing further, the Elves soared from one vine to another on the tall trees that made up the grove. As the Elves moved, a loud and sickening war cry reverberated into the air–originating from the approaching party.

The moment the distance between the Elves and their foe reduced to five hundred meters, a sudden turn of events occurred. The Black riders stopped in their tracks, not daring to approach the grove of trees. Meanwhile, with their bows nocked; the Elves stared at the riders with no trace of sympathy in their blue colored eyes. If any of the riders dared to enter the grove, they would not hesitate to strike them down. With tensions rising on both sides, one of the black riders jumped down from his mount while approaching the grove. A few meters from entering the grove, a whistling sound echoed in the air, as if something tore through its invisible grasps. With a quick reflex, the huge figure jumped to the side. Seconds later, seven arrows landed in the same patch of land he stood earlier.

"If you do not want to die, go back, now!"

The warnings of one Elf echoed, meanwhile, the hooded figure showed no reaction to the threats. Seconds later, the Elves fired another round of arrows towards the same target. Unlike before, the arrows moved at a greater velocity. Before the hood figure could react, five arrows sent him swirling in midair, knocking his huge body at least twenty meters away from his previous standing position. Still, the other riders did not respond. Even the figure fired at, did not scream in agony.

"Gamgult, did it pierce your armor?" a hoarse voice said, it originated from one of the huge hooded figures. He faced the hooded figure lying on the ground.

At that moment, a thunderous laughter reverberated into the air. The figure shot at, stood on his feet while removing his black robes, "Rheh, those bastards from the Order did not lie to us. Their Demiri arrows can't pierce our armors. It's time we end their lives," Gamgult said.

By the time he finished his statement, the radiant sunlight illuminated his black armor, and his huge body. But, the most shocking feature about him, was his race–an Ogre. Standing at feet, he wore a black armor which had several runic designs etched on its surface. The color of the armor contrasted with his green skin. Although he looked like a human man, he resembled a more primitive and violent for of man. Unlike man, his lower canine tooth protruded out of his mouth like a saber-toothed beast. His deformed nose looked as if something scorching hot melted it. While his red eyes resembled that of a killer. Also, a thick black hair cover the top of his head. In fact, he tied it into a ponytail.

Seconds after his declaration, the other Ogres revealed their bodies, too, while laughing in a sickening voice.

"Gamgult, catch," Rheh said as he threw a mace towards the laughing Gamgult.

Meanwhile, as the Ogres revealed their identities, the Elves had surprised expressions on their faces. Because, their arrows could not penetrate the body of the Ogre. In their hundred years of living, such a scenario had never occurred.

"Elhorn, what do we do? Our arrows can't pierce their armors," A beautiful female Elf said. She faced the Elf who warned the Ogres earlier.

"Melola, it does not matter if our arrows can't pierce them. We cannot let them advance. Although they have covered most of their bodies, we can target their eyes. We also have our daggers, too. Everyone! Prepare yourselves!" Elhorn said.

While his voice echoed, all the Elves nodded their heads in approval. Blessed in the skill of archery, targeting the eyes of the Ogres was not a difficult task. As they strategized, the loud voice of the Ogre named Gamgult drifted into their ears, "Elves, if you don't want to die, you better surrender. Your females can warm our beds while the males will serve as our slaves. This you last warming! Surrender!"

While his voice echoed, another Ogre stepped forward while laughing, "Gamgult, why waste your time on lower beings? We will kill all their men, including the little boys, and we will **** all their…" as he spoke, the loud whistling sound reverberated through the air. Unlike before, a sonic boom accompanied the arrow. Before the Ogre could finish his statement, a Demiri arrow whizzed into the eye opening of his helmet. He did not even scream as his huge body fell to the ground. The arrow made its made to the brain of the Ogre, killing him instantly. The sudden turn of events left the other Ogres slack-jawed.

"You bastards will pay for this! Kill everyone!" Rheh said, and his furious roar woke the others from their stupor. As a result, they all screamed like enraged beasts. Before they charged into the grove, Elhorn's voice drifted into their ears, "Mere Ogres dare to proclaim themselves has a higher race. Today, abominations like yourselves will learn never to attack the Braris tribe!"

At that moment, several Elves emerged from their hiding positions. Wielding a glistering silver dagger on their hands as they stared at the incoming Ogres. Others remained in strategic positions, with their bows notched. A thrilling battle between races was imminent.