
The Other Side Of Drug

The other side of drug is book which talks about the unorthodox acts exhibited by the youth especially teenagers and young adults in our contemporary society and the repercussions of such acts on oneself and the society as a whole. It also elaborates in details about drug abuse, rape, pickpocketing and so on and ways it affect young people without proper supervision from adults and how life can be devastating without parenting. It further enlightens the youth and even grown-ups on how to look after themselves and how to bring up their wards to become useful people in the near future. Moreover, it talks about the life of a teen girl who was brought up by her sister after their parents passed on and how life dealt with her throughout her life and how she was able to break free from such acts.

FrancaKwakyeMarfo · History
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Abena could see the expression of disappointment in her friend's face.

"Are you alright?" Abena asked Andrea who was covered in sweat with her eyes almost bulging out of their sockets as if she has drank an unknown substance or has been drugged. Andrea wasn't looking her usual self after returning from the night business.

"Yes, of course I am alright. You should rather be asked because you were shivering as if cast in snow for years" Andrea said.

"You are right. I was afraid a while ago but that is not the issue right now" Abena replied.

"I need to have a warm sleep for I am over exhausted from tedious works" Andrea said and drifted to sleep.

Abena just watched her friend as she lied in paroxysm of joy. Whatever happened to her must have troubled her deeply even to the of visible bruises. In short, Andrea had been assaulted physically and emotionally as well. Sweat of exhaustion swept across Andrea's face as she drifted to sleep.

"I don't know what happened to you but everything will be alright" Abena heard herself telling Andrea. She also dozed off and slept sadly as the curtains of the night fell on the both of them.

Before dawn, Abena had a nightmare. It was the most horrid dream she has ever dreamt of. She saw herself in the dream and lo and behold, a giant scary hyena was after her to devour her. Nit only was the scary hyena wanted to devour her but has also targeted a script that was in her hand. Unknowing to her what was