
The One Who Lies Between The Devil & The God

what if a guy have a sweet dream about new world but he wrong. When him see that "pretty world",he very disappointed and his journeys is started with the danger and hopeless when he want against all gods and demons.

NeihZeleno · Fantasy
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23 Chs

One For One.

Akina: "So what's your relationship with him? I'm pretty curious."

Sumari: "Well, I think it's both a colleague and a friend?"

Akina: "Friends?"

Sumari: "It's the kind of relationship where people get together for hobbies or personalities or lifestyles!"

Akina: "Sounds complicated, right?"

Sumari: "Yes Akina-Sama! sorry but can I ask a question?"

Akina: "Of course it is."

Sumari: "So you and Gyotsuki-sama are sisters or master-servants?"

Akina: "Me and her? A long time ago, she and I were born, although we have the same blood, she and I have two different surnames. Because I am the Demon King's Child, I have to turn them into a demon. Because of the Demon King's Spirit's choice, I became the "superior" of all common monsters."

Sumari: "Oh... I'm sorry."

Akina: "It's okay, but his actual combat ability should be at least rank B+, not rank C-."

Sumari: "I just know that he used to know swordsmanship and psychology."

Akina: "Are you using strange words, or am I too far away from society?"

Sumari: "No, that's what we psychologists call it."

Akina: "It sounds strange, but they seem to be fighting pretty fiercely, let take some tea and watch that battle."

God, maybe I should just run away but if I try again I'll die. Use enough combos and still deal little damage to her.

Gyosuki: "Looks like you've run out of moves? Do you want to cooperate with me?"

Kimi: "What do you want?"

Gyotsuki: "Just give me a hand."

Kimi: "Can you stop talking like buying time? It's long."

Gyosuki: "There you go! you will help me betray Akina and take their place with me." Kimi: "So I'll be the traitor to betray the side I switched to after betraying?"

Gyotsuki: "What? Ught let's just let it go okay?"

Kimi: "Not of course." Gyotsuki: "Huh? why?"

Kimi: "Just kidding, even a 3-year-old knows this is a trap" - There seems to be a sound of choking on water, it seems that if I become a semi-vampire, my ears will be better.

Gyotsuki: "how is it- I mean no plan?"

Kimi: "You're clearly not suited to be an actress."

In one place the tower above the castle.

Sumari: "Are you okay Akina-sama?

Akina: "He's smarter than I thought."

Sumari: "Here's your paper."

Akina: "Thank you, Sumari-san."

Gyosuki: "I'm so excited about you! Can we finish the match then?"

Kimi: "Do I have to win?"

Gyosuki: "You're confident, but unfortunately you don't have a door."

Kimi: "So the plan is for me to die or am I simply being targeted because of your excitement?

Gyosuki:"Did i said you will die ?"

Kimi:"Oh i forget !"

<SYSTEM A+.>:"Note: There are 2 allied entities:

-Akina Inari (Rank A+)

-Sumari Akira (Rank B-)

Being teleported by <Space Manipulation>"

Gyosuki:"Oh hi guy !"

Akina:"Hi Gyosuki-san"

Kimi:"So am I the only one who doesn't know this is a scam?"

Akina: "That's right."

Kimi: "Wow, that's very 'surprise'."

Gyosuki: "Hey, isn't my acting that bad?"

Kimi: "Yes, it's bad."

Sumari: "Hey, what are you doing? get out of here quickly."

Kimi: "What the hell?? what am I doing but you're not my mom either?"

Gyotsuki: "Wait a minute! Do you guys feel it?"


Who is it?

<SYSTEM A+.>: "Unknown Entity."

ah yeah forgot

Sumari:"Someone going here now !"

Akina: Aght.. Come on ! it's 'that guy'

Gyosuki:"Him ? Again ?"

Kimi:"Wait what ? who is that ?"

Akina:He is-

???: Zelfea Achivma.

That voice was a completely foreign voice. It was an absurdly tall man with white skin, his hair was quite similar to that of Sumari but the same silver color. But his eyes are a crimson color like blood. Just feeling it is enough to understand how great his power is. That aura was stronger than Amaya and of course completely overpowered me, maybe he is a noble monster like me ?

Kimi:"So who are you ?"

Zelfea:"I am a grand duke in north side of the demon continent."-Oh come on maybe i should become a prophet

Kimi:"Oh so what Amaya's noble rank ?"

Zelfea:"He is a earl, a noble aristocrat right? Can i ask you a question ?"

Kimi:"what think you wonder Zelfea-dono ?"- I think i need be careful with my language by the way he is a grand duke.

Zelfea:"So what race are you?"

Kimi: "Ah yes sir I am half vampire and half human."

Zelfea: "So what's your job?"

Amaya: "Zelfea-san he's an unofficial baron! when he gets used to his new identity he'll be a full-fledged baron."- wait why he here ?

<SYSTEM A+.>:"Because he just walk to here and he is a reliable ally."-And that make me scary.

Kimi:"Oh sorry Zelfea-dono my name is Kimi Machiko"

Zelfea:"Oh you from Japan right ?"

Kimi:"wait how you know ?

Zelfea:"I from England, but i think was come from is more correct."

Kimi:"Don't worry, I can understand your mean by the way."

Zelfea:"Haha you right.."

Amaya:"Everyone can go back now and Zelfea-san is that is one more Maxima Meeting right."

Zelfea:"Haha you are still as wise as ever Amaya-san."

From was meeting What is Maxima? <SYSTEM A+.>: Information: It was a meeting held by high ranking monsters at least earls and above. The location was a territory belonging to a certain monster noble. Much of it is about issues of sovereignty and how to deal with human behavior." Sounds like an ancient military alliance. However, what would the people of the town below think if the lord's castle naturally emitted a mass of aura? never mind, it's none of my business

Oh it looke like a summit conference