
The One Who Lies Between The Devil & The God

what if a guy have a sweet dream about new world but he wrong. When him see that "pretty world",he very disappointed and his journeys is started with the danger and hopeless when he want against all gods and demons.

NeihZeleno · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The Fist Crusade

?: The number of troops is quite complete, isn't it?

??: Yes sir, soldiers from churches and army camps and in non-essential areas have been sent here!"

?: how much total?

??: 15,000 elite soldiers enough to fight!

?:Very good will you join the war, Hieu?

Hieu : Yes I will join, it was that Zelfea who killed my son.

?: You shouldn't try too hard, Hieu. They are all extremely dangerous entities including the one who betrayed us. I'm afraid this level is just enough to make them feel threatened.

Hieu: Yes sir, I will take note! but even if I don't kill a single high-ranking noble, I can still clear the sleeping forest and the castle they're in.

?: Then you should leave soon. They know it's will be bad.

Hieu: Yes sir !

In the citadel 30km to the north.

Kimi: Where is this ugh?

Nore: Aren't you good at remembering events?

Kimi: haha... but I'm too tired to be disciplined.

Nore: It's okay I didn't notice this time.

Kimi: So what are you here for?

Nore: Why do you need a reason to visit someone?

Kimi: Of course.

Nore: That's bullshit, but I'm here to announce it.

Kimi: Looks like I'm starting to think I'm afraid of your announcements.

Nore: It's okay this time it's just that you're a grand duke now.

Kimi: I seem to have resisted being surprised

Nore: You're the one chosen by fate

Kimi: Sounds cheesy

Nore: Done! goodbye Kimi: Yeah goodbye!

Nore: Oh, and I forgot this one. Kimi: I wonder how you can be a demon queen with this memory!

Nore: Tomorrow there will be a group of dukes there, and their servants too.

Kimi: Well, what does that have to do with me?

Nore: Yes, you're the focus.

Kimi: Knowing that, I refused.

Nore: If you can Haha.. !

Well, things have never been fine since meeting her. Which inventory again after evolution already. Hey, system A or A+ something like that! What are the skills I have after evolution?

<System A+.>: Skills

Manipulating the flesh

System A+

demon eyes

Traitor's eye

Psychological manipulation

Auto Mana Recovery

Auto HP Recovery

Mind Acceleration

Poison Resistance

Holy Damage Reduction

The S⳻᷼D

Most of it is easy to understand, but it seems that I am completely not human anymore? Totally a vampire? Hey, where's the mana eater?

<System A+.>: The species trait already has it, so the mana eater skill has been ruled out

So what am I ? Anyway, the more important issue is how are those dukes, will they cause trouble, don't forget that I'm the grand duke now? If things continue to go well like this, in a few months, I will be able to safely drive again. Although it's a bit fanciful, if I can defeat that god, will I be able to return to the old world? but now do not do anything. I'm not a person there, maybe this is really my house? never mind go to sleep...

"Hey ! get up Kimi-kun !"-That voice ? that "kun" ? wait ! how ?

Kimi: Gyosuki ?! how can you come here ?

Gyosuki: Uh but I've lived here since a dozen years ago?

Kimi: Yeah, that makes sense. So what are you going to do?

Gyosuki: ah to remind you-

Kimi: Today a delegation of dukes came.

Gyosuki: That's cool, but you definitely don't know what you are now-

Kimi: Grand Duke.

Gyosuki: How?

Kimi: Nore told me yesterday

Gyosuki: Wow, you don't need any honorifics now. In general, get ready to go, I'm here, goodbye Kimi-kun.

Man, I'm still really tired, but I'm still the one whose VE increased by almost 7 times. Obviously, even a novice knows that the body can't get used to such great power overnight. All in all, just put on that damn suit and go. | Oh man ! it seems winter in this world has come and it's not too cold but enough to have a little snowfall.

The duke's convoy was quite crowded outside, so it's true that in this place, who would organize such a large event. Whatever it is, I don't care. The people in town don't seem happy anymore, but they're scared. Maybe it's because there are so many monsters that use mana that the aura resonates with each other to the point that they can feel it. If they were exposed to being filled with magic, then perhaps they were simply slaughtered. stop.

Sumari: You still look like shit, don't you?

Kimi: What a perfect question from a friend.

Sumari: haha ​​I thought you were the grand duke, still can't beat me.

Kimi: Hey shut up, I only give up that.

Sumari: Yes, of course

. Kimi: Are you mocking me?

Sumari: I'm sure I don't know either.

Kimi: what?!

Sumari: haha ​​chicken! please go see Nore-sama, I'm busy.

Kimi: It's karma because you keep mocking me.

Sumari: You just got hit by karma.

Kimi: yeah yeah.

Thank god, every time I fold Nore, I know it's going to be confusing. Oh, and a couple of dukes, too. I went up to that conference room again, but this time I wasn't alone on the chains. This time there were a few more dukes that also didn't have the flying type skill. The room is still the same but there are chairs. As for Nore, she's still confused but at least it's because there are so many people, she seems more serious.

Nore: Has everyone settled down? I am here today to introduce to you my newly chosen Grand Duke, he is Inari Machiko.

Kimi: Hello every duke here

I can heard someone voices they talked about me. It's not surprising,if someone has come here from no where and have more respect than them everyone will be angry.

Nore: Everyone, SHUT UP !- Her voice now have no more joking,that is a threats. Nore: Do you guys doubt me? What a demon lord, just one sentence is enough for everyone to shut up. That's fine, but she's a demon lord. Wow, isn't it a bit unrealistic to think that Akina can do that one day? Never mind, let's just play the role of "The one who deserves it". Nore: Then we'll continue God, she changed her voice so fast!

Nore: So who else-

There was an explosion?! It must be from the town side.

<System A+.>: Warning: There is a hostile army approaching, totaling above rank B, totaling 13,000 troops.

Damn, even after evolving I'm rank B- how can the people down there stand it

Someone: Sir Nore what is that!

Nore: Holy Knights, everyone prepare to fight!

What the hell ? A big war? I just rank B- how can i join this war, no it like more a crusade !