
The One Who Lies Between The Devil & The God

what if a guy have a sweet dream about new world but he wrong. When him see that "pretty world",he very disappointed and his journeys is started with the danger and hopeless when he want against all gods and demons.

NeihZeleno · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Death Of Family

The sound of the door opening just sounded

"The Holy Order's army is coming!"- Gyosuki broke through the door and rushed in

Everyone immediately prepared for battle, maybe I should too. If you are not careful, you will also die. Looks like the holy army reached the town gate. It was also quite difficult to preserve the nobles, simply not everyone had high combat ability. Is it snowing? We've got the Strawberry Syrup shaved ice again.

Looks like the town down there is under attack! why, they were simply fooled! Are monkeys really knights?

Nore: Hey Kimi, I think you should get out of here.

Kimi: You're right. Even after awakening, I can only get B- rank.

Nore: Do you need someone to go with you?

Kimi: Probably yes.

Nore: Then go find Sumari and get out of here. In this holy war, even if you are the "Seed", you have not fully awakened. Need at least 3 more years. K

imi: It's been 3 years.

Nore: Then you'll get used to biological immortality.

Kimi: So bye!

The holy knights had already rode here, but that guy had multicolored armor, a total of 5 colors: crimson, blue, black, gold, and green. Maybe it's some kind of corps segregation? That army had a different guy. He has platinum armor with golden edges. Looks like he's the commander? That guy looks dangerous, if he's a commander, at least he has a VE that should be 700,000 - 900,000 rank S+.

Sumari: Hey, are you dumbfounded? Get ready to go.

Kimi: Oh yeah, forgot.

Kimi: Then how will we go?

Sumari: Horses of course !.

Kimi: Oh, I know how to ride a horse!

Sumari: Oh, I thought you knew!

Kimi: Know her head. You know, I just need to sit in the back.

Sumari: yeah let's go quickly-

A loud bang, you can tell how loud it is. That explosion is right near the castle. Maybe they're coming. But it from is..

Kimi: Is that a horse?

Kimi: Yeah, that's the most horse-like. Its name is a walker. If you want to live, come here.

That "horse" is a creature with four legs but um... it kind of has fish scales on it. The head looks like it is covered with a layer of hard bone. Luckily it doesn't have tentacles on its own, but if it had any other strange organs, I'd rather die. But why not use horses? Apparently those holy knights all have horses, right? but if there are such weaklings, they will soon become extinct here.

Sumari: Looks like a fight already?

Kimi: Yeah but if they find out and chase us, it will be very, very bad.

Sumari: But where are we going now?

Kimi: Well, what do you expect from a newcomer? You've been here 15 years, haven't you?

Sumari: Then pretend to be a human and join somewhere to live temporarily.

Kimi: Yeah you're right. Now then- UGHT !

Sumari: what that?!

A pillar of light rushed right next to me. It exploded like a bunch of TNT, maybe someone was attacking me.

Kimi: Someone just spotted us!

Sumari: We left before they arrived!

Hieu: Xin Chao!

Kimi: that pronounce. Reincarnator?

Hieu: Haha you're pretty good too! You're Japanese, right?

Kimi: Then why do you want to kill us ?

That armor? That commander again... Damn!

Sumari: So what do you want!

Hieu: Destroy You.

Kimi: Using <Manipulating Flesh> ! Sumari attack him from afar!

Sumari: Arrows of Light.-That have not super effective him

Hieu: Ho! this versatile magic. Muscle manipulation reduces mobility, blood flow is also slowed. You're pretty cool! But unfortunately... That's the price!

Sumari: Kimi ! energy shield!- The shield made of that energy pretty cool.

Kimi: Now what to do! Damned !! Why is that! What did I do to get killed by a stranger!

Sumari: Calm down Kimi! Be careful!

Hieu: Don't say that! Anyway, you guys are worthy of my name. I am Pham Minh Hieu, but Vietnamese is always difficult to pronounce, even for Vietnamese people. And what about you?

Kimi: Hieu? F*ck you!

Hieu: Haha that's not what I think of the Japanese. But never mind, you'll die anyway.

Kimi: AGHT!!

Damn kick...

Sumari: Kimi !

Hieu: So who was first? Or both at the same time-

Kimi: <Psychological manipulation!

Where is the push? A strange place. There is only white here, but there is a flow of something blue and white on the side of the name. but it seems to be continuing to grow, isn't it?

This place is really weird. Hey system ! what is this?

<System A+.>: This is a simulated space from the <psychological manipulation> skill

So what's in this place? Or is it simply on for fun?

<System A+.>: Upon entering this area both you and the target will faint. From here he was able to observe his past, which to a certain extent was able to do without falling into an unconscious state.

Some kind of mind control? But this is psychology, and I'm a psychologist. So that flow is the "mind stream"? huh what if i touch.. wow wait !?

Another space? a meadow, sounds familiar? who is that guy? wait ! This is the memory of that name, isn't it? So that guy is Hieu and this is probably when he first arrived.

Hieu: Where is this? but why am i here? I'm in the Truong Son mountain range but this not that place, right?

What are the enemies doing here? Truong Son? Enemy? Viet Cong? but if it was the Vietnam war like this, it would be around 1945, right? so he's been here for more than 84 years?! So he's not a human anymore, is he? The scene has changed again! Is this a town? It's that guy again but... with a girl?

Hieu: Hey Thien Vi,

Vi: huh ?

Hieu: will you marry me?

Vi: Huh.. uhm... i think... Yes !


Hmm the proposal scene? or else it has nothing to do with that guy being a reincarnated person? maybe someone from the same hometown and party. Once again aght ! Change the scene again. Wait... this doesn't look like some pretty scene... this forest, these twisted trees are the sleeping forest? That punch is that Hieu and his wife?

Hieu: Behold, Ama provoke that crazy wild boar.


Hieu: Ama?

Ama: Sorry..

Hieu: Huh?

Ama: Sorry I'm not human anymore... bye!

Vi: We're friends, aren't we, Ama?

Ama: Maybe but even if you don't kill me, there's an army that wants to kill me! Do you guys understand!

Hieu: Calm down, we still have a way!

Ama: No why do I have to be human? I will make the devil like this life and kill it.

Is that pig still noisy? DIE !

Wait for another vampire? He's not too strong, is he? But maybe they're.. no...

Hieu: VI be careful behind your back!!

Vi: AGHT!!!

There's not a single vampire there but.. a large group... maybe he's not really evil, but just because life is crushing himself, he's going to ruin the lives of unfortunate people. Isn't it bad to be a monster?