
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 27

Noah looked up at the sky. It was daylight, but he was confused as the sun seemed to be below the horizon.

"Brother! Look, I think I'm doing it! - Noah heard a child's voice. When he tried to turn his head, he couldn't, and he realized that he was experiencing someone else's memories, observing as an outsider.

When the owner of the body finally looked away, Noah saw a boy about ten years old with red curly hair and a freckled face.

"I told you not to run into the forest; it's dangerous there, - the voice did not belong to him, but he seemed to be experiencing the memories of a boy named Colin. Colin had a dream of attending Hogwarts, but he feared he might be a squib.

Then, he was transported to the future. It was the end of summer. Roy, the boy whose memories he was experiencing, hugged Colin, his younger brother.

"I don't have magic! Dad said I'm worthless like Mom!" Colin cried nonstop. The heart bled for the little child, as his father's words were too cruel.

Roy was filled with anger at his father's cruel words. He had already experienced the pain of being rejected for his magical abilities.

"How could you say such things to him?! And what does our mother have to do with it?!" - Roy's emotions were overwhelming.

"The puppy! You don't dare talk to me like that!" - His father punched him in the face, and the sound of broken glass was heard.

"Dad, please don't! He's in pain!" - Colin cried out again.

Now, Roy was standing in his school uniform in his room, packing his things. Noah noticed the embroidered Ravenclaw coat of arms on his mantle.

"Are you leaving already?" - Colin stood behind the half-open door, his eyes tear-stained. Roy didn't want to leave him alone with their father.

"I promise, when I come for Christmas, I will bring you a chocolate frog and marmalade pots! You love them, don't you?" - Roy knelt down and opened his arms for a hug. Colin ran up to him, and they embraced.

Then, the memory shifted again. It was already winter, and Roy received a letter with devastating news.

"It is with great regret that we inform you of the death of your brother." - The immense sorrow from this loss engulfed him.

Noah opened his eyes, back in the present. Someone was holding his hand tightly.

"Sebastian?" - Noah's sense of loss did not leave him, and he began to cry as if he had lost his brother.

"You're awake! Does something hurt?" - Sebastian was glad that he woke up.

"It's not me, it's not my pain, someone else's. It was a mistake; I was wrong," - Noah couldn't calm down.

"Pain? Wait, don't tell me you absorbed that sealed magic," - everything became clear to Sebastian now. Red eyes, a sudden surge of power, and the current condition.

"Please, let it stop," - Noah begged, reaching out to Sebastian, but darkness enveloped his consciousness again.

In another memory, Noah found himself riding in a carriage. He was overwhelmed with memories that seemed to belong to someone else.

"Madam, I'm sorry, the road is no good, we'll have to go around," the coachman said through the small window. He was completely devoted to her husband, Andrew. Noah could feel the anxiety and fear in his heart.

"But we're almost there, don't turn off! We must go further," - the voice dropped down, belonging to Catherine, a woman from a rich family who was wearing a beautiful fluffy dress with lace.

Noah had a premonition of trouble as the coachman got down and examined the carriage. It was a setup; Wilfred wouldn't take her home from the dinner party. Catherine pulled out a wand from her purse, the handle of which was decorated with precious stones. She used the patrificus totalus spell to repel the attack on herself, and she was crying not out of fear, but from a sense of betrayal. She couldn't believe Andrew would give such an order to Wilfred. As she struggled through the forest, tears flowed from her eyes.

Finally, she arrived at a large mansion. Through the window, she saw her husband with his best friend Helen. Tears flowed from her eyes, and she slid down the wall in heartbreak and anger. They had been having an affair behind her back all this time, and the feeling of betrayal squeezed her heart like a tight knot.

The scene shifted again, back to the present, where Catherine and Andrew were sitting at the table having breakfast. Andrew had been acting like he was in love with her again lately, but Catherine's heart was already broken.

"I heard in the Muggle world people take a remedy to look beautiful," - Catherine looked at her husband.

"What is it? If you want, I can get it for you," - Andrew replied, trying to sound attentive.

"There's no need, because no matter how hard I try, my beauty will never compare with Helen's beauty," - Catherine said, feeling hurt and betrayed.

Later, Noah was transported back to the present, where he found himself crying. Sebastian was holding his hand tightly, offering comfort.

"Sebastian?" - Noah's voice was filled with sadness.

"You're awake! Does something hurt?" - Sebastian asked, concerned.

"It's not me, it's not my pain, someone else's. It was a mistake; I was wrong," - Noah struggled to explain.

"Pain? Wait, don't tell me you absorbed that sealed magic," - Sebastian realized what might have happened.

"Please, let it stop," - Noah begged, reaching out to Sebastian, but darkness overcame him again.

Night. Here he is riding in a carriage. Another memory? They plunge into him with unimaginable zeal, capturing his mind, and turning his soul inside out.

"Madam, I'm sorry, the road is no good, we'll have to go around," the coachman said through the small window. He was completely devoted to her husband Andrew. My heart was filled with anxiety and fear.

"But we're almost there, don't turn off! We're going further," the gaze dropped down. She's wearing a beautiful fluffy dress with lace. She comes from a rich family, her name is Catherine.

"I can't, we'll definitely get bogged down," the coachman went down and, judging by the steps, examined the carriage. It was a setup. Wilfred wouldn't drive her home from a dinner party. Noah had a premonition of trouble; his heart was fluttering like a bird in a cage. Catherine pulled out a wand from her purse, the handle of which was decorated with precious stones. When the door to the carriage opened, she used the patrificus totalus. It seems she just repelled the attack on herself. She was crying, not from fear, but from a sense of betrayal. She couldn't believe Andrew would give such an order to Wilfred. Tree branches scratched her delicate skin, satin shoes got stuck in the mud, bushes tore the hem of her dress. Finally, a large mansion appeared in front of her, the light was burning only in the great hall from the inside. Steadying her breathing, she cautiously approached the window and saw her husband with his best friend Helen. Tears flowed from her eyes, she slid down the wall and squatted down. They had been having an affair behind her back all this time. The feeling of betrayal was like a tight knot squeezing her neck until it turned into pure rage.

Back to the future. Catherine and Andrew are sitting at the table having breakfast. He's been acting like he's fallen in love with her all over again lately. But Catherine's heart was already broken.

"I heard in the Muggle world people take one remedy to look beautiful," Catherine looked at her husband.

"What is it? If you want, I can get it for you," Andrew smiled at her and drank his tea.

"There is no need, because no matter how hard I try, my beauty will never compare with Helen's beauty." She got up from the table and went to the window. This morning she ordered the servants to leave the manor, and the house elves did not leave the kitchen after serving breakfast.

"Catherine, what does she have to do with it?" Andrew suddenly clutched his stomach, he began to feel sick.

"By the way, this remedy is called arsenic. Muggles really do anything for the sake of beauty. And I've kindly mixed the lion's share into your breakfast today, my dear HUSBAND," her revenge triumphed at the sight of Andrew writhing in convulsions. But revenge did not bring the long-awaited calm, only emptiness.