
Damn It Eren.

[Levi's POV]

Boring, Boring, Boring. That's all I could think about as I sat at my desk, reading paper after paper. I kept glancing at the clock, watching as the hands moved slowly. I heard thunder, and looked out the window to see water droplets fall from the sky and hit the ground. "Rain, just what I need....." I thought.

[Time skip to after work]

I walked quickly and quietly down the sidewalk as the rain started to fall more heavier. "Good thing I brought an Umbrella." I stated. Just then I heard someone sneeze and looked to see an alley way next to me, a boy with brown hair and rags as clothes sat in an alley crying. I walked up to him and got a good look at his condition, he had some cuts and bruises. "Hey Kid, what the hell are you doing?" I asked, he jumped up in shock and stared at me wide eyed. "I...I was just...." he fell silent and looked down. He was soaking wet, from the rain.

Damn it! I can't just leave him out here! "Hey what's your name? And how old are you?" He looked up at me "I'm 16, and my name is Eren, Eren Jaegar." he stated. "Tch. Aren't you supposed to be home? What are you doing in the rain?" His eyes watered and he looked scared.

I sighed "Come with me you brat."


"I gotta get to my car at the parking lot. Let's go."

He stood up and I let him get under the umbrella. When we arrived at my car, I opened the passenger side and gestured for him to get in. He hesitated and looked at me "What?" I asked. He clenched his fists "Why are you helping someone like me!? I'm just a worthless brat!" he shouted. I looked at him in shock, I didn't know what to say, What has he been through? "Just get your ass in the car." I demanded, he still wouldn't get in, he just stood there and stared at the ground. "I said to get your ass in the car damn it!" I pushed him into the passenger seat and closed the door, locking it.

I walked over to the driver's side and got in the car. I glanced at Eren as he crossed his arms and slumped down in his seat. I reached over, grabbed his seat belt and buckled him in. "Your being such a brat, you're 16 get your act together." I stated, "When we get to my house, you're gonna shower and change out of those clothes and then we're gonna talk."

I started driving and he looked at me "Talk about what?"

"Why your ass decided to sit in an alley covered in bruises and cuts during a thunder storm, instead of going home to your parents." I glanced at him as he looked down, and fiddled with his thumbs.


I cleaned up my house a bit, while Eren showered. His eyes were.....beautiful...such a pretty color and his hair looked soft "Ah! What the hell am I thinking!" I shouted, scrubbing the kitchen table faster. "What's Wrong?" I turned to see Eren wearing one of my T-shirts, he was taller than me, but he was wearing one of my big T-shirts so for him it stopped a little above his knees. His skin sparkled now that it was clean, and his hair still looked a little wet.

He sat on one of the couches and sighed, I sat on the other couch across from him "So you wanna tell me why you weren't home? And why you have cuts and bruises?" I asked. He looked away from me, and I saw him tense up "Well.....Hey! Shouldn't you tell me your name first!?"

"Oh right where are my manners, my name is Levi, Levi Ackerman. Now answer the question Eren."

He looked down at the floor, "My Dad beat me up and then kicked me out the house forever." I sat there in shock, who would do that to their own kid? "Eren..." But before I could say anything else, he stood up and stretched. His shirt rose up a bit and I could see his boxers, causing me to blush. "Ahh! What the hell! Put some pants on!"

[2 minutes Later]

I sat at the kitchen table while Eren changed into some pants in my room. "What the hell is wrong with me!? He's a Guy! I'm a Guy! So why am I acting like this! D-Do I Like him!?" I was shouting all of this out loud, not even thinking if he heard me or not. "Like who?" Eren was now standing by the kitchen table, he was still wearing the same T-shirt but now had some pants on. "N-No one!" he smirked at me for some odd reason.

"Well thanks for letting me wash up and all, but I don't wanna impose on you any longer. I gotta go, thanks again." He started walking towards the door, I stood there in shock, What should I do? He's about to leave? Tch why do I care? I hardly know him.....but still he has nowhere to go....Damn it, my hearts pounding.....Why? Am I really into Guys?

"Eren Wait!" I sprinted towards him and grabbed his hand, and I think I got my answer, his hand was so smooth and it felt so strong.

Damn It Eren.

I've fallen for you already.....

Hey Readers! It's me the author! I hope you guys enjoyed the first chap of The Only Exception! It might've gone by a little fast! But there's still a lot of things that are gonna go down! Anyways......I really wanna hear your thoughts are on this! And maybe give me some ideas of what you want to happen later on! Thanks! Love you all!

Luce_Dragneelcreators' thoughts