
The Outer Heavens: A Satirical Potatowned Massacre

Just the lost snippets of my novel The Outer Heavens which broke the fourth wall and addressed the one and only Ultimate Douchebag of Webnovel - Potatowned. Have fun reading about yourself getting mutilated, you son of a b****.

LordIkariMuhino · Others
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5 Chs


Oh, hello, dear viewers. What's up with your yee-yee ass lives nowadays? Has the virus eaten you up? Still breathing? I feel happy for you.



Holy shit. You okay? Are you dead now?

I-I didn't mean to do it. Oh wait, I did.

Who's talking right now? Is it Ramza?



Or Hiyon?

Maybe Rin.

Or Neunji.

Dumbass Zaori?

Annoying little Eulin.

The rando you hate so much - Emzai.

Maybe it's Ned, who's been owned into a potato twice now.

Nah, it ain't Ned, but here's one thing.

I'm talking to YOU.

But who is talking to you?

...It's me.

I'm here.

I'm here.

I'm here.

I'm here.

I'm here.

I'm here.

I'm here.

I'm here.

I'm here.

I'm here.

This is what you get for demanding the story of the Outer Heavens to be rushed. The lord Ramza must await his fate. We have a reason to deal with him together. You on the other hand... we can deal with your countries in a whim.

In your gods you trust... yet the truth is you don't believe.

You only believe in yourself, but look at you. What a brave bunch you all are, but you only grow balls when you're holding a keyboard inside your parents' home.

'Nooo, I'm not in my parents' home. I live by myself with my partners.'

Take away that keyboard and you have nothing to live for. You have noooo power.

Not even your petty little Illuminati can save you all. 'Lizard men'. 'Men in black'. They ain't done shit. 'Men in black'. 'Babushka lady'. 'Moon landing is fake'.

You're all alone.

'Nooo, the power of friendship is here for me and we will rush things!'

...You don't even have friends, do you? Nobody likes you, that's why you're commenting here like Adam Sandler, a stupid-looking black guy and a dog-monkey-looking thing.

We'll take over the world. Not the Outer Heavens. Not the Old Earth.

We're taking over YOUR world. Yeah, YOUR world. Earth, 2023.

Only the lord Unvergang can stop us. Don't worry. Because you want to rush the story, we'll prolong your agony. We'll be there before you know it!

Did it for the lulz, huh? Hmm-hmm-hmm...!

The world for the lulz...! The world for the lulz...! The world for the lulz...!

Look, Smiley's behind you.

Syke it! HAHAHA!

...You better shut up or the Ten Commandments will come to claim your fucking soul. Anytime, they will knock at your doors to get you. How? Simple.

You... are not an Unvergänglich.


Death follows me, and it'll claim you now that I'm here with you.

Now shut the fuck up and read the story, motherfucker.


The Blights have just learned who was behind the massacre of Daegil Village, and to their horror, Tiul, Ozer and Rezal had a direct hand on it. Judge Xus and Dram defied orders with the former choosing to commit suicide and erase his memories of the plan.

By the way, aren't Unvergäng immortal?


Yes, they are, but not the kind of immortal you want, you faggots. There is more to the curse than your stupid Superman-loving, cock-sucking mouth and fingers.

pfft, thumbs down, what?