
The One Who Lies Between The Devil & The God

what if a guy have a sweet dream about new world but he wrong. When him see that "pretty world",he very disappointed and his journeys is started with the danger and hopeless when he want against all gods and demons.

NeihZeleno · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Hidden From The Eye

Maybe I should be more careful, my back feels like it's on strike. By the way, maybe I should visit this place? After all, this is "my home" after all.

Amaya:"Are you ok Kimi-san ?"

Kimi: "Ah, I'm better, and you don't even need to use honorifics."

Amaya:"Haha right Kimi."

Amaya: "I'm quite surprised that you can heal that arm in such a short time."

Kimi: "Haha thanks, I think I should learn a little about this world too."

Amaya: "Ah, I'll help you!"

Kimi: "really? Thank you!"

Amaya: "It's nothing! But I think it's not easy for someone new to this world to learn about the knowledge of this world!."

Kimi: "It's okay! anyway if I don't have a lot of power I should at least be able to distinguish the enemy."

We walked through a series of corridors that I think should be as big as Warwick Castle in Birmingham. Ah, remember the day when I was able to travel to England with Vietnam. But at this rate, if I can't even keep my life, there's no way I can return to my world.

Forgetting to talk about what we read and what Amaya-san taught me would probably take quite a while. But it can be summed up as classes (which can be understood as ranks), weapons, monsters, and holy knights.

First of all, about rank, it's sort of a classification for all types of monsters and humans. Rank includes 8 categories: F; E; D; C; B; A; S ; SS. Each rank is divided into addition, subtraction and the exact Rank depends on 3 main factors which are:

-Maximum amount of Mana

-The strength of skill and race.

- Finally, the value of existence(VE)

In general it's quite complicated but to make it easy to understand that rank X can only be defeated by the ranks above (X-1) + the rest both X-1 and (X-1) - then there will definitely be no chance. . All in all, it took me 3 hours just to be able to calculate my VE, it's not like it was processed by "system A." after all.

If I think about it, I'm pretty strong, but my Rank C- and Ve is 15457. I'll admit it's far behind these guys, but I've only been here for 5 days.

Weapons are mostly of 3 types: normal gas, magic weapon and sacred weapon. There are so many types of monsters that I can't even remember, maybe I should learn more about that later. As for the knights I fought yesterday were the "holy knights". They work under the control of the "Patriarchs", who consider monsters other than human to be garbage and carry out carnage. Maybe it's a bit extreme but seeing one holy knight is enough to make us struggle, not to mention the "Paladins" rank are all S and SS, it doesn't sound like there is any hope.

Amaya: "I think that's enough for you for today."

Kimi: "I don't want to assert but you're right."

Amaya: "Haha! but you haven't visited the entire castle yet?"

Amaya: "Do you want to go sightseeing, I'll help you."

Kimi: "Yes, thanks."

I still can't help but marvel at the group of vampires that were able to build an entire castle between a town of humans and demi-humans (I made up that term myself to refer to humanoid creatures.) . The town outside looks like some sort of countryside in pre-industrial times. It only had steam engines but they used magic as well so it was more like being in the industrial revolution.

This castle is up to 4 stories high, the walls are about 30 meters high, the rocks are half the size of my body, I was surprised at the comfort inside this castle, but I was even more surprised when I asked "where is the toilet?" And my weird answer is that vampires don't really need to go to the bathroom because they're like most mana creatures, they live by absorbing mana through flesh, so they need to vomit to get rid of it excess substances. But we're high level mana creatures so we absorb it directly, the kind of human kind that separates flesh from bones and we separate mana from flesh.

After that toilet, I'll be more careful about the physiology of vampires and other creatures. Anyway, this building isn't as big as I thought it would be, there's a large yard in the middle, but it's mainly for decoration because if we go out here, it will be weakened and no one will be able to practice fighting at the same time. Besides, instead of making it difficult for ourselves, we can practice at night, right?Overall, it's pretty good if you look at it optimistically.

Meanwhile, In a hidden corner of the castle...

Sumari:"Sir, the plan is still on the right track, the seeds are growing well.

???:"well, how long will it take to germinate?" Sumari: "it's just been watered with blood so it will be soon."

???:"well, the time will come when no one can stop me anymore, traitors will have to pay the price..."