
The One Who Lies Between The Devil & The God

what if a guy have a sweet dream about new world but he wrong. When him see that "pretty world",he very disappointed and his journeys is started with the danger and hopeless when he want against all gods and demons.

NeihZeleno · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Nightmare In The Sleeping Forest

In the sleeping forest, there is a group of young people. The armors are all pretty cheap. Looks like they just started being adventurers. That group doesn't seem to know about what happened 3 years ago. The group has 4 people. A rather muscular red-haired young man with a large shield on his back. Behind him is a girl with blue hair and pointed ears, seems to be an elf? Next to her was a guy with dark hair and scars on his body. Next to her was another girl, but there was something strange about this girl. A girl without a cape, sharp eyes examining every side of the forest.

Black Haired Boy: Hey Atva ! Is it okay to go through this forest?

Elf girl: It's fine believe me. After the crusade, there was nothing left of this place!

Muscle Boy : But what if the demon nobles gathered?

Atva: No one would go to a secret meeting in a leaked case, right, Masiev

Masiev: Haiz okay, I agree with her.

Black-haired boy: Looks like they're the only ones who think it's okay to pass through here, Schisimo?

Schisimo: Haha is my friend, thinking exactly the same as me!

Black-haired guy: I told you! Only boys can bring happiness to each other! Haha !

Masiev: You guys just shut up and watch the way. especially you, Kevin.

Kevin: Haha okay, I'm still paying attention.

They keep going forward. Always go to the evening. Even though all the high-class monsters or dangerous creatures had already been annihilated, the household was still careful to have a person standing outside watching in turn. Just like that, after a day of walking through the forest, they had a little rest. When the sun just appeared behind the mountains in the eastern part of the continent.

The country they stand in now is also dead, now the new king is simply a puppet of the Holy Order church. They were still moving slowly towards the other side of the forest. It took them up to a year just to clean up all the monsters inside after the fierce battle at their castle Inari.

Masiev: Careful I hear footsteps!

Atva: use <Magic Eye of Observation> ! To the west, a girl in armor. I can only see that.

Schisimo: If it's a humanoid monster, I'm afraid things won't go well.

Kevin: No it's a human. There isn't a single monster that uses armor.

They took a fighting stance, ready to attack that person.

??:please help me...

It's a female voice. The voice is quite mature. She has a red armor with gold trim. There was a slash on that armor that cracked the armor.


??: I am Fura Muwan of the Crimson Legion, of the Holy Knight's army.

Masiev: A holy knight?

Fura: Yes that's right, we were marching towards the central church when we were attacked by "Nightmare of the Forest". That guy ambushed and killed my friends.

Atva: How many people does your crew have that he alone can destroy?

Fura: The size of a platoon.

Atva: I'm afraid we can't defeat that guy. But at least we can save you.

Fura: Ah thank you guys. They have one more person to join the journey.

It seems they will go up to the nearest church to ask for help from the church and destroy the "evil butt of the forest". They went again but when the sky was just turning sunset, It started to rain, because they didn't want to lose their strength any faster just for an extra hour or two. It's already starting to get colder. They were still sleeping, resting, joking with each other carefree. Only the paladins understood how dangerous the problem they were facing was.

The sun is shining once more, the owls are slowly falling asleep. Once again the Light awakened the forest. Last night a few wild boars attacked but that wasn't a problem for the C rank adventurers and a B rank holy knight. They packed up their things and prepared to go again. They're happily walking away, but they don't know what they're about to run into.

Atva: Stop! someone is coming!

Masiev: Did I hear anything? Looks like this is someone with mid-range strength!

Fura: It could be the "Nightmare of the Forest", be careful!

Out in front of them came a figure. A person who just seems shrouded in mystery. Just looking at it was suspicious, from under that tattered old robe was a red and yellow noble outfit. His eyes have two colors, one is an eye like a predator. The other eye is yellow with wavy black stripes in the iris. ?

?:Oh another group of people?

Kevin: Who are you!

??: me? The name you guys give me is "nightmare of the forest" but I prefer to be called Inari Machiko or Kimi Machiko.

Fura: nightmare... nightmare of... forest's dream...

Kimi: Yeah that's right, but she looks familiar. Looks like a traitor right?

Sichisimo: Betrayal?

Kimi: She simply used her teammates as bait to help her escape.

Fura: No, they wanted me to run.