
The One Who Lies Between The Devil & The God

what if a guy have a sweet dream about new world but he wrong. When him see that "pretty world",he very disappointed and his journeys is started with the danger and hopeless when he want against all gods and demons.

NeihZeleno · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Trap In The Trap In The Illusion ?

After that stupid treatment, I'm walking out of the infirmary to get my check-up done. Although I think it's pretty pointless when i also recover but let it go. I should pay attention to the people I fight, even though it's a scrim but obviously if it wasn't an ally, I'd be dead.

Much more tiring than I thought, it's true that the manipulation of an S+ rank is different. I'm lucky I recovered, but it still can't make me tired, but if I don't lose health or mana, is it my own doing?

<SYSTEM A+.>: Note: "fatigue" is a bad state, not a mental state, but a bad effect."

It's okay to listen to this kind of thing, it's so familiar and silly to raise it as the strongest entity. Let's forget about an old man who can't even win to talk about the current strongest entity. But never mind it's too long so now i just need to sleep...


Kimi:"UGHT !!! what that !?! "- There was a sudden explosion outside, it was so powerful that it turned my room into a mess.

I just got out of the room, but instead of people finding and beating everyone who was holding a "home concert", it turned out to be a huge fire, lighting up the whole sky.

Amaya: "Are you awake?"-He asked in a very calm voice while I was still confused and didn't understand anything

Kimi: "Of course, that explosion is enough to wake up even the people in the lower town!"

Amaya: "Looks like you can't stand the heat?"

Kimi: "It's not hot, it's cremation."

Amaya: "Looks like the holy knights are here?"

Kimi: "But if you take action, will everything be faster?"

Amaya: "Not really, what would you do if you saw an unknown number of enemy troops?"

Kimi: "Send a small vanguard to scout?"

Amaya: "So what if those troops don't come back?"

Kimi: "Then send the whole army to level the enemy's force?"

Amayaa: "That's right, from what I've observed, the enemy isn't too strong, I can easily defeat them but everyone in here won't be so lucky."

Kimi: "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Amaya: "Why don't you give it a try? Your strength is fine, now you just need to gain more real combat experience."

Kimi: "Oh then I'm leaving!"

Amaya: "I'll go kill those mainstays, good luck!"

It's strange that even if he's ranked S+, how can he weigh enough troops to have the reputation of "sweeping" the manasium lifeforms? but never mind it's not too-

Kimi: "Ught! what the hell?!"-A cold hand covered my mouth.

???:"If you want to live, follow me"- An girl wearing a crimson robe with a mask of a demon eye looks like a space trail.

Kimi:"Who are you?!?" - I said almost out of reflex.

<SYSTEM A+.>:"Notice: The <Traitor's Eye>'s Effect Area has revealed the hidden trait <Advanced Mana Perception>."

Wait, that's an ally?

???: "What are you doing, bro?"

Kimi: "Sumari Amina-san in this way?"

???: "..."

Kimi: "right?"

Sumari: "haha.. ! that's right, you're pretty smart, Kimi-kun!"

Kimi: "Kun?"

Sumari: "it's okay to add 'kun', isn't it still good?"

Kimi: "ah. yeah.. yeah!"

Kimi: "Then why do we have to run away? Aren't they allies?

Sumari: "They want to raise us to increase mana and then kill us."

Kimi: "So we're just food?"

Sumari: "It's a long story, follow me!" - She kept holding my hand and pulling me away.

Why? I'm a pig waiting to be fed again? I told myself to be careful, didn't I? Wait a minute, why did I run out here and it was still so hot, maybe I was poisoned during the test?

<SYSTEM A+.>:"denial, that feeling is the effect of <Taptile Magician>"

So this is a scam right?

<SYSTEM A+>:"No Information Found"

It's kind of a dictionary, isn't it? Maybe I should stop fantasizing. If this is an illusion, could it be a trap? Yes, if Sumari-san had tried <Advanced Heal> she would have been able to help everyone in the battle as Anotilus, so this is...?

Sumari: "Hey you are-"

Keng ! She's a Fake!

Kimi: "Who are you?" -I don't think I should say it after slashing her but let it go.

Sumari: "Do you really need it? I'm Sumari Amina!"

Kimi: "but her name is not Amina?"

Sumari: "Huh?!?"

Kimi: "I tried giving a fake name and you are ?" ???:"Hahaha...!!! You're pretty smart Kimi-kun."

Kimi: "This kind of smile... Gyotsuki?"

???: "..."

Kimi: "So I'm wrong?" - Oh, it's embarrassing to guess wrong if it's the focus of the argument. Gyotsuki: "Not really. You guessed faster than I thought."

Somewhere in that castle.

Akina: "He seems to be quite smart, don't you think Akira-san?

Akira: "Yes, Akina-sama."

Akina: "Come on, just treat me as a friend, and if he intends to betray then I'm afraid his ending won't be happy, do you want to join Sumari Akira-san. "

Sumari:"Yes ! I will never betray my benefactor."