
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 28

"Someone else's pain?" - He couldn't even imagine what Noah was experiencing right now, so he decided to transgress to Hogwarts at all costs and take him to the hospital wing. When he picked him up in his arms, Noah opened his eyes and pushed away from him while falling to the ground.

"What are you doing?! You need help! I'm going to take you to Hogwarts now," Sebastian tried to grab him again.

"No one should know about this, anywhere but there," Noah pushed him on the shoulder, but then his eyes rolled back, and he passed out again.

"Are you kidding me?! I found time to be mischievous," but after stopping for a moment, Sebastian realized that he really hadn't thought through the whole plan. If he brings Noah unconscious to Hogwarts with red eyes, who talks nonsense like a madman and constantly faints at the same time, what will they say to him? - Merlin's beard, why is everything so difficult with you! - Sebastian's patience was running out. He carried Noah on his back to Hogsmeade.

After the school year ended, there were unusually few people in Hogsmeade. Sirona sat at the bar and enjoyed the rare silence that comes during the holidays. Next to her were the letters that Noah had somehow helped her return. Memories from her childhood warmed her heart. As soon as she put the letter in the box, the door opened, and Sebastian stood behind her with Noah on his back. Sirona frowned; this was their second visit in such a state.

"Again? What is Mr. Sellow up to this time? - She came out from behind the counter and examined the guys. - Thank Merlin, at least he's not wet this time," Sirona ran her palm over Noah's face. Judging by his appearance, he was just sleeping.

"And good health to you, Sirona. Can I take advantage of your hospitality and ask for some Floo powder?" Sebastian's face showed that he was terribly nervous, but he was trying to pretend that everything was fine.

"Come to the fireplace, I'll bring it now," Sirona gathered some food and butterbeer. - Here, eat later," she held out a bag of food and a vial of Floo powder.

"Noah and I will definitely settle accounts with you later. Thank you!" Sebastian transported them to his house in Feldcroft. On the move, he placed Noah on a bed in the hallway. Then, after a moment of thought, he picked him up again and laid him on the bed where Anna was sleeping. After catching his breath a little, Sebastian took off Noah's shoes and jacket. He covered him with a blanket and sat down on the floor, holding his hand. The scent of forget-me-nots coming from Anna's bed brought back memories of last year when he had also sat by her bed, not knowing what to do with her curse.

Noah's hands were a little rough. Sebastian couldn't resist and intertwined their fingers, feeling the warmth of his hands. He rested his head on the edge of the bed, smelling the citrus oil emanating from the sleeves of Noah's shirt. In the end, observing him for a long time overwhelmed him, and he fell asleep. He woke up only in the evening.

Noah was still unconscious, as if something had changed in him, but Sebastian did not understand what exactly. Remembering that all their things were left at school and they had to be picked up, he quickly wrote a letter. Sebastian left it on the nightstand next to the bed, in case Noah woke up while he was gone. He transgressed to Hogwarts. The remaining students were heading to the Great Hall for dinner. Sebastian went towards the entrance of the Hufflepuff common room, where he was stopped by the head of the house, a tall, red-haired seventh-year girl. She questioned him about Noah not saying hello, so he asked Sebastian to bring his things.

"Bring me Professor Weasley's written consent, then I'll be happy to help," she gave him a skeptical look from head to toe.

"I'm running at full speed," Sebastian turned around and slapped himself on the forehead. How did he not think about it himself? If Noah had been in the same house with him, there would have been no problems. Even while unconscious, Noah managed to create problems for him.