
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · Video Games
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53 Chs

Part 25

When Noah came to the great hall for breakfast, Garrett ran up to him.

"Noah! Why is everyone congratulating me on supposedly dating you?!" - He was almost crying from what was happening.

"I do not know, probably yesterday the girls made up a lot of rumors for themselves," Noah laughed with him.

"But we were just fooling around, please tell everyone that it was a joke! - Garrett hung on to him.

"Well, well, they'll laugh and forget, there's no need to make a drama out of it," - Noah patted him on the back. When he looked around, his gaze caught Sebastian, who was not taking his eyes off him. Noah smiled and waved at him, but Sebastian just turned away.

"What's the matter with him?" - Noah wondered. He wanted to talk to Sebastian after breakfast, but he didn't have the time. Both Ominis and Sebastian quickly left the hall, seemingly deep in conversation. It appeared to be something serious, judging by their sullen faces. Noah thought that maybe he could catch up with them and inquire, but then he remembered their promise to stick together and help each other. If they didn't approach him, then it probably didn't concern him.

Back in the common room, Noah still hadn't figured out a way to stay at school during the summer.

"Can I just stay in the cartography hall? I could move around the school with an invisibility spell," Noah lay on his bed, contemplating his options.

Arthur came into the room and began packing his suitcases.

"Are you leaving already? - Noah got up from the bed.

"Yes, the train will arrive soon, and I want to get out in advance to take a good seat," Arthur looked around to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything.

"Let me walk you out? - Noah put on his jacket, and together they headed for the exit. Poppy joined them on the way. The journey didn't take much time, and they talked about the upcoming holidays. When they arrived at Hogsmeade Station, there were a lot of people around. Noah managed to say goodbye to Natty, but Ominis was nowhere to be seen.

"Green color, white crown, red glow," Noah mumbled to himself, looking for Slytherin students with his eyes.

When the crowd thinned out a little, he finally spotted Ominis standing next to Sebastian. Apparently, they had just arrived.

"Ominis, Sebastian! - Noah ran up to them.

"I thought you weren't coming," Ominis opened his arms for a hug.

"That would be an "unforgivable" act on my part," Noah laughed at his pun and hugged his friend.

"Accompany Sebastian tomorrow, preferably to the house, because I'm very worried that he might get lost," Ominis said with a smile.

"Ominis! - Sebastian pushed the suitcase into his hands and walked away without even looking at Noah.

"By the way, congratulations. You've heard with Garrett now," Ominis frowned strangely.

"It's not true; it's just that the girls apparently started this rumor after I gave them a little performance with Garrett yesterday," Noah clarified.

"Really? Then it turned out to be a stupid joke. You probably broke a lot of hearts," Ominis sighed.

"Do you feel so sorry for those girls?" Noah didn't understand where such nobility came from in him.

"Not in that sense, just," he paused. - Just don't do that anymore," Ominis said, and after saying goodbye for another minute, he boarded the train. Noah followed him with his eyes and then went towards Hogsmeade. He needed to buy a new broom.

"Can I go to Sirona again? - When Noah left the station, he saw Sebastian ahead. Should he catch up with him? Sebastian didn't seem to be in the best mood. As he was contemplating this, Sebastian looked around and stopped when he noticed Noah. Realizing that he had no choice, Noah wanted to run up to him, but deciding to tease Sebastian a little, he slowed down so much that you could say he had been hit with the Arresto Momentum spell.

"Come on?! - Sebastian shouted at him but remained standing in place.

"It seems I've been bewitched; I can't go any faster," Noah laughed, teasing him. Sebastian turned around and looked him up and down.

"There are no charms on you, you can be calm," Sebastian said, the sarcasm fading. "So you're not together?" he asked, now sounding genuinely curious.

"No, of course not. It's funny that everyone is asking me about it," Noah laughed.

Finally, Sebastian's frowning face disappeared, and interest took its place.

"So, you're not dating Garrett?" Sebastian seemed to cheer up.

"I didn't think you disliked Garrett that much," Noah was surprised. "Would you like to come to Hogsmeade with me? I want to look for a new broom," Noah wanted to feel the sense of freedom during the flight as soon as possible.