
The One Who Lies Between The Devil & The God

what if a guy have a sweet dream about new world but he wrong. When him see that "pretty world",he very disappointed and his journeys is started with the danger and hopeless when he want against all gods and demons.

NeihZeleno · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Death Of A Friend

"You've seen it, haven't you?" A voice I didn't want to hear at all.

Hieu: You used that damn skill to make me remember that past...

Kimi: Listen! Even if you keep taking revenge on us, you can't bring her back right! Be calm.

Hieu: Shut up! Do you understand that feeling? Do you know what despair is? You do not understand! i once participated in the war and lost my family.. when i come here again i have the joy of happiness. But then I lost everything again!

Kimi: Then what good is it to make others miserable like you!

Hieu: That's right! but you won't be. Activate <Mind Magic Resistance>

Sumari: Kimi !

Kimi: Aght, how can you resist but accept it!

Hieu: It's okay to see the person I love again.

Kimi: Then what are you trying to do?

Hieu: Haiz.. maybe you're right too. But my last hope is that guy. And now I'm sorry!

Sumari: Hught!!

Kimi: Sumari!! are you ok!

Hieu: Sorry. That attack is mana-corrosive so I'm afraid he can't do anything about it.

Kimi: Sumari ! are you ok! Why !

Hieu: I'm sorry but I'm afraid there's nothing you can do

! Kimi: Aght!!

Is that all I can do? just because I'm too weak... Just because of me... an entire town died because of a meeting about me... just because I was weak, Sumari had to die... If I died in the first place, would it be possible Which... will she be alive? Sumari: Kimi... Run.... Hieu: Hu is still alive? Sorry, goodbye!

Kimi: NO!! Huh..

if I keep trying, I'll get nothing... If I keep trying, more people will die... if.. if... if I give up...

<System A+>: Warning: If it continues to be unresponsive, there will be....

Shut up a bit... Even if I did, I wouldn't be able to do anything!

Please... Give me a little strength... to help me... to save me... to give me a little more hope. In less than a month I lost everything I had. Friend ? pass away. The little human left? pass away. If I have enough strength then please I will help everyone...

Hieu: Have you lost anything left from the old world? If you had enough strength, it might have been different. but sorry!

ha.. a sword... a silver sword is piercing me. If I die, where will I go? Disappear, feel the void, or is this moment simply stretched to infinity? never mind.. It hurt more than I thought. It felt like my flesh was on fire.

༒₲Ⱡ₳Đł₳₮ØⱤ༒: Evolve skill The S⳻᷼D => The ԩᴼⱤe.

Huh !? what that ?

<System A+.>: Use skill the Hope ? Yes or No

I have no any choice. So yes !

Hiếu: huh ?!

He knelt down on the ground. Falling down right after that, from his back there was a tremendous force piercing through his body. From the 2 lacerations on his body, the blood entangled gradually forming a pair of wings.

Hieu: Wait! Is this... the power of "seeds"?! Not unreasonable! Even so, it would only be possible to get to rank S-.

Kimi slowly stood up. His body relaxed, the Hieu kept attacking him, but sometimes the blood simply covered him.

Hieu: Nonsense! no way.. That power. Stronger than I thought about the demon lord!

Kimi's eyes are now bright red, and the eyeballs are black as a void. Hieu: Use the Molecular Destruction Skill!

Kimi: Destroy... Destroy..

With just one blow from Hieu's wing, he flew ten meters away, knocking down two giant tree trunks. The armor is now cracked.

Hieu: Impossible..

Kimi: Goodbye.

He frantically used sharp feathers made from blood to slash continuously at Hieu's body. The armor gradually crumbled, flesh and blood flew out. That guy's gaze wasn't completely filled with surprise anymore.

Hieu: maybe you were right...

That guy took out a photo from his shirt. On it was him and that girl named Vi.

Hieu: At least don't genocide anyone..

Kimi: Okay.

Only a single slash. The man's head immediately rolled on the ground. From his body flowed a stream of blood forming the words: :"I will be away from here for a few years, Goodbye and sorry". Just like that, the figure of a young man who was wounded in the wound was dragging slowly disappearing into the forest. The jihad at the castle lasted for 3 more days. After losing the commander, the remnants of the army were gradually annihilated.