
The One Who Lies Between The Devil & The God

what if a guy have a sweet dream about new world but he wrong. When him see that "pretty world",he very disappointed and his journeys is started with the danger and hopeless when he want against all gods and demons.

NeihZeleno · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Field Combat Experiment

We ran back as fast as we could, and by the time we got there, I was exhausted. We decided to go to a lawn in the Sleeping Forest, and practice hunting C and C+ level beasts but this rank is so confusing maybe I should read more books in the library.

Amaya:"you can use sword right Kimi-kun ?"

Kimi:"Yes but I think I can't get used to this new change."

Amaya:"Oh so you can ask someone to go with you to help you get to know each other."

Kimi:"i think... Hey Sumari-san !."

Sumari:"huh ?"

Kimi:"Can you help me hunt ?"

Sumari:"Oh ok !"

Amaya:"i feel you and her already know each other before yesterday."

Kimi:"yeah me and her were or are now colleagues since we were in the previous world."

Amaya:"Previous world ?"

Damn my mouth I should pay attention to my mouth next time. Will I be killed?

Kimi:"um... did i do something wrong ?"

Amaya:"yes,maybe we're the apostles of the "Ancient God" if we're not careful we'll be destroyed by the holy knights, but you've already turned into a part of the demon race so that's okay."

Kimi:"oh ok."

Amaya:"one more thing do not talk that to any one else."

Kimi:"Ok i won't talk to any one."

We still go to the forest as planned, but maybe I should keep this in mind. Otherwise I will die, wait or even Sumari-san will die. Damn this forest is as scary by day as it is by night it's all twisted tree trunks. It slowly swayed each dry leaf until just touching it was enough to make it crumble. Occasionally there was the sound of animals screaming in pain, at least not some damn skeleton using magic. But we used a horse-drawn carriage so we weren't too scared.

Kimi:"hey what about that boar ?"

Sumari:"it pretty good, you can try kill him and if you are dangerous i will help you."

I jumped out of the car and it was true that this superhero landing hurt my knees, maybe I should have put on leg guards. I seem to be a bit noisy, that pig saw me but why the f*ck it rushed here so fast. I pulled out my sword as fast as I could but...

Kimi:"Ugh !!!"

Sumari:"Kimi !?! are you ok ?"

Kimi:"no of course, you should try getting gored in the stomach by a pig"

Kimi:"Sh*t I'm also lucky to have a skill to recover."

Sumari:"I so I'll let you go on."

maybe I'm in awe, damn it really hurts I'll need to pay more attention. Come to think of it, Machiko used the longsword to be effective... Let's see how to use the time it comes in like this and then slashes down using the weight of the sword and then...

Agh hit it but it I also hit myself. It really hurts, if it were the person I would die. I need to practice more to be lucky but this wild boar doesn't have silver fangs or I'll die.

That table style again?


Realization Process: condition 2/3.

What kind of system notification is it from?

Sumari:"Haha one for one , right ? you learned the sword but you can't kill that boar easy."

Kimi:"Shut up Sumari-san !"

I was just sitting up when suddenly from the left hand a water javelin suddenly came down, it destroyed the tent Amaya-san had just set up, looking bitter and surprised that he knew he didn't know anything about this case.

Kimi:"what that ?"

Sumari:"I don't know."

From the smoke Amaya rushed out and shouted: "Those are the holy knights!". That guy also slowly stepped out, metal armor covered with crystallized metal. maybe it was Bismuth.

Holy Knight:"So this is a bunch of noble vampires ?"

Amaya:"who are you ?"

Holy Knight:"I am the Knight of the Rain Amodeus De Anotilus of the blue-color corps in the holy knight's payroll, the rank is sublieutenant. You can die now !

As soon as he said that, he used his foot to rush to his blade from the silver color like other swords to a light green color. Amaya also uses blood to form long pointed claws. But a set of nails, how can a sword hit with or without enhancement?

Anotilus:"You think you can win a sublieutenant ?"

And it's true that sword simply went through those claws. He only can dodge to the side.

Amayaa:"Only me is can't but what if that is two ?"

Fortunately Gyosuki came and used a crimson sword to slash across his stomach but he was wearing armor so it only made him lose his balance only. But enough for me to understand what happened.

Kimi:"Can i help them ?"

Sumari:"No if we com- Kimi what are you doing."

Sumari:"Hey ! you can't fight with him !"

Kimi:"Yeah I know !"

Of course a newbie like me wouldn't be able to go one-on-one with that paladin, but at least I could help distract them, Gyosuki had already been slashed back about ten meters.

Kimi:"So you a "Pladin" ?"

Anotilus:"No. You can't talk me like that powerless guys."-he said while laughing in a cheerful voice but annoyed me enough to want to rush in and beat the guy.

Kimi:"It bad like that."

Anotilus:"So you're going solo right?"

Kimi:"Yes but no,if i fight with you of course i can't win. I will never want die so my job just distract you."


I'm lucky I'm still alive after that but at least I can distract that person. Akina's here . She kicked him in the head but I think they probably need more mid-range weapons like claws.Now anyway...

Kimi:"Now it time for run ! Sumari-san."