
The Other Side Of Drug

The other side of drug is book which talks about the unorthodox acts exhibited by the youth especially teenagers and young adults in our contemporary society and the repercussions of such acts on oneself and the society as a whole. It also elaborates in details about drug abuse, rape, pickpocketing and so on and ways it affect young people without proper supervision from adults and how life can be devastating without parenting. It further enlightens the youth and even grown-ups on how to look after themselves and how to bring up their wards to become useful people in the near future. Moreover, it talks about the life of a teen girl who was brought up by her sister after their parents passed on and how life dealt with her throughout her life and how she was able to break free from such acts.

FrancaKwakyeMarfo · History
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

After being in the room for about an hour later, Andrea came out dressed in a mini skirt which was as small as her hips with a fitting red blouse which complimented a red high heel shoes she was wearing. She styled her hair and applied some make-up on her pale face. Abena eyes went wild as she was taken aback seeing Andrea looking stunning in that attire. She wondered again where Andrea was dressed heading to at that particular point in time. With her high heel as thin as a pencil, it quite complimented her legs which was as thin as the antenna of a mosquito.

"Hey girl" Andrea called and Abena came out from the other part of the room.

"Yes, you called me" Abena said.

"Yes, I'm going out now so take a very good care of the house whiles I'm away okay. I will return at dawn" Andrea said.

"Okay Bouncer, I will watch over everything here for you. I will make sure that not even a pin will even go missing" Abena promised. After hearing that Andrea disappeared in a split second.

At that point in time, anyone in Abena's head would wonder where her friend was going to at that moment. For Abena, she got no say in her friend's business because she was only a stranger perching at what it seems a good Samaritan's abode. She knows that Andrea was into something unorthodox but dares not poke her nose into her new found friend's affair.

"What have you involved yourself into?" Abena asked nobody in particular.

"Hope you wouldn't get yourself into any mess Andrea?" she asked herself this time. Abena was worried about her friend.

The curtain of the night fell on Abena and she faded off to sleep in the middle of her thinking and anticipation. The next thing Abena heard was a hard knock at the door which awoken her in the middle of the night. Fear suddenly gripped her and was quaking from head to toe. She didn't know what to do. The knock became intensed. Abena started to pray in her mind.

"God, please come to my aid this instance" Abena prayed.

"Please who is there?" Abena asked in fright.

"It's me Bouncer. Come and open the door right now!" Andrea roared.

"Okay a minute" Abena said and ran to the door. The door was unlocked in a split second and Andrea came in.

"What took you ages before asking who was at the door. Don't tell me that my knocking scared you to death?" Andrea asked.

"Of course yes. I nearly died of fright Bouncer" Abena responded in shiver.

"Girl calm down. It's not as if a night's beast is eyeing a prey to devour. Anyway I'm sorry Abena. I didn't know my appearance now would make you quake in your boots" Andrea apologized.

"We live a slum area and you know the things we witness here are quite heinous" Abena said.

"Of course you are right. Many bad things happen here de temps en temps. Robbery and other unorthodox acts such as pickpocketing and the rest are rampant here that's why you must be indoors until you secure yourself a job" Andreas said. With that she threw herself on the tattered student mattress. Sweat of exhaustion swept across her forehead as she laid on her back to ease the pain which was hovering in her lower back.