
The One Who Lies Between The Devil & The God

what if a guy have a sweet dream about new world but he wrong. When him see that "pretty world",he very disappointed and his journeys is started with the danger and hopeless when he want against all gods and demons.

NeihZeleno · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Fist Blood

Sumari:"you still daredevil like before."


Anotilus:"Not so fast."

How the hell did he recover so quickly? Obviously, if you are dizzy in the first area, forget about it now, the theory is no longer correct. The sound of his sword slashing at mine made me think for a moment that it would break, but it didn't work, and now I can't even run.

wait can i use the claw move? Damn he pressed down on his sword, it pressed really hard... Come to think of it... Use your claws...

Someone:"CONFIRMED LEARNING SKILL: Blood Manipulation

Effect: creating and controlling blood supply NOTE: it is not compatible with any blood type but only small amounts should be fine.

Do you want learn that ?"

Kimi:"Yes of course !"

<Confirmation: LEARNED>

Anotilus:"who are you talking to ?"

Kimi:"I don't know too, but i can do this."

<Note:Out Mana>

I think i can do something. Damn if you tricked him like this, why is blood a liquid so it will definitely be able to slip through the gap in the armor, now my job is to press it in there and then.Wait ! I have a <Mana eater> right? What if I take advantage of that guy's attack and drain his mana?

Anotilus:"Aghhhh ? what are you doing !"

Kimi:"Teach this fool about concentration and take some mana."

A holy knight isn't that terrible, it only takes four vampires to kill him, he's like he's fighting while answering the phone, there are more than enough bugs to get seriously injured. Gyosuki and Akina is fight with that guy, i think i can rest now. Wait is it possible he is buying time? Damn it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be.. now that those guys come, there's only water in the grave again....

Anotilus:"Pick up your hand man."

Kimi:"huh agh what the f*ck? My arm?"

how did my hand scene.. It fell down? It's not FUN, But at least it's not as painful as that water.

Sumari:"are you ok Kimi ?!"

Akina:"I told you get out !"

Amaya:"Follow me."

F*CK it hurts, it hurts so much, it's not as shallow as the one that was gored by the other, and this old man is burning it, knowing it's slack for the reading room, but is it necessary? Fortunately, that guy was poked and drained of mana by me.

Anotilus:"I commend you for being able to hurt me but unfortunately this is not a battle you can win."

Amaya:"Kimi now."

Amaya-san is crazy? Push him to rush to do what? wait if I stab this sword with him at the same time, will I be able to pierce his chest?

Just stab it in... AGH looks like I broke my arm. But must try to stab... Almost there.. try a little more...


I was able to get through it but the force of the guy flying was too strong- It's not that easy to be sent flying ten meters away. The loss of this arm as well... my sister's injury was more painful than it was, so it was enough to restore her composure.

That voice:" Realization Process


Realization confirmation:

-Support system.

-battle system.

-Skill system.

- System analysis.

Note:realization can only happen once time

Benefits: Will increase the effectiveness of that system to increase the Skill depending on the choice.

Weakness: <empty>



-No. "

realize? sounds like some kind of quantum science, but there's no downside and it sounds like a self-praise.

Let's see if it's okay to choose to fight now or.. why not upgrade the damn system

<Confirm> Realization A . System



OK, I choose right here! what is the system A. it just seduce me? Okay confirm:Yes

Evolved Skills:

Blood Manipulation + Body Reconstruction --> Physical Life Manipulation.

Effect: can sport flesh and blood, turning corpses into puppets. Weaknesses: Doesn't work on lifeforms that don't have a physical body or a non-flesh body, Can't affect the blood and flesh of someone with a higher LV (Life Value)

Um Ok ?

Sumari:"You're fine too, you can fight the holy knight."

Amaya:"Yes If he doesn't distract us then maybe we need more time."

They are so fast, just finished killing this guy, there is the sound of footsteps of an army?

Gyosuki:"Hey guys, i think that time to go now."

Amaya:"you right they are here if we not hurry up we must fight with holy army."

It seems that my senses are upgraded, but no ordinary person can hear a human voice from 10 kilometers away.

That Voice:"Confirmed: There is a post-evolution of increased senses"

Kimi:"wait who are you ? why you inside my mind ?"

That Voice:"I'm A. system. After realization, every system will receive consciousness, but without a soul of its own, it is still a system."

Kimi:"So what the area she is in charge of is rust ?"

A. :"I control all systems, like the their boss."

Kimi:"Oh só why your voice is male ?"

A. :"A skill Doesn't have a sex i can be female or male."

Kimi:"can you use women voice ?"

A. :"Yes i can."-That talk with a younf women voice i think in 20-22 year old."

Kimi:"Ok thank you."

So today i just kill one person ? eh this feeling is so strange... Maybe it's due to the influence of morality? But it's still defensive after all.. Maybe there would have been a better direction if that guy hadn't been so foolish as to rush in, if he had been more thoughtful, perhaps the price wouldn't have been that expensive. him, his family, and me too....

Is it good to trust these people? Are they really helping me? A person chosen for good luck to replace a dead person? What was I thinking, it clearly sounded suspicious. Even a child could sense it, but a psychiatrist couldn't. But it's the best I can do anyway, so let's just follow them for now. If they have the intention to kill me, then the whole world will do the same. I'll make a bet.