
The One Who Lies Between The Devil & The God

what if a guy have a sweet dream about new world but he wrong. When him see that "pretty world",he very disappointed and his journeys is started with the danger and hopeless when he want against all gods and demons.

NeihZeleno · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Absolutely Strength Difference

I was getting ready for dinner when I wondered...

"Well, I think it'll be fine if I try solo with you, right?"- I think I can

Amaya:"Are you sure ?"

Kimi:"yeah why not ?"

Amaya:"I think you shouldn't try that."

Kimi:"It's okay, I'm only slightly injured."

Amaya:"Ummm... All.. right ? Let's go eat and we can practice fight, okay?"

Kimi:"thank you Amaya-san."

I can't imagine there's going to be a meal that.. is it like... how to describe it... both "delicious" and "not good" ? It's certainly not the kind of food that I usually eat. Well, what's with the manasium-tainted wild boar? and slime juice too? It had a much lighter taste, it felt like it was not spiced at all. But this is the medieval era no matter what time the seasoning will be without salt and spices. But that SLIME JUICE??? i understand i'm just absorbing mana but it's kind of unaccustomed to a new guy 7 days ago who is a normal human being, an ordinary man with a mediocre job, can do many things but can't be good at it where.. If I'm still like that, can I survive?

Oh, it's not as bad as I thought it would be, but it's not too bad anyway.I think next time if I can I will do it myself but what am I asking for? I've been here for free. I thought there were only 10-18 people here but after asking to help them clean up, they said there were 79 Servants. I think I really need to learn about this place. Or should I-

Amaya:"Hey Kimi ! are you ready ?"

Kimi:"Oh...ah ok !"-Damn I forgot. But wait what rank is he?

Ryosuki:"Hoho you have a fight,really ? He's ranked S+."

Kimi:"Wait.... a minute ?? he's rank S... S+???"

Ryosuki:"yeah you don't know that ?"

Kimi:"NO Of Course !"

Akina:"Uh... I think it will be so hurt !"

Kimi:"shit i think i stupid now."

<SYSTEM A+.>:"correct confirmation. You have 15x10^-157% to win him"

Kimi:" you're right, of course a C- rank won't win an S+ rank"

Kimi:"Can you help me find a way to win him ?"


Kimi:"really ? Come on..."

I'm walking down the courtyard, I can't imagine a thousand times more that I'll have to fight an S+ rank so soon. I'm shaking even though I know I won't die. But you have to understand what it feels like to fight someone who is many times stronger than you, It no hope.

But never mind it's humiliating to accept that I lose at this time, if I try and lose, I will use the excuse that I and him are too different in strength, at least it can help me a bit.

Amaya:"Are you sure Kimi-san ? You can stop it now."

Kimi:"Don't worry I can learn something when i have some practice right ?"

Amaya:"All right ok."

As soon as he entered the battle he unleashed a terrifying power that made it difficult for my legs to move. I was too optimistic, did he give in to that old holy knight, this power completely overwhelms the strength that I can endure against that holy knight. Amaya: "late night Strike." I had a hard time moving but I couldn't-

Kimi:"Ught"- I only can narrowly dodged.

Up there people look at me like "that guy is crazy." and of course it's not surprising at all, who plays against rank S let alone S+.

Sumari:"Hey Gyosuki-sama, He really want to fight with Amaya-sama ?"

Gyosuki:"Not at all i think he doesn't know Amaya's power."

Sumari:"I think he will sleep a long time after this battle."


Sh*t ! I can't break Amaya's chain of attacks, it was so fast and continuous. My hands can't bear the cradle. Oh wait, activating <flesh manipulation> makes my arms and body strengthened!


Amaya: "Looks like you just strengthened?"

Kimi: "of course, how can I C endure from an S+ entity."

Amaya: "Use Armor Breaker!"

Wait ! it's kind of enhancement right?

<SYSTEM A+.>: Negation ! it's a type of cell that's lined with armor that strengthens the body's structure."

Kimi:"Uh... I think i can't understand

I have to dodge just fine, if I can't continue then I'll probably run out of mana and lose health and lose. I have stupid skills. Luckily at least there's a recovery from <flesh manipulator>.


Normal Skill:

-The Demon's Eye: Has the ability to sense the surrounding mana and other creatures except holy creatures.

-Traitor's Eye: See the hidden characteristics of allies and enemies.

Advanced Skills:

<Manipulating the Flesh>: Grants the ability to manipulate the Flesh to physical beings.

Unique Skill:

<System A+.>: make system A. the main system.

Wait what System A. do ?

<System A+.>: Control all system.

Oh... So i can-

Kimi:"UGHT !!!"

Amaya:"Sorry Kimi"

He just punch to my face but i feel like it have power like a shotgun to my face.

Amaya:"I think we can stop here."

Kimi:"wait ! i want try this."

Amaya:"Huh- "

haha ! If he slows down his blood circulation, it can reduce the supply of nutrients to his brain, will slow him down or better yet, knock him out. Kimi: "using <manipulation of flesh>!! reduce blood circulation or any part that plays a role like that to a minimum in order to sustain life!"

<System A+.>: Warning: Using this way will destabilize the mana source.

Kimi: "Oh.. then go as low as you can without affecting the danger."

<System A+.>:Accepted

Amaya:" One thing that manipulates our body is? looks like it has that powerful manipulation. I don't think it can penetrate <MAGIC DISABILITY> I can even disable Advanced Skill! but you still can't win so let's give up."

Kimi:"ugh come on."

Akina:"A skill can effect to him ?"

Gyosuki:"Yes, how can he learn that skill ?"

Sumari:"Or he learn that when he reborning ?"

Gyosuki"It's also possible but it to hard think a rank B can use a skill effect to him. But him only a rank C+."

Akina:"I think we need to pay attention to him."

Gyosuki:"You right. Sumari-san !"

Sumari:"What does the you want to ask of me, Gyosuki-sama ?"

Gyosuki:"Can you watch his evolution ?

Sumari:"Yes sir."-She gone to somewhere.

Akina:"I think you should be careful... like that. They are not trustworthy."

Gyosuki:"Don't worry I always have a way."

Akina:"You must be careful, Inari !

Gyosuki:"Haha of course, you just like the current demon king, isn't that the new demon king?"

Akina:"Shut up, Inari."